(®Retribution Council© / We're not ''just'' a guild, we play the game! / The place for solid Community, Stability, and Gameplay)

527 replies [Last post]
Hey there.

Just wanted to say that I really like this guild. For me it's kinda like a family at this point you know, mostly because we talk to eachother a lot and play together. Come and join us so we can talk about how much I hate Fiends.

Kakuan's picture
I'd like to join.

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Around 2012

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
2-6 hours a day

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I don't really socialize a lot, I can participate in a conversation, but I won't start one.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Jamaica but I now live in Canada

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I've been in many guilds full of douches and I just got tired, I've met some of your guild mates in parties, haven, etc. They were pretty kind, they gave advice to new players that didn't know much about the game, so after I saw that I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to join a guild with members like that.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Not sure to be honest, I have to think it over.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes, yes I did.

Gooped's picture
Hi :)

I'm about to drop some sick beats. Just kidding I can't rap. :/
What I can do though is tell you how wonderful this guild really is.
Honestly, this guild is both very professional and casual in the sense of what we do.
Professional because we assure our members get the help that they need (farming, mats, recipes, etc;).
Casual because we have our fun in chat with discussions that always take unexpected turns and become quite hilarious.
You should apply to the guild, you won't regret it.

Thagx's picture
I wasn't invited D:

I wasn't invited D:

Daim-Kage's picture
@Rejected Applications

Hi to all rejected applicants and applicants of the future. Applications are not something that gets accepted just because it is written. When someone writes an application it doesn't mean the guild will accept it. Believe it or not we have standards, as applications are used to see what kind of players we are going to accept in terms of personality, maturity, and general behavior. The guild helps players of all tiers and skill types selflessly, yes, but we do keep the stand of being kind and most importantly mature. This is what we look for in applications regardless of how short or long they are.

If you keep posting in the thread simply because your application wasn't taken, already proves we made the right verdict on immaturity. There are even posts that say if you have questions as to why you were rejected to just mail Kazangen, and somehow that can't be understood.

No, we will not accept someone who has jumped six hundred guilds. No, we will not accept someone who made another thread to join the guild (which means they never even bothered to read our thread), then spammed it to the point we had to call a moderator to remove it. You know who you are. If we can't be given a good impression, then for the sake of keeping peace in the guild, we reject certain applications. Hope I have cleared this up.

I Want To Join The Guild

What's your in-game name? Marvelous-Aichi.
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? 2/1/2015.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! Alot but sometimes not really.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?Im 17 and am nice helpful and yeah.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?Im from Phillippines.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?You guys seem nice and so fun to play and helpful.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?I Could Help Low Rank or Who Needs Help With Missions.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?Yes.I Read It Hope I Can Join!

I want to join your guild

My Game name is: Daniel-Dust

When did you being playing Spiral Knights? Since 2010 I being playing Spiral knights

How Frequently do you like playing the game? I play every day and so is my brother, but when there's an exam I play once a week.

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? I'm a person that always on runs (ex. Jelly run) ,on solos and like doing boss runs but I never been to shadow lairs before.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? I'm from Philippines and so is my brother (Blades-Icewolf)

Why Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I choose Retribution Council because I want to do runs,solo and Boss runs with a active guild not with the other guild that are poor and inactive so anytime I help I can just call my guild mates.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? Since that I do Bosses, Solos and Runs I earn many materials from 0 star to 4 star material and I can escort beginners in their new tiers and can be counted out on missions if need.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes! The rules are very agreeable and seems fair enough.

Popoixd's picture

My in game name is Plopcorn

A long time ago. Around 2 year ago. But I recenly-ish did a fresh start so I am now a simple elite knight !
EDIT: Finally I started playing 3 year ago.

I try to play at least one day of two but it may vary.

Well I am a humans being that breath air and eat food. Also I am kind of person that love to be active in a guild and socialize.

I live in Canada. In the province of Quebec more precisly.

If I choose Retribution council it is because this seem like a guild of person. I want to be able to talk with my guild, to have fun with them and to be ''friend''. Also, teamspeak. Also, the guild help. The fact the guild have a recipe system, a material systemis amazing I already want to contribute. Oh and the guild is always active and that is pure awesome.

I have basicly read the whole wiki (even tough my memory isn't perfect) and I will be active in the teamspeak the guild chat. And I can help a bit. A bit.

I have read the rule and completly agree with them.

Ozzlander's picture
This guild is lots of fun.

This guild is lots of fun. The vana escorts and ability to get recipes at Basil prices without having to farm for the right Basil is extremely convenient. The other players are lots of fun to play with and talk to on Team Speak.

I'd Like To Join

1- My IGN is Johny-Deep
2- I started playing Spiral Knights at around 2015
3- SK is my favourite game, I'm usually on it every day, but how long I'm on it depends on how i feel like :P mainly 8 up to 12 hours per day
4- I like to help people i am not greedy,if they need items or materials if i have il provide i do not want them back :D i give for free i play for fun and for team more than 1 = more fun :D
5- I'm from the EU - Romania
6- I saw on steam that you recruit people that want to be more than just gamming friends but a comunity err same thing as a family :P
7- I can help anyone by talking and joining theyre runs to help
8- Great rules, I agree with all of them.

all about that bass

What's your in-game name? alienfreaks
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? uh. 2011? (after beta ended)
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! trying to play it more often, but being alone isn't very motivating.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? well, im 17, i can be anti-social or talk your ear off depending on how my day is, which atm isn't the greatest, I will answer anything u ask me really so be careful what you ask lol. when it comes to typing i am a man of very few words because i think that a lot of information is not needed, so i can be blunt. if you start talking to me, you will get used to me eventually.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? usa,tx (hot hot and hot)
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? active, seem nice, hopefully u have cookies, and being a community on more than one thing.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? well, being a old player, i can really answer mostly anything.Can't provide you with armor or weapons but materials are easy enough, its how i made my money back in the day. I can do anything except vana with anyone if they need a rush through something, keep in mind i might be rusty though.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
common sense :P

wanna join

What's your in-game name? Pampox
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? Like in 2010 but i left it long time.
How frequently do you like playing the game? All the time that i have free, which is like 5 hours per day
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? i'm from argentina, so i speak spanish but i can manage to talk in english
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? Argentina
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? because you are organized as a real crew
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? i can help other low level people to run things, but i need some help to get money at vanas first to complete my equipment
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? yep

Plazmalad's picture
I'd like to join

Retribution Council Application Form:
In-Game Name: Plazmalord
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?: I started a long time ago, thought the game was no fun and left. Now I'm back, and the game is fun :D
How frequently do you play the game?: Almost every day.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?: Uhh generally I'm pretty nice but when I die I tend to say "wow" or "D:" a lot...
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? I'm from China! My friend, Kotegawa-Kaori showed me the guild and encouraged me to join :3
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? Well, first of all my friend is in this Guild. Second of all, you're the first guild I've seen who has an exclusive recipe bank and doesn't require members to donate.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I think I can help some of the newer players on runs in earlier missions, as I am qualified for 9-1 missions.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes, I have.

Drnegative-Reborn's picture
In a Galaxy Far Away

I have joined this guild and I will stay until my life carries me to the skies allowing me to speak many tongues. I would recommend this guild now, soon, and future to any who wish to be part of a great big family of Knights who share the common goal of having FUN in the best way possible.

Signed Drnegative-Reborn/Tadayoshi Isoya™/FlyingTree/ Doc. My kind regards to you all :)

Why it works...

The main reason this guild works well is mainly down to the fact that there are guys willing to put in the hours required on a daily basis. These guys are willing to educate players on escort runs, to keeping endless logs of player donations, members promotion ranks, etc. With the dedication and organisation in this guild, should any dispute or problem arise, they are easily resolved. If the effort and time is placed into the game, you will clear all the content SK has to offer with RC.

Launcel's picture

What's your in-game name?
- Launcel

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
- I've been playing the game for quite sometime now (2011? or was it 12?).

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
- all the extra time I have i spend in SK (after class, before going to sleep, after going to sleep in weekends).

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
- Hi, there! I'm a pure gunner and a fairly decent one at that. I'm not new to the game entirely but not yet a veteran in all respects. That said i'm looking for a guild that is Goal driven (by that i mean they have specific goals set in mind other than asking for donations and merely 'existing' as an extended list for my friends) but is also somewhat fun! I'm confident to say that i'm a very fun and helpful player myself hence i'm looking for a guild with the same qualities. I am currently ranked as a champion but I am able and more than willing to build up a new guild or strengthen an old one in anyway I can. I've been a long time loyal member of the guild 'the swarm cows' but it's very inactive and i am afraid my efforts there will be wasted.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
- Philippines

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
- From what I've seen in your thread you value and take care of your members. I value and respect that. You also seem to be very focused in your goals.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
- time, dedication and loyalty. I've displayed this on many occasions in my previous guild. i can provide character references (Like my guild master Plaro/Leafblader). I am able and willing to build up and help new and starting players. A team player through and through, I work greatly in team driven communities so long as everybody contributes in earnest.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
- yes to each and every one of them.

Looking forward to work with you good sirs,

My Application.

My in-game name is Sun-Glinger
I started playing Spiral knights around 2012 or so.
I love playing this game and I try to play everyday, but my game likes to crash every so often because of my laptop issues.
I like being nice to others, but I can be a bit shy at times.
I'm from the United states.
I chose this guild in particular to join because I've seen plenty of guilds on here that have rank requirements, weapon requirements, and even donation requirements. This guild isn't like this and I'll gladly join a community like this.
Well, as a current rank 5-1, I could offer help to those that need to get some missions in or prestige, but honestly I need help more because I want to focus on guns, but I don't know what kind of guns I should go with early on and which I should focus for the later missions.
I did read the rules and agree with them entirely.

Casetwo's picture

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
About 2 years ago

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I play 3-4 days a week

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I can be quiet until I know everyone a bit more but I enjoy playing with other people

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I just came back from a long hiatus and my guild is dead. I need some friendly people to farm the things I've missed.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I'm always ready to do a Vana run (might be rusty) or farm T2-T3

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I did and I do

Adomitable's picture

What's your in-game name?
- Adomitable
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
- Beginning of 2014
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
- Everyday, in my freetime
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
-I am a team player, i will chat and start a chat, i love to help people
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
-Mainly because you take care of your members, also a great number of helpful members which i love
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
- I am a huge team player, i will always help when called upon, Im a guns blazing kinda guy.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
- i agree and accept Completely
-Look forward to the response.
-- Adomitable

Hi! This guild looks awesome! Here's my application!

Hi! I wrote my Application into a little "Anecdote", thought it would be easier to read :D

Hi, My in game name is Clockwork-Raider! I've been playing this game since Mist energy existed (Dark ages), and I've become in love with it ever since. I had another knight named Zeldorf, but I deleted it because I really wanted to start fresh with the new missions update. I play this game pretty frequently, almost everyday if nothing important shows up on my schedule. Besides my experience as a Knight in Spiral Knights, I am a 17 year old gamer about to reach college. I'm an artist and I also have a huge interest in the computer programming field. I'm very social, to the point where I'll look for new people to hang out with, which I also portray to others that I'm super awesome and really friendly. I am currently in Miami, FL of the United States (pretty hot down here.... xD). The Retribution Council looks like a guild that is worth putting a lot of effort in from my part. It's a guild (to me) where effort in my part is optional, which is what I like. I want to show my efforts and compassion and loyalty to a guild that doesn't require it, because it's the kinda person I am. The fact that the guild is 100% support and friendly orientated hooked me in! I offer many things physically and emotionally. I like to consider myself an all around support. Whenever someone or the guild needs me to act upon something, I'll give 110% on every go. That's actually words I can say... I'll give this guild 110% of anything it needs! Regarding the rules, I will agree to them fully, keeping them close like a guide!

Thanks for reading my application,

Fluffy-Cake's picture
Lemon Slices

The owner of this guild has made a community that is amazing, and feels like family! Everyone is friendly and helping of each other. This community makes me stay in the game actually. I joined this guild when I had 2-3 star gear, now I am a Vanguard and having a lot of fun farming and helping the other guildies when I can.

Kazangen-Forums's picture
Retribution Council Update #5 ⇘Special Edition⇙

Greetings to all! We'll like to thank our guildies for their kind words towards us, as we're happy everyone's enjoying their stay. Also to our applicants and new members alike for not only wanting to be apart of our community, but also helping us expand even greater than before. This update is going to be a bit different than our usual. Not only will we be showing what we've been up to with the normal update, but we'll also be showing our appreciation to all who are with us now, and for future with a Special Edition Update!

So, we hope you enjoy reading it, as much as we've enjoyed doing it. Now let's get down to business without further delay!


⇒Normal Update⇐

1) We've been getting a lot of applications that came in from players of all kinds. So instead of dumping all of them here, we've filtered through them and chose the ones we liked the most to preview! Whether it was for their personality, spelling, or likability: Alphabug / Dabluechimp / Droolv / Guardian-Gaming / Guns-Go-Pew / Jayenna / Momo-Sucre / The-Killer-Il

2) Even more Vana Escort photos just got tossed into the Screenshots section! Starting to think we should stop after about one-hundred get taken, because there's literally almost too many already of the poor guy just being killed. I'm seriously starting to wonder if there's a Vanaduke factory that just adds a new one when the old one dies. But we figure that isn't true, since we've got him added on Facebook: http://i.imgur.com/nOkvihV.jpg

3) There's still frequent visits being scheduled for the SL Team, which means new photos at The Sanctuary. Through the weeks we've been trying to think of something ''artistic'' for the upcoming pictures, and I think the inner artist has finally released itself. So we've got some suave names this round: Ocean of Vortex / Fallen Queen's Nightmare / The Battle is Nigh

Ok, to be honest the names were made-up in like, a few minutes. But they could be way cheesier than that.

4) Our TeamSpeak has gotten even larger than our last update! It seems a lot more people are warming up to our community, while taking the time to get to know each other. This time our newest countries to be apart of the conversation are Hong Kong, Pakistan, and Taiwan! If we keep getting more players from across the globe, our world domination plans of taking over Spiral Knights and kidnapping GM Atalanta may just become a reality. Take a look at our most recent activity, as we'll also be adding these new countries to our current list: http://i.imgur.com/yf9PWfi.jpg

5) Psst.. Have you heard..? I spoke to some Knight in a dark alley behind a dumpster, and he said the Retribution Council is currently thinking of adding another exclusive guild perk. Guess they're still working on it.. You never heard this from me, but, it might have something to do with Battle Sprites. Shh, I can't tell you much more, I've already said too much..


⇒Special Update⇐

1) Recently we decided to have something special for all the loyal members of our guild. Gathering up everyone who was online at the time, we grouped together for a screenshot, and we were.. incredibly amazed at how many came, to the point it lagged most of us there. This was to show our appreciation for everyone who supported us in any kind of way. So we thank all who attended, as it's truly amazing to see how our foundation as grown, and the players that stuck with us.

Our screenshot is lovingly also comprised of.. That one guy who got photobombed by a pumpkin. That one guy who photobombed that one guy. That one guy that didn't face the camera. Those two floating kittens that somehow got in the photo. Those two guys who were texting their girlfriends. Those two guys who spoke at the wrong time, and that one guy who had his eyes closed. Yup: http://i.imgur.com/ySTkKiE.jpg

Though I won't sugarcoat it, these guys gave a lot of trouble to even take the screenshot properly. Hell, they fell asleep on purpose, and one guy even disconnected! If only I had my whip with me: http://i.imgur.com/uGlyGwJ.jpg

2) Oh but that's not all. After our screenie we decided to take a little ''detour'', and took over Haven 1 and 2. Of course it doesn't sound bad at first, with almost three dozen guildies in one spot. But have you ever wondered if we spawned a Bucket of Bloons, or a Bucket of Flawed Snowballs and tossed them constantly? In short, anyone in that area drops to two frames per second or lower, and would even disconnect walking into the area. This including us.. a plan we didn't quite think all the way through, though everyone seemed to have enjoyed the onslaught: Haven 1 Takeover Preview (Bloons) / Haven 2 Takeover Preview (Snowballs)

Check out the full takeover video, and click the link. You can also visit it at our front page! Watch, as we invade without mercy: Retribution Council - Haven Takeover

Thank you to all that support the Retribution Council, as we continue to keep our community expanding to no end!


All applications before this post have been invited the minute they were reviewed. This means if you have not been invited in three days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results!

Lupus-Pius's picture
Best Guild I've Ever Had

Having been in this guild for 7 months, I can safely say that Retribution Council is full of the most kind, generous, and helpful people I've ever seen. The Guild leader is absolutely dedicated to making Retribution Council the best council around, helping new and old players with their progression. The guild members make you feel welcome, and you're always free to ask for help.

Except Pan, he's a shady character...

Wqkipedia's picture
This is a great guild

I am really happy with this guild. It's super active and there is always an officer online. The guildmasters are super friendly and the discussions in the guild chat can be really fun to join. If you are thinking of joining this guild try it out. The recipe bank is really awesome and I think it just shows the unselfishness of the members. The materials are free and sometimes can be super useful (700cr saved xd). Yeah so uh, The End.

Banana-Crasher's picture
My application for the guild :)

What's your in-game name? - Banana-Crasher

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? - 1 or 2 weeks ago.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! - Currently daily, but that may change.

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? - I like to chat with people, but i usually dont start a conversation on my own.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? - Universe > Earth > Europe > The Netherlands > Town

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? - Not, sure, haven't checked many other guilds out yet, but i see many good reactions on this one, and i like how it has been set up.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? - because im currently rank Squire, i dont know if i can get every material in the game easy. but i like to help people out if they need something i have.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? - Yes, i totally agree with them. :D

I wish to join the guild

Hi, I have played Spiral Knights a long time ago and I am now re- playing it. I heard that your guild is quite active and I have a friend there, so I wish to join thank you!

I want to join

What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
.2 years ago
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
.Every day
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
. im a teenager i love to play spiral knights im from cannada

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
. Canadian Pakistani
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
. Because first i joined alot of guilds but they werent as active like skeely army so i went to see ur video and i was amazed:)
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
. I could be active most of the time and helping other people.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
. Yes i did and i highly agree with them

I want to join

What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
.2 years ago
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
.Every day
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
. im a teenager i love to play spiral knights im from cannada

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
. Canadian Pakistani
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
. Because first i joined alot of guilds but they werent as active like skeely army so i went to see ur video and i was amazed:)
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
. I could be active most of the time and helping other people.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
. Yes i did and i highly agree with them

Demesta's picture
Guild Application

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Around 2012

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I took a break after about 6 months of playing the game but came back when the missions came in, now I play it almost every single day. I really enjoy the play-style and the atmosphere that the game portrays.

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I am an avid gamer that has made many lifelong friends through videogames both in my school and across the world. I enjoy other games like minecraft, team fortress 2 and any nintendo games when not looking to play on my PC.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I am a true blue Aussie, Australia is my home!

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I have a friend who is in the guild and saw how well he was treated. Seeing how your community includes everyone really made me want to be a part of it.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I am ready to follow orders and help in any way I can. I am happy to donate regularly if necessary and teach new players the ropes as they come and go. I promise to be an active member of the community.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes I agree to the rules stated.


Hey my in-game name is Bigbudda and i'd love to join the Retribution Council!

I began playing in 2012 but was very on/off due to study, also i had an issue with steam and had to make a new account, meaning that i'm tier 3 but not overly equipped. :c

I definitely try to play the game once a day for at least an hour, sometimes this isn't possible but i try to have it as my goal, i play quite a bit more on weekends as well, generally for 2-5 hours a day.

I recently became an engineering undergraduate and play games as a hobby, although i do play them with dedication, other games i play include League of Legends, Hearthstone, CS:GO and the Elder Scrolls Online.

I'm from and live in Australia! I have a bit of lag but it only becomes an issue when versing other people in the Colosseum. :/

I've actually played with a few people in your guild before and they seem to be great group of people, I also have friends that are already in RC (Shinury, Partai) and they have given me a very good opinion you guys. I like the fact that you guys are full of so many different people, but come together to do what you all enjoy :)

I've always liked to assist people when they are in need, whether that be for runs, materials or anything else. I have no issue giving unneeded materials to people that need them and like to play with people to have a good time

Do I know the rules and agree to them completely?
Hell yeah!

Guild application

>2013 (Month unknown)
>Everyday (9.35 hours on avg and 130.9 every two weeks on avg. Proof https://steamdb.info/calculator/76561198092560485/)
>I'm young and looking for friends to play with, I enjoy games and working out, Not a lot about me
>Australian here
>I need a guild that plays this game as much as I do, I have been going through guilds trying to find ones that are as active as I am, have not found one, yours looks promising though :)
>I love helping people with their ranked mission and telling newer players about the mechanics of the game.
>unlike iTunes' 56-page legal terms I carefully read and do agree.

Partai's picture
Greetings :>

Hate Greavers? Well, we already have one thing in common. I knew that from the moment I joined I made the right choice. There is never a shortage of members online to lend a helping hand so you will never feel lonely, ever! After all, we are more of a family than just clockwork raiders :D. Even though I joined when I was already near game completion, I can’t seem to stop playing now that I’m a part of such a great community.

Farm hard or go home!

Joining Retribution Council

Hallo Councilmembers, Veterans, and Admins!

Looking to join this guild. Here's my application:

In game name: Asfhds

Began in 2012, stopped for a while, and now I'm back :)

I play 7 days a week.

I'm a technical person, a bit overfond of sarcasm/satire, but love to pass knowledge/skills on to others. I also dislike large, unorganized groups, so seeing a guild as organized as yours is a nice refresher. I also have (decent) writing/speaking skills, not that that's really pertinent, but, you asked! :P

I'm from the USA

Your guild seems nice/well organized, both pros in my book. I've been in an inactive guild for a long time, now looking for one that I can do Boss/SL runs with.

I like aiding organizations with tactics, book-keeping, and anything else needing doing. I like doing stuff with people in general. Also, I have a decent knowledge of (most) weapons/armors and what they're good for.

I have read and agree to the rules of Retribution Council.

Thanks mates!!


-Alias Tekoia-

I would like to join your guild.

What's your in-game name? Sivip

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? I started playing Spiral Knights in March, 2015.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I play Spiral Knights very often, around 1 hour a day, 4-6 days a week, (cannot play this game on Sundays due to work).

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? I would usually be the very social type, as I can make friends very easily, with my loyalty and friendship I do with others.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? I am from Australia

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I would prefer this clan over others because of the members that's I would love to be friends with, as I have already met 3 or 4 people in the guild, that I have already made contact with. This clan shows loyalty and friendship, as Elsa, (a clan member), has already shown me. I would also like to join this guild because of the ranking system, as their is not to many ranks and the ranking system is very specific to how and when you get to rank up.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? (I have had to make a new account for spiral knights as I had not played this game on the original site), I would be able to help lower ranks in their quest to complete or progress through the game, as I would also be able to contribute in many events that the clan needs if we do not a have enough members for that specific event.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? I read through the rules and I have agreed to the rules completely.

Hello World!!!

My name is Deli-Que but everyone just calls me Deli. I have been in this guild for a few months now and I can tell you it's obvious that they have worked REALLY hard to turn it into what it is today. Not only do I appreciate it, but others do too. We have so much fun as guildies running missions together all the time - especially Vana - but of course, others as well. I wouldn't have gotten through my rank missions without the help of this guild.

We always have fun joking around in chat, but it's also for advising guildmates on what gear they should or should not get (I'm talking to you, Leviathan. Bad sword!). You can tell just by the large amount of active members that this guild is one to be reckoned with.

I can honestly say that I really enjoy being here. This is my comfort zone.

Snarby-Slasher's picture

Sup homies

Im Snarby-Slasher (previously Sspiralman) and I would like to join this guild.

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
This year in January

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Mostly weekends only, sometimes weekdays

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
i love video games and reading fiction. i also play soccer as a hobby

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
i just loved the intro by kazangen

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
i can help players with missions and donate boss materials and stuff

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
yes boss

thanks in advance

Joining Retribution Council


I'd like to join this guild, so here's my application.

Q1: Talon-Warhammer

Q2: The beginning of April this year

Q3: Not as often as many people, due to work/school. I'm on typically 30min-1.5hrs a day.

Q4: I love MMO's like this one, and this one especially due to its many items. I'm somewhat of a loner, but was referred to this guild by a friend, so I thought I'd apply.

Q5: US

Q6: I was referred by Asfhds

Q7: I don't really know, not having played enough to give a definative answer. But, I'm a versatile sort, so I can help when/where needed.

Q8: Yes, I have read/understand/agree to the rules completely.



Browming's picture
I would like to join :)

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-I can't remember the exact date but i played the game when they still used the old system. after the update with the pets I had a long break. about 2-3 weeks ago i started again.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
-5-6 days a week

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
-I am a chill guy who likes anime, use a lot of time on reddit + i'm hooked on The Walking Dead!
-I like to help people out and tend to use most of my time in the arcade. I always treat my comrads well and try to work together.
-I just got my 5* certificate and now I try to make a bomber setup

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
- I come from Denmark :)

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
- I pretty much only play pve and that seems to be what you emphasize on so that was what caught my attention

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
- I'm always up for helping where ever I am needed and i could buy some of the recipes you need

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes i agree completely :)

Xaurian's picture

Q1: "What's your in-game name?"
A1: Oroseira.

Q2: "When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?"
A2: Circa December 29, 2011.

Q3: "How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!"
A3: Almost daily.

Q4:"Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?"
A4:I'm just a gamer, amateur artist and tumblr user. Nothing else about me.

Q5: "Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?"
A5: Canada.

Q6: "Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?"
A6: It's complicated. I just couldn't find a guild that suited my tastes.

Q7: "We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?"
A7: I'm not sure.

Q8: "Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?"
A8: Yes. Although I may be concerned the guild may be far too strict with it's rules.

Iolly's picture
Eye wood leik 2 joyn pweese

What's your in-game name?: Iolly (With an 'I' like eye or aye)
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?: Like, 20 yrs ago... I mean.. i think 2013 but Idk
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!: Idk whenever I feel like it.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?: I suck as a knight because I sold all my 5*s and gave the crowns away.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?: United Kingdumb
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?: Idk I just need a guild, u look cooler.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?: Uhhhhhhhhh... Gud grammer?
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?: Yeah.

Daim-Kage's picture
Regarding Applications

Hi. I would just like to address something before it becomes a reoccurring practice with players to come. The amount of effort placed into each question does decide the overall outcome of an application being rejected or not. When asked why you would like to join us and how you can help our community, these are major inquiries that should be answered with legitimacy.

If you don't know why you decided to join, or how you can support our growth in any way, then the reason to accept you is null and void. Failure to take us seriously, means we will not take you seriously.

As stated in my past notification. Just because applications are written does not mean we take them. They exist to see what kind of players we are going to accept in terms of personality, maturity, and general behavior. This is what we look for, regardless of how short or long they are. Thank you for understanding.

I'd like to join your guild

1. What's your in-game name? my in-game name is Kamranfreezer
2. When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? i begin playing SK since 2015, i play almost every day
3. How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! yeah i love to play SK
4. Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? Im just a ppc or Console gamer nothing more
5. Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? Im from Karachi, Pakistan
6. Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? The reason i'd like to join this guild is because it seems very special, its look very active or a friendly guild
7. We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I can help contribute to this guild by donating crowns, donating items
8. Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? I have read the rules and i promist to comply to all of them knowing dailure to do so may result in being kicked.

Sorry for my weak english.

Nine-Ttails's picture
Chocolate Milk

Hello! I'm a 4 month member of this guild. I have seen quite a bit of guilds in Spiral Knights (around 16), but I have never seen one like this. It’s, first off a very nice community. They always give you the advice you need and they will also help you reach your goals. I joined when I was a Knight Elite and I was struggling to go any further than that. They dedicated themselves to helping me through, no matter the rank I was.

Application Form

I wish to join Retribution Council.

- In-game name is Lydia-The-Second

- I began playing a year ago, and have come back after leaving for a while.

- I play 1-3 times a week.

- I can't really say much about myself, as I don't really understand my character thoroughly myself.

- I'm from the land of droughts and floods, Australia.

- I wish to join Retribution Council because my brother is already within in the guild. On top of that, I wish to join because it has a family atmosphere.

- I could quite happily supply basil only recipes, and I quite enjoy helping other players in missions/arcades.

- I read all the rules, and quite happily accept them wholly.


Novot's Application

*What's your in-game name?---Novot. Same as the name for the forum.

*When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? ---Technically mid 2011. However I was unable to play it soon after starting due to internet limitations. During this limitation I was basically able to build energy and crowns through using Mist energy to squeeze the profit and obtained 4* gear. Despite that, I recently started playing again about a month ago and have played almost every day since.

*How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!---As stated above, since I came back I've played almost every day, for at least 2 hours each day. I play primarily solo, however I am wanting to change that and start playing in parties more. Thus, the application.

*Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?---Sure! Age: Mid 20's. I play a lot of RPGs, as well as a few shooters. However I'll play almost anything. I play tennis weekly, and like watching most sports (ew basketball). If accepted I can provide more if someone wants to know :)

*Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?---USA, Michigan to be a bit more specific.

*Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?---From this thread, your description of your community and management are big factors. I want to be a part of a mature, active, and friendly guild. As well as one having a strong leadership to help emphasize what the guild needs to be at its core and direct where necessary. Although I've seen a few Council members around Haven I haven't ventured the clockworks with any yet. Honestly I don't know what makes you that different, as I don't have much experience with any other guilds. But I'm hoping that Retribution Council can become a home for me to play SK for a long time.

*We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?---Well, I'm very new to the start of the end game (if i'm even at that point). So I probably can't offer advice on too many things. However, I am very willing to help people accomplish whatever they want. Be it grinding, missions, or anything an extra body can help with.

*Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?---I did read them and yes I do agree to them.

Thanks for the consideration.


Carbinus's picture

What's your in-game name?
-My in-game name is the same as the knight I have set as my Identity Knight, which in this case is Carbinus.

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-As for when I started playing the game, it would be sometime during 2012/2013 on Kongregate, but I stopped playing a couple weeks later due to consistently being unable to open the client through the webpage for some reason. I started to play again this year. I hope it isn't too necessary to provide an exact date of when I started playing, because I do not have one. However, I believe that the time I started playing this game again was around 3 weeks ago or so by starting a new account on this website. Due to not really having had this account for long, I'm only 6-1 as of now.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
-At the moment, I play (“play” as in actually play the game) on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and on holidays. From Monday to Thursday (that aren’t holidays) I play the auction house and chat in haven mostly.

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
-Video games, reading, and forum posting are my regular pastimes. I am also usually willing to help others out as long as I feel appreciated by those who receive my help.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
-I am from Taiwan, and currently I live in China.

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
-Several reasons, being:
#1: Amount of players in the guild. I consider this to be relatively important, because a guild with 300 players is 300 players that you can join or invite to complete missions.
#2: Free membership. This doesn’t make this guild that much different from most other guilds I know of, but I’m still pretty glad that you’re giving your guarantee that you won’t kick users for the sole reason of not donating enough crowns.
#3: A clear set of rules, because I like knowing what I shouldn’t(and maybe should) do.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
-I can contribute a positive attitude and I will attempt to help players that are newer to the game than I am, but otherwise, I do not really know, to be completely honest.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
-Yes, I have read all the rules and I agree to all of them completely.

Thank you,

Moxyfoxy's picture
guild buisness

2. Sometime in April 2015
3. Everyday or so for hours on end
4.I am a great person to get know, my hobbies include been a soccer boss, watching Anime, and searching up memes.
5. I come from the city Homestead, Florida, USA.
6. Because I found you guys are a lot more friendly and active
7. I enjoy helping others on missions, and like to donate any extra crowns I have leftover after my time playing for the day.
8. Yes I agree to the rules and understand them completely and there is a time for everything
Signed: moxyfoxy

I want to join

1.My in game name is Itachi-Amaterasu (i wanted Uchiha but was already taken)

2.I started playing about 4-5 days ago.(Yeah i am new, just downloaded this game for the sake of downloading it as it had good reviews)

3.Suddenly realized that this is one of the best games i have played.ATM the only game i play is this. I play almost everyday unless there is an exam.
I love competition, love helping others, love music(classical) and football(Barca supporter). that's pretty much all about me.

4.. As far as country is concerned i don't know how it would help, but i am from India.(i would love to know how knowing the country helps :) )

5.. Your guild reminds me of my guild in a game i used to play. Simple rules, seems friendly, and love the fact that its a farming guild.

6.. Since i am pretty new to the game (just reached 5-2) i dunno how i could help but as i grow stronger i would certainly try to contribute.

7. Yes, i read the rules. I agree with every rule(especially the one about not begging... I HATE BEGGARS.. but would give away spare items to guild members without problem)
I Hope i can join the guild.(AMATERAsuuuuuu) !!!!!!!!!!


What's your in-game name? Soulriftx
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? Sometime around 2011/2012. Got full 5* before Missions/Sprites
How frequently do you like playing the game? I'm frequently around in some capacity all day. I work from home and take on missions/etc when I need a break (frequently)
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? 32yo, COO of a net marketing firm. Programmer for 24 years (yes, since i was 8), with a focus on game engine design and artificial intelligence
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? USA, but I can sight read some French/Spanish/Russian
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I recently grouped with a couple of your guys in a Vana rush (Spacebarsmasher and Browning). They seemed way more straightforward and skilled than 99% of the players i've come across in random rooms. Spoke with Spacebar afterwards and he explained the guild and pointed me here to the forums. I'm really looking for a solid guild, with lots of community and activity... as the ones i've been in so far are mostly spam-recruit fodder with little to no organization.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I can offer my skill and experience in SK, in assisting lower geared members and such. Additionally, I've lead or officered in numerous end-game guilds in various MMO's for 12+ years. I'm in no way looking towards leadership (I've since retired my captain's hat, and all the stress it entails), but am more than willing to share any success/failure lessons with the leadership, should they ask.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Absolutely


What's your in-game name?
Snawayh (my IGN is different than my forum name because of Steam).

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I think 2012, or something around that.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Several times a week, depending on my free time.

Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
Friendly person, likes to chat and help others.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
The Netherlands.

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
My friend Gillesre told me about the guild, he said you guys farm a lot, which made me happy, since I like to farm and I thought it would be nice to do with others.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Chatting and helping others reaching their goals.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I sure do.