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Legacy Username

Hello I'm Gamegirl, A Guild Master of Cardinal Virtues along with Elixia and Solaceanx. Thank you for taking an interest in us and taking the time to actually read this. Basically we are a motley guild ranging from the newest of the new to some great veterans of the game. We have high requirements for our promotions but as long as you keep at them and are active you may stay a recruit for as long as you like. Everyone within CV is kind and eager to help, we're a fairly new guild but we have high aspirations and we hope you will join us for the ride. :) For more information check out our guild site at * to apply please see our "guestbook" and please input the following information:
- Your IGN (in game name)

- Your Tier or Equipment (stars)

-How long you've been active on Spiral Knights

- Approximate playing time

- Background information (likes, dislikes the latter)

- Other optional information

* For any questions,comments, suggestions or concerns please don't be afraid to contact via in-game we'll be sure to get back to you shortly :)