Je vends tout ! Prix discount !
Hey guys :)
I stop the game so i want to sell all my stuff for discounted price :
Swords :
- BTBlade / ASI med
-Cold iron vanquisher / Meca med
-Divine avenger / CTR med
-Dread venom striker / CTR med
-Glacius / CTR med + Blob low
-Gran Faust / CTR high
-Obsidian edge / ASI VH
-Obsidian edge / ASI low
Guns :
-AP / CTR low
-Blitz needle / ASI VH
-Obsidian carbin / ASI med
-Obsidian carbin / ASI low
Head :
-Chaos cowl / Shadow med + Elec med + Perfo max w/Prismatic halo + Hallow vertical vents + Fancy pipe
Armor :
-Chaos cloack / Normal med + Fire high
-Ice queen mail / Elem high
-Snarbolax coat / Poison low + Shadow med
Shield :
-BTShield / Elelm max
Accesories :
-Divine : Cat tail / Eye of fury / Long feather / Round shades
-Frosty : Dapper combo / Scarf
-Polar : Halo / Bomb bandolier / ribbon
-Prismatic : Birthday candle
-Shadow : Bomb bandolier / Dragon wings / Valkyrie wings / com unit / ribbon / side blade
-Volcanic : Party hat
-Mewkat monster pocket
-Haunted aura (x4)
-Fall leafy aura
Stuff with accesories :
-Skolver cap / Golden laurel + military long feather
-Skolver coat / Fancy wolver tail + Frosty bomb bandolier + divine valkyrie wings
-Snarbolax coat / Haunted aura + prismatic cat tail + prismatic valkyrie wings + prismatic bomb bandolier
-Snarbolax coat / Volcanic wolver tail + fall leafy aura + volcanic valkyrie wings + volcanic bomb bandolier
-Ash tail coat / Prismatic valkyrie wings + Prismatic wolver tail + prismatic bomb bandolier
-Dusker coat / Tails tails (Fail upgrade, wanna stay on wolver tail)
Miscellaneous :
-Heat amplificator (2 days)
-Heat amplificator (30 days)
-Krogmo coin booster (1 day)
-Closed eyes
- + eyes
Recipe :
-Dark thorn blade (x3)
-Dark thorn shield (x3)
-Faust (x2)
-Spike shower
-Virulent catalyzer
-Volatile catalyzer
Your prices are my prices ! :DD
It's all guys ! If you want discuss about prices or for more details feel free to add me on steam or Ingame : Moukilleur
Bye bye :)
PS : Sorry for my bad english :/

Bonjour Appfred. Je vends Obsidien Carabine pour 7k-8kE aussi msg moi @Pastelette.
Obsidien Edge: ASI low
Obsidien Carabine ASI low
Recipe Faust
Haunted aura
Skolver cup (?)
Skolver coat (?)
Je voudrai savoir combien coute t il ?
(?): rien garantit que je les achete