Huehuehue, slautations everyone, Im trying to recruit for my new guild thats newly formed, and Im gonna be honest with u, our guild is lame, small, and shishkebab, so if u dont mind that continue reading, if u do, then dont waste ur time, so PM me, isaac-Poy, Potato, if u wanna join or PM me, Tomato if u have any. The main aim of this guild is to help lower level knights, mainly knights, squires and people like that, but I need t3 people aswell, to help the poeple, or else there will be people to help, but no helping people, which then will make this guild pointless, and my 500ce and 50k cr will go to waste, but, nvm that, the point is, EVERYBODY is allowed to join, just dont be a jerk, or a beggar. Donating is simple, u donate how much u want, when u want, we dont force u, but atleast try to donate some. So, until I think of something else to say I think Im done here, so...bye...huehuehue.