Hey there!
What is Sorcerer Society?
I mainly made Sorcerer Society because my former guild "RoF" failed. I spent over 2 years as an officer and a few months as a guild master. Though this was not the only reason I made this guild. I always wanted to be in a group of skilled and friendly players. I know it may sound mainstream, but these two are the most important.
Why is Sorcerer Society is the guilds name?
Well, to simply put it, we are going to do magic in SK. In the good old days around 2 weeks after Spiral Knights Beta, I started to really play the game. Back then, there were not a lot of people. And these people were helping each other. They progressed togeather throughout the game. I had a friend helping me back then with everything. Though today this is not the same, people seems to ignore each other, and only the closest irl friends are helping each other. In this guild we will help each other, just like in the good ol' days.
Which players is SS is searching for?
As I said before the two most important thing is skill and friendliness. So going to skill, I'm searching for T3 players only. With this I'm not saying that people under T3 are not skilled.
Do I need to help with the guild hall design and upkeep?
Well I would really appreciate if people could donate a little money to the guild as well, I guess that is the way it should be.
What will this guild do PvP or PvE?
I would really want this guild to be succesfull within lockdown, but I'm planning to do runs with you guys as well, as well as shadow lair runs, and so on.
I'm interested, how could I join?
You just need to anwser a few questions here. Please include the question number with your anwsers :)
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
2. Which one do you prefer PvP or PvE?
3. Are you a Gunner, Swordsman, Bomber?
4. Favourite loadout?
5. How much time do you spend with SK /week?
6. Introduce yourself.
7. Any other guilds you've been before?
8. Anything you like, dislike?
9. Where are you from?
I will respond within 24 hours, so don't worry :)
Oh yes, just before I finish, if you would leave for over 1 week without telling me, you will be removed. But if you are back, then I'll consider inviting you back to the guild.