What is the fastest method of acquiring advancement orbs or just orbs in general?
Question For Creating Items
Thu, 08/28/2014 - 18:58
Fri, 08/29/2014 - 05:51

You can find what boss
You can find what boss mission holds a chance for getting orbs then just play that level to find them.
Pile up CR and tokens. (orbs you find are icing on the cupcake)
Trade in tokens for items.
Keep the items you need for crafting and sell the rest at vendors (you only really need 2 sealed swords as there are only 2 alchemy paths) (be sure to research which paths the boss items have)
After grinding out Cr check the AH just to see if they are selling orbs below the Kozma price
15000 CR = 200 CE = 3 orbs
If orbs are selling at under 5000 CR then that is a deal.
The CR to CE rates often change so be sure to calculate it every time, more often than not though Kozma has the better deal.
The short answer is: Buy them from the Supply Depot (Kozma) using energy. If you don't have energy, then buy energy using crowns. If you don't have crowns, then play the game and save them up.
You can also find orbs in the dungeon, of course. But they are pretty rare. By the time you find enough orbs to craft your item, you will have found way more than enough crowns to buy the orbs from the Supply Depot. In other words, if you insist on finding orbs rather than buying them, then you are slowing down your progress for no good reason.
You should regard buying orbs as the default way to craft items. On those rare occasions when you don't have to buy orbs, because you happen to have enough orbs lying around, you should be pleasantly surprised.
However, if you really want to find orbs, then read the wiki page "Rarity" to learn which stratum of the dungeon contains the orbs that you need. Access that stratum in the Arcade or in missions. Seek out levels that have lots of treasure boxes, such as arenas and danger rooms. Learning the gate icons (wiki article Gate) can help a lot.
Finally, this is a frequently asked question. To get fast answers to such questions, do a Google search like "orb site:forums.spiralknights.com". You'll find many threads.