I have had numerous ideas for this game since i started playing it but a week ago. I hope some of them are of use.
*iron man guantlet: you already have this great graphic where the robots shoot the laser out of their eyes. why not make a guantlet(kinda like iron man's) that shoots a laser using the same graphic. the graphical design is already done so it would be cheap and a really cool weapon. I was thinking a beam that inflicts shock. Even if it did no damage, just the status effect it would be a cool backup weapon that you would use to start fights. or make it require a charge to fire.
*Flamethrower: once again, you already have the graphic. I think i speak for everyone when i say we would like flamethrowers. Make them really hard to craft. I suggest not making them do damage, only the fire effect so that people don't sit there spamming it. the graphic would get annoying. like the iron man guantlet, this should be a fight starter IMO. and also i think this should require a charge as well.
*Crossbows?: high chance of status effect single shot guns?(monkeyman-suggested making the bolt pierce through enemies.)
*Grenades?: might ruin bombs, but hey. they could have a cool down and go in the trinket slot or something. or like you get 1 a level as a trinket. unlike vials they would actually be lobbed a specific distance away from the knight-which is the same difference every time-instead of stopping on impact with enemies. This would allow it to hit more mobs and be more cleanly placed in the middle of a group of enemies instead of only getting the front guy.
*needle gun: how about a gun that fires alot of small lasers that do very little damage in a constant stream. like a bracer that goes around the forearm and has like 9 small barrels that shoot out a constant stream of streaking blue laser beams. It seems like it would be a very fun weapon to use.
*a trinket that makes you start every level with a minimum of 1 health potion, but doesn't give you one if you already have one.
*Sprint trinket-makes you run fast for 20 seconds, with a cooldown of 2-3 minutes or something.
*weapon trinket-a one use per level trinket- like the grenade idea above or some other assorted weaponry
how about some quests at the bottom of tier 3 that are solo arena challenges. however you run them i would like to have the ability to aquire permanent weapon/trinket slots(at least 1 of each) so i don't have to continually be buying the damn upgrades with energy. Also i feel some quests would add a little more variety to the dungeon crawling.
I think the way the clockworks rotate is awesome however it would be cool if you had some levels that had multiple elevators-some locked?- that would give you options as to what floor you went to next. I know the levels rotate and you can wait but sometimes the level you want is 3 rotations away. Or instead of options between already existing floors you could have hidden levels that you have to say, beat a challenge to reach or find a hidden key.
*Stat Screen: can we get a better one of these? it doesn't seem like mine combines defenses from my shield and armor when i mouse over the helmet icon. I would like to see the total gained defense on a bar that shows the true cap the game puts on the stat. We could also use such stat bars for things like weapon speed and charge time. It is hard to gauge when we are capped and when we aren't so it would be nice to be able to see-oh hey i'm already at my weapon speed cap i don't need to buy UV armor that has more speed or w/e. Same goes for stat resistances and varied types of damage defense.
*WASD: can we have keyboard buttons that move you change your facing. i ask for this because some people(me) are lazy and want to play with one hand. Mouse is pretty much required atm without messing with the facing buttons which just seems too complicated. Another way to play with one hand would be to use the extra buttons on my mouse for shield-however the game doesn't seem to recognize the side buttons on my mouse. whether that's my computer or the game i do not know.
*crystals: please make a faster way to deposit crystal stacks into the tower thingies. manipulating the tower takes too long so i just click auto sell so i don't have to slowly click individual stacks over.
*mail: mail costs 25 crowns right, which is good because it prevents spammers. but then your crowns just fall into the void. why not put a button at the bottom of all received mail that players can use to return the 25 crowns to the sender if the email wasn't spam? this might just not be worth programming in, i mean it's only 25 crowns but hey it's an idea.
stun sword-it already exists
chain gun idea-too crazy
equipment skills-lackluster
all crafting notes-these debates are happening elsewhere on forums.
i dont like the lasers retrodes have and i dont like the gauntlets
im 50/50 on the flamethrower so in the flame thrower sense... Salamander, for ice Winter's breath, poison: Vile Spitter,
there is a stun heavy sword http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Kamarin
no chance on the chain gun
crossbow.... make the arrow out of energy and have it penetrate enemies
grenades uhhhh have it Charge-to-use and Charge-in-Place to use that will balance it
dont care on the trinkets
quests.... maybe
i dont get the levels u were talking about
shields govern themselves and dont really add anything to your overall defense
cant you use the arrow keys to move? i heard use them causes your character to face that direction and move
maybe they will lower crafting costs when more content is made this whole thing started when people got 5* within a week or so other than that just run jelly king and save up ur CE
ya i agree that having something like a screen asking how many of a certain mineral u want to deposit
i dont like skills (sarcasm)why not just add character levels to the game (/sarcasm)
i dont care for the mail idea