Who thinks that the original POKEMON was asweome. For those who don't, listen to the original theme song and then tell me it's not asweome. P.S. Bronies rule MLP all the way. Join the herd
its not awesome i love the game just not the show
I watched the show as a kid, but i think its far from awesome.
The game however is great.
On a side note, listening to the poke'rap backwards and the original version of lavender town are just about the freakiest things I've ever experienced.
I listen to this music in the game and it reminds me of pokemon, *Charmander is evolving !*
My alpha wolver will tear your devilite boss to shreds...
Anyway, I love Pokemon. I haven't seen the show in years because they moved to cable and I'm too lazy to watch online, but I liked it then and probably wouldn't mind it now. I always get all the games late, but I still like them lots too. I didn't learn about IV/EVs until Generation IV and the game opened up a lot more since then.