(®Retribution Council© / We're not ''just'' a guild, we play the game! / The place for solid Community, Stability, and Gameplay)

527 replies [Last post]
I like to join

What's your game name?

When did you begin playing spiral knights?
In 2012 I stop playing for 2 months but after that I was back on track

How frequently do you like playing the game?because we sure do!
I like playing the game when I have time but in the weekend I play a lot

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person
Well I'm 14 and bought energy time to time but I am a kind person,but if someone is mean then I don't really speak with them because I waste my time,I might give them a chance if they show there willing to listen and be respectful.

Our community has players from lots of different countries which might you be from?
I'm from Kansas city in America

Why the retribution council and not the other guilds?what do you think makes us different?
I am tired of jumping guild to guild and my last guild I was gm and no one is active, I think this guild can be the one where I don't leave,this guild sounds respectful and kind, many other guilds aren't like that.

We offer many things but what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I can help others with their mission,there are others like me that wants to just find the right guild and I will lead the way so we can have a great guild.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes I did and I agree them completely and will follow them.

Hope than I can join soon thank you.( I made another application by accident so if you see another post by me ignore it,this is the real application I meant to send)


What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Just recently about a day or two ago
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
As often as I can but I am studying for law school and am active socially
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
Love to have fun and very loyal and my favorite show is Sons of Anarchy
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Bama! Roll Tide!
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I notice that this guild has it figured out and im looking to join somewhere that i can learn a lot and guide those in the future that are where i am now
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
My loyalty and willingness to learn to be the best player i can be and then transition to where i can help others to the best of my abilities
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes I do

Look forward to hearing back from ya

Vileblitsz's picture
My Application (Answers in parentheses.)

What's your in-game name? (Vileblitsz)

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? (I began as Vileblitz in June 2011.)

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! (I am coming back to it since a few days ago, and I am hoping for a good experience yet again.)

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. (I like to help newbies learn the ropes of the game, hoping that they return the favor when they are a higher rank. I am also a high school student currently pursuing a video gaming or science career.)

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? (United States, and no, I am not the stereotypical American.)

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? (The fact that nobody will be kicking out apprentices that I am trying to assist unless they break the rules. I have been in guilds where only Defender and above were allowed as ranks. I also chose this guild because of the Sprite Food bank, and since I am short on Shadow Dust, this is something that I need.)

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? (I can help newbies and everyone in the guild, but not with crowns-related things. I am not Bill Gates.)

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? (Yep, I even have them in a notepad document for me to review if I forget.)


What's your in-game name?


When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?

-December 2012

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!

-Virtually everyday unless I have a lot of work from college or working at a job.

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.

-Let's see...I'm 18, studying to be a biomedical scientist. I'm a very laid back kind of person.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

-United States

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?

-Looking at the pictures this guild reminds me of my time in the Jempire. I feel that the members of the guild are very close and that creates a very homey atmosphere.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?

-I can offer a lot of experience and advice to other knights who are just starting out on their own adventure.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?


Daim-Kage's picture
Applications Notifications Confirmations

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

I want to join.

My IGN is Sawitlarry
I began playing about during 2013, but then I lost interest, and now I'm back (this time hopefully I won't lose interest again) I am a little rusty but that's why I try to improve ;)
I try to check everyday to farm and join my guildies and friends for fun
I am quite energetic sometimes, but sometimes a bit lazy, but that doesnt stop me from playing SK, also I am 17 years old
I'm from America, Texas, Houston, but I am living in China right now.
I like helping other people for example with runs and missions, also materials, but if it's money then I won't be much help lol (I'm kinda broke most of the time myslef, I'm bad at saving up)
I want to join retribution council because: well I've been to many guilds but I think that this guild is interesting and would be a great experience for me.
I agree with most of the rules, and will try my best to follow them I hope I can make it in to join ;)

I want to join your guiiiiiiiild.
  • What's your in-game name?
  • Meowlakill.

  • When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
  • A bit before August 31, 2013.

  • How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
  • All the time but it would be a whoooole lot nicer if I didn't have this last hero hall mission to do. Heheh.

  • Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
  • I dream of joining a development team to either design/program video games. I want to learn three programming languages currently ~ C, Lua and Java.

  • Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
  • I am definitely from the United States.

  • Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
  • Well I've never heard of having to apply on the forums with other guilds.

  • We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
  • Not only myself, but my materials if it is meaningful. I've heard that inserting materials is useless because you cannot take them out.

  • Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
  • I've read those, the introduction, information, Teamspeak 3 and How to Join. Hope you don't mind the rest.

  • A little extra I added myself...
  • Thanks for your consideration. I've really been looking for a guild that I want to join and not get randomly invited. <3


    Yay! I created forum account. Thanks Kaza for the tip. I don't quite remember the app I mailed you in-game verbatim, lol, but here's my attempt:
    ~What's your in-game name?
    ~When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    The July after SK came out of beta, since then I've taken some breaks inbetween.
    ~How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    I love playing SK but, unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day :c I usually play an hour on the weekdays because I have school work and extracurrics that take over my life. On the weekends, depending on the activities going on, I usually play 2 or more hours.
    ~Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    I'm a girl that's currently a high school senior, I love music - I play the piano, I love food and junk food and frosted sugar cookies, I make really lame jokes, I'm the least photogenic person you'll ever meet, and there's a million other things about me but being the terribly forgetful person I am, that's all I know about myself at this moment c:
    ~Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    'Murica!...but my family originates from China so I'm fluent in both English and Chinese (I'm illiterate in Chinese though, haha).
    ~Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    From what I've heard, RC is a PvE guild. Many of the PvE guilds have died off or are severely inactive, and I have no interest in PvP guilds mainly because of how quickly they form/die off. In addition, I heard that members of RC not only play SK, but other games with each other as well - that sounds fun!
    ~We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    Player-wise, I usually leave my parties open to friends, you can bet that I will do the same for guildies. And even if my party isn't open, I'll invite anyone who asks :3
    Personality-wise, I'm a pretty light-hearted person that enjoys making new friends, I guess I'm usually the jokester of a group even though I don't mind having a serious conversation once in awhile. I usually say hi/bye to guild mates as they log on and off + hand out candy (virtual, ofc, but candy nonetheless).
    ~Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    Yeeeeeeep. c:

    Magic-Apprentice's picture

    I've been in this guild for a few months now and it's been a very fun experience. There's lots of people who are on often and they're willing to help out when they can. The people here are very talkative so it doesn't feel like a library. The random, exotic noises in Teamspeak is a once in a lifetime experience. I think RC is a really good guild. :D

    Request to join your guild.

    1)My name is Attackerz.
    2)I created this knight at 2013 but I quit it for a while because of some essential case and I start active this year 2015.
    3)I play everyday but probably sometimes i'm online in a short time to check if somebody need help because I have some job to do.Actually, I love this game very much due to its amazing graphic.
    4)My hobby is playing Spiral Knight. I like helping other players when they need help to settle their mission because I feel very happy when they have settle their mission and because I felt I am needed. Maybe I not have enough experience sometimes I die, but I think I have done what I can help. If someone need money or items, I delighted to simply give it for them.
    5)I'm from Singapore.
    6)Actually, I would like to join your guild because of your activeness in your activity and chatting. There is no mean for life when you are not talking. I love your guild style that help each other. It seem like you not just playing the game only, but you make one big family that full with helping each other.
    7)I can help the guild in many ways, maybe I can help with mission, or donate money and items to the guild bank. I'm not 100% can help with the mission because I'm not a strong character yet due to my lack of experience but I will try my best to help other guild members.
    8)Nice guild will come with nice rules. I agreed with all of them.

    Daim-Kage's picture
    Applications Notifications Confirmations

    A new video is available on the official Retribution Council YouTube channel. The guild has broken the fastest Vanaduke boss world record, completing it in 52 seconds. If you are interested in viewing, you can click here.

    More information will be introduced by Kazangen, along with additional guild updates, for the upcoming Retribution Council Update #8. This will be published before Christmas.


    Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

    For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

    Killergames's picture
    Application to Join

    Joined Spiral Knights: Oct 2011
    Activity: At least once a week or more (depending on season)
    About me: Just a student living what I see as a detrimental lifestyle.
    From: Singapore
    Why RC? : Good management plan, active, great people, ofc not to mention PvE
    What can I offer?: Minigames and materials
    T&C&R: Understood and agreed.

    Noxiousnarwhal's picture
    My two cents

    I've been in quite a few guilds in the past. In addition to about a year of guild hopping, I was an officer (and eventually GM) in Ludicrous for nearly a year and an officer in Lionheart for over a year. When Lionheart became inactive, I didn't actively seek out a guild - honestly, I'd never even heard of Retribution Council until a friend asked me to join. In spite of that, I can honestly say that this is the best guild I've had a chance to be a part of - everyone is very friendly and active, and the guild consistently provides new goals to work towards. Be they hitless runs, shadow lairs, or even record attempts such as the vanaduke fight speedrun, there's always something to team up with guild members to try and achieve.

    The guild is well managed so that there are always many active players. Spiral knight's player base is dwindling, but you'd never be able to tell by looking at the abundance of members online in RC at any given time. The other features such as the recipe bank and shadow lair runs are also very organized; the guild always has 3 of each recipe, just in case, and shadow lairs are scheduled well in advance to give members fair notice. It's a refreshing change from the spontaneous nature that my past guilds have had.

    The application process is a bit strict, but once you make it in you'll find it's like that for a reason - the community that everyone here has managed to build is phenomenal, and I'd definitely recommend trying to join if you're looking for the best PvE guild that SK has to offer.


    What's your in-game name?
    - Link-Tha-Hero
    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    - Before the forge update don't remember exactly when.
    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    - As often as I like, i'll take a break from time to time but come back in a week or so after that. I always try to play when events are here.
    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    - I'm 16 year old boy. I am kind of a lone wolf around most games and keep to myself, I decided it's time to change that.
    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    - The Netherlands, Europe
    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    - A PvE guild that is actually active and tries to help their members? Never actually seen one before I've been looking for one.
    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    - Actually play the game and have fun, and show that this game is still alive.
    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    - Yes I have read the rules and I respect them and agree to them.

    Guild Application

    What's your in-game name?
    - Lukervol

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    - Early 2011 (release)

    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    - Every day

    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    - Slightly eccentric. I try to be funny. I also try to be helpful when I can.

    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    - England

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    - Active community, still posting videos December 2015? Setting world records? Filled with friendly players, completing Shadow Lairs weekly? What else - could a guild offer that you guys don't?! I've not heard of a guild with such a good name that can fulfill such a huge portfolio of necessities and - beyond.

    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    - I've been playing Spiral Knights for a long, long time and have taken a particular interest in Lockdown. I'm willing to help people learn how to play to
    - an exceptional standard and I believe I can support a long-lasting Lockdown team.

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    - I read the rules and believe they're fair and reflect good core values. I do agree to them completely.

    Wqkipedia's picture


    Neilpalad's picture

    What's your in-game name?
    - My in-game name is Nostalgicperson

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    - I have been playing Spiral Knights for years, somewhere before the energy updates but every now and then I stopped playing SK. I just came back a few days ago with a new account with some new gear from the gunner update. (( I used to own an account, but I gave away all my crowns away. I still had some gear left, that I sold them so that I can easily head to 3* early on.))

    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    -So starting today, I'll try my best to play frequently as I can.

    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    -I'm kinda perky and sometimes talkative at times. Also I'm also in a role-playing group which is a fun hobby to have when I have extra time.

    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    -From the Philippines

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    -It is because, it seems that you guys are well-prepared and orderly from what I can see in the forum post. I think my old guildmates from long ago are inactive now, so I wanted to experience the same kind of professionalism from you guys.

    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    -I can try my best to help others in certain missions or boss runs in order to fasten grind or process. Also I might help others during recipe runs.

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    Yep, I accept it and will take the consequences if I break the rules.

    Guild Application

    My ingame name is Keith-Keiser
    I've been playing off and on since the game first became available on Steam.
    I've been hoping to find an active Guild to join as I haven't played the game in about 2 months, but that's because the other Guild I was a member of died.
    I'm a very friendly person, although I can rage a little bit here and there. I love to play with friends and play video games like Spiral Knights.
    I live in Arizona on Arizona Standard Time in the USA.
    I personally don't enjoy PvP that much and this is the first Guild I've found that isn't PvP-centric.
    I feel I can help newer players get on their feet and help gain resources for the Guild. Plus, community gaming is by far my favorite kind of gaming.
    I completely agree with all the rules on the forum and will try my best to uphold them.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

    P.S. I'm not this formal when I talk in game, promise!

    Kazangen-Forums's picture
    Retribution Council Update #8 ( Christmas / New Year Special! )

    Happy Christmas! Technically I was supposed to post this before today, but I figured it was the perfect day for an update. Since everyone's opening presents, let's unwrap the Retribution Council Update #8! Speaking of presents, we also hope our members enjoyed their free accessories mailed to them as a show of appreciation, and keeping the Christmas spirit alive!

    These updates from now on have also been trimmed down, to be less of a wall of text and easier to digest. Let's get this slay moving!


    ↺Update Breakdown↻

    So let's start Christmas and the New Year with a bit of freshness! Our thread has been updated for 2016! This comes of course with many things, such as new photos added to our Screenshot Galleries, including a whopping eleven new Shadow Lair pictures at The Sanctuary. Spanish has also been on the rise with Ecuador being added to our list of TeamSpeak 3 user countries as well. You'll notice the original post has been spruced up yet again, also being tweaked with some general rewording and slight changes in look. Let's get to the really juicy part though..

    Our plan to start making more YouTube videos has finally gone into full effect! The first project we decided to do was beating the fastest Vanaduke boss kill in Spiral Knights history, thus we've made it our opening video. Compared to our last videos this one is more professionally done, including the channel being completely redesigned and organized. All future content on the channel from this day onward will be following great improvement as time goes on! As this was a team effort, we'd like to thank Dragon-Mecha for his assistance improving the channel, as well as Noxiousnarwhal for his advice and participation. These players are content creators themselves, and have been added to our thread as official Retribution Council supporters! So if you're interested in seeing what their channels are about, give them a look.

    With this, what are the future updates to come for Retribution Council 2016..? There's many different things we plan to implement for the enjoyment of our players, as well as improving the guild even further beyond the limits. These are just a few of the things we have planned for the early beginning months of 2016, with much more being stirred up:

    • The Exclusive Recipe Bank will be further extended, to include all the Gunner Update armor recipes as well!
    • Our official Steam group will be implemented, having practical use with benefits outside of being just eye candy!
    • Future video collaborations with our official supporters, including new guild videos we'll try to upload once per month!


    What we've done for 2015 has definitely been a wild ride. Getting a massive amount of positive reviews from our members throughout the year.. Coming into contact with thirty-three different countries.. Amassing stacks upon stacks of photos with guildies.. Defeating all the Shadow Lairs without sparks, and completing over thirty-four weeks worth of runs.. Hosting the largest guild event of the year.. Beating the Vanaduke boss world record.. It's definitely been crazy, and it's unbelievable there's more than just these.

    Thanks to all our loyal players and supporters of the guild. We hope everyone enjoys their Christmas and New Year! Let's see what else we can achieve for another year, and keep your eyes peeled for the Retribution Council Update #9!


    Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

    For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.


    What's your in-game name?
    Convival, at your service.

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    I played it back at 2012, but left for a while due to some unforeseen circumstances. Now, I am back and ready to engage.

    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    Ever since I've gotten back into it, I have managed to log in every single day.

    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    I am an 18 year old college student. I try to speak while in the game, however, i do tend to be quiet in order to observe the people around me or speaking.

    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    I am from the comfy area of the United States.

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    You guys seem like a pretty cool guild and active as well. Because I came back now, I wanted some help with the new things that came in from the beginnning of 2012

    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    I believe I can contribute my outgoing personality and kindness to those out there. Also, when I reach the end game, i plan on helping out those that need the help.

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    I have agreed to the rules and went over all of them accordingly.

    I wish to join the guild!

    Name: Sythii. (note the ii is just a filler)
    When did I first join SK: I started to play at 2011
    How much do I play: I liked the games since 2011 I played on and off, but now I play quit frequently.
    Things about me: Im not going to say much about me as a person, just that i’m 17 and as a in game player I am not the best but i’m quite good.
    Where do I come from: I am Argentinian and American.
    Why the Retribution Council: Well my guild is good but I prefer a guild that has lots of players and a nice community, I saw the Darkfire Vana Solo with Narwhal and realized his skill, so I decided that when I get the chance I will join a good guild.
    What can I offer: Well I can offer skill and bring joy to the guild! I would also like to contribute to the shadow lairs!
    Did I read the rules: Yes, Yes I did.

    I want to join the guild :D

    I started playing Spiral Knight this year.The first time I started playing Spiral Knight I was so addicted to the game I played the game for over 300 hours for the first week (yeah I know it's insane) and you might think do I even do exercise in my life?.Yes,I do in fact I have one of the best athletic kid in my school pretty impressive of me,but pretty show off too.Spiral knight is a fun game to played with your friend in real life or even gamer friend you met in all kind of other games,I personally played with my twin brother Patrick cause it's very fun and joyful to.My personal opinion for joining the guild was because of the recipe,but then when I read the full forum I also love it when the guild is also very active and kind with full of professional Knights to played with including (the guild master of course :P).I were born from Vietnam and I am a Vietnamese+Asian for the win buoys.I like to communicate with English Knight and Vietnamese Knights :D,but I could also played with other Knights as well just a bit fustrating to communicate.To dig deep in more about my personal space XD I would just warn you guys to not check your guild chat when I am around cause I am very annoying hope,but I hope everyone would like my sarcasm,the way I talk and just have fun playing Spiral Knight with me peace.My in game name is Phoenix-Op by the way.

    Join the Guild Retribution Council

    At beginnings of this year...
    Everyday, much more often than before 2015
    I'm a person with autism, however not it's is the grand problem for me. I'm a sensitive person, with much care for the others. Somethings act like a fool, others like a mature adult.
    I'm from Argentina.
    I like the guilds with codes and rules.
    I can help as much as possible. And contribute crowns and materials, for the Retribution Council.
    Yes I read all this guild. And I compromise to follow the terms.

    Delecated's picture

    What's your in-game name?
    -(I play three knights near equally. But, if only one of them is to be invited, then it should be 'Delecated'; my “main” per se.)

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    -June 14th, 2011

    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    -I play Spiral Knights daily, unless reality arises or something else catch my interest for the time being. However, I don't schedule myself a specific time for playing; I just play when I feel like playing, and stop when I feel like stopping.
    -(Of course, “when” will be influenced by the what the guild has in store.)

    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    -There is... not much to me. I am completely talentless outside video games, and I haven't consumed much fictional media to be truly be fan of anything. Heck, I'd be considered a NEET if it wasn't for the fact I'm pursuing college education. Maybe I should start to actually watch some anime... and buy a morin khuur while I'm at it.
    -But, I've been on the (huge information database known as the) internet long enough; I'll be glad to involve myself in conversations of any topic, no matter how random.
    -(As long as they're insightful, that is.)

    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    -Portland, Oregon
    -(...Should explain some things. Don't like coffee, though.)

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    -To be completely honest, it's because of how good your advertising is.
    -If the promises in the title hadn't lead me to reading the proceeding first post; by now, I would have joined some anime-themed guild like I've always considered.
    -I'm just simply looking for a guild a join, as I have been going lone wolf ever since my personal friends stopped playing roughly a year ago. However, without the social support that is integral to this game genre, I have found the acquisition of resources to have become a lengthy grind, and myself without anyone to complete the game's more challenging objectives with. Though I could resolve this by befriending the random people I come across, I'd rather not, due to how superficial it feels. Hence, this is why I'm considering to join a guild; to give me a sense of belonging; a deeper meaning. So, I have chosen Retribution Council for to its promises of community and stability. I very much need an anchor to stave off buyer's remorse, anyhow.

    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    -I'm a challenge seeker, and someone who plays with tactics in mind; traits reflected within my choices of playstyles. The three knights I have each have their own non-standard style of play: Deryllict being a charged-heavy Gunner/Bomber that uses openings provided by vapor and vortex bombs to unleash devastating charged attacks; Deboochery, an experimental high movement character that uses a combination of a Cutter and the Rocket Hammer to kite and carve his way through and around enemies (alongside a Blaster and an Alchemer for quick-draws, given that I buy myself weapon slots); and Delecated, a dedicated pure Bomber, which although an old and proven playstyle, is still a rarity.
    -I know these aren't the most efficient ways to play, but I find enjoyment in imagining and applying new-found tactics to these builds, and in general exploring what the game has to offer. I did create Deryllict and Deboochery in an attempt to maximise battle sprite usage, after all (Delecated existed before battle sprites, the Maskeraith I chose ended up pairing perfectly with Bombing).
    -But aside of the playstyle diversity I offer, you may consider me yet another addition to the reserves. I'm always willing to assist others on their roads to victory, eager to put my abilities to the test, no matter the test. I wouldn't have it any other way.

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    -Every negative is against my personality, anyways.

    Daim-Kage's picture
    Applications Notifications Confirmations

    Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

    For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.


    Is it possible to get the teamspeak without being in the guild? I dont think my guild has one, and it's pretty cool hanging out with other people, seeing that the the isnt dead yet.

    Deathmasters's picture
    A thumbs up

    Coming back to SK in mid july last year, I did not know what to expect from the game or the community. It was a lucky bump, and I was accepted, from there I was welcomed by a dozen of online members. There is not a time in which I felt excluded or shunned by the guild, the players here are encouraging, pleasant, approachable and for some, even selfless. I would recommend this guild to both advancing and veteran players seeking a fun and outgoing guild.

    Gorman's picture
    My Application

    1. IGN- Gorman

    2. Ive been playing for about 4-5 years.

    3. Im busy with thing like collage and work so i cant play as often as ide like, but i do manage to play at least 2 times a week.

    4. Im a pretty quiet person with a pretty sarcastic attitude, Im loyal to my friends and guilds even though i have a history of guild hopping. I try to keep things light and hate people arguing, it tends to lead people leaving.

    5. Im from Alaska U.S.

    6. Ive been looking for a guild that fits me, most of them didnt hence the guild hopping. Out of all of them, yours seems the most structured and has dedications to stability and loyalty. One of the biggest things i noticed was that you guys play for fun, Finally a guild that isnt religious over lockdown!!

    7. As for what I have to offer? Honestly not much, I have mats that I can give, some cr that I can manage to spare, loyalty, I have experience with being a small guild GM, and maybe bringing some sarcasm to the guild even though im sure you have plenty.

    8. Once again, structured! These rules are amazing! I really like the last one, it'll make people think twice about leaving.

    Hello, My application

    1.What's your in-game name?

    2.When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    I started playing in 2014 August(took a break in 2015 due to school)

    3.How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    I would say that I am quite addicted, On school days I play around 1-2 hours, however on holidays, I play for 4+ hours. I play almost every day with the exception I have exams.

    4.Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    I am 12(turning 13 in feb) and I study in grade 8.Me, I like playing video games in general, I do not tend to get angry that much unless it is something very important. I like puns and sarcasm. I've been playing since 2014 and ever since then, I've been hooked to this game(it does get boring when there's noone to play with). I tend to do a lot of Fire Storm Citadel and other boss/farming missions, however I like doing arcade runs too. In real life I try my best to be nice to everyone and try to make as many friends as I can and also make sure I can keep them :D. I like chatting with people too(I'm pretty social). I live in Jordan, the timezone is GMT+2.

    5.Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    I am from Bangladesh, It is a small country next to India.(Population 170 Million though)

    6.Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    Retribution Council seems like a very friendly community that is very active. I like doing a lot of grinding/farming/boss missions and it would be nice to have a guild to play with. All the guilds I was in, in the past eventually became inactive, leaving me with no one to play with. I like the rules and how organised everything is(the structure). It would be great to join this guild."If you want to play with your guild rather than simply being in one, and want a place of quality, then this is your final stop. So let's get down to it and show what we do!" This is exactly what I was looking for and I couldn't hope for a better one.

    7.We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    In terms of materials, I can contribute crowns and crafting materials since I play a bit more than I should :D. However more than materials, I think I would be a good addition since I like doing a lot of missions with people of all ranks. I can teamspeak and I can talk. I myself am very active and do lots of farming missions all day long on vacation. I like chatting even if I'm not playing, I still like having a friendly talk with whoever's online if they're not bothered by it.

    8.Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    Yes I read and I do agree to/with them completely.

    Thanks for reading

    Another,try to join your guild

    Last time I got rejected,so I been thinking why you guys would reject my application to join the guild.And I had probably found out why.Is it because I am not good enough yet?,or my application didn't contain enough information for me to achieved the guild requirement?.Well I guess so and now I will make the application better than I can ever imagine.When I got rejected I feel sad and fustrated,but that's life alright.Then I started to beg you guys to accept my application in the game which is very rude and not acceptable at all,I am very sorry for how much trouble I have cause for you guys especially Kazangen and Noxious.Ever since you guys rejected my application request I have been grinding hard from a Knight elite to a Champion in just a short time and my gear and weapon have improve incredibly well.And just before I started to post this reply.I accident went by noxious youtube channel,I watch a few of his Spiral Knight video and love the Shadow lair,He was awesome and well skill,that's also one of the reason that inspired me to write this reply again and I have read all the rules of Retribution council I have acknowledge every rules and I am proudly to say that I could help people as much as I can in lower rank mission,material and sometimes just make them happy.Hope you guys forgive me and I not a begger anymore i am a grow up knight now.Hope you guys accept my request.(I also send another backup post in Spiral Knight for Kazangen too since i am a bit worry).My in game name is Phoenix-Op.

    Kittenkitten's Application

    What's your in-game name?
    My In game name is Kittenkitten

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    I joined the game on Oct 23, 2011. I started playing because a friend told me about this game. I played for about a year then took a long break because of school and life problems.

    How frequently do you like playing the game?
    I am a person where if I am in a game where I am in a guild I like to be on as much as I can so I can support my guild. Most of my free time is spent playing video games. I wish I could play even more then I do now.

    Tell us about yourself.
    My name is Jonathan I am 19 years old. I currently am working at Giant. I love cats and kittens more then I love food. I enjoy talking to people and making friends. I rarely ever show negative emotions because I believe that showing negative emotions doesn't solve anything it actually makes the situation worse. I also am a anime fan. I watch anime ever night and love to talk about anime with people.

    Where are you from?
    I am from Virginia. I was also born in Virginia.

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    I want to join Retribution Council because ever since I have been playing spiral knights all the members in this guild have been very nice to me. Also I have some friends in Retribution Council and when ever I am in Haven I always see someone from this guild which means everyone is very active.

    What would you contribute to our community?
    I would try my best to help everyone with the best of my ability. I also would donate to the guild every week. I would also help any members with missions or arcade if needed. I also would try to be on the Teamspeak server while I play.

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    Yes I read the rules and agree to them completely. They are rules that should be expected already.

    Daim-Kage's picture
    Applications Notifications Confirmations

    @Rexorr - Hi. All benefits of the guild are exclusive to Retribution Council players only. This includes the TeamSpeak.

    @Phoenix-Op - Your application was rejected on the main grounds of being a beggar. To maintain our healthy environment players displaying traits that go against our simple terms of etiquette are declined. We will not be taking additional applications from you.

    Please direct further questions in-game.


    Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

    For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

    Application Form

    Question 1:My In-game name is Kingnickolas
    Question 2:I started August 2013 Been a noob and we all been there.
    Question 3:I love playing Spiral Knights.I like doing arcade runs to Boss runs,I will rate a the game a 4 star.
    Question 4: I am a normal person,but anyone one can act like someone else online.
    Question 5:I am from the United States...Some where near Times Square.
    Question 6:You see every guild is unique in there own type of way,i just see that i will fit there.Like i feel something pulling me towards it.I know that i will learn a thing or two.
    Question 7:Assistance to other players also guiding them in the correct path,donate to the guild and try my best to better it.
    Question 8:I love your establishment and I agree with all of the rules.

    Application Form

    Question 1:My In-game name is Kingnickolas
    Question 2:I started August 2013 Been a noob and we all been there.
    Question 3:I love playing Spiral Knights.I like doing arcade runs to Boss runs,I will rate a the game a 4 star.
    Question 4: I am a normal person,but anyone one can act like someone else online.
    Question 5:I am from the United States...Some where near Times Square.
    Question 6:You see every guild is unique in there own type of way,i just see that i will fit there.Like i feel something pulling me towards it.I know that i will learn a thing or two.
    Question 7:Assistance to other players also guiding them in the correct path,donate to the guild and try my best to better it.
    Question 8:I love your establishment and I agree with all of the rules.

    I would like to join the guild.

    What's your in-game name?
    Zpiralz (Notzpiralz is just my forum name, don't get confused lol)

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    A few weeks before the 2014 Winterfest.

    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    I try to play it as frequently as possible, usually 1-3 hours a day.

    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    I'm a 12 year old boy who has school and loves playing Spiral Knights with others. :D

    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    I'm from Indonesia ^^

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    I want to play missions and gates with others (as I barely have a few friends) and have fun together, and apparently this guild is way more active than the others that I've been in. :)

    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    I can help those who want to farm and/or need help in missions.

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    Yes, I have read the rules and I have no problem with any of them.

    Leoharlequin's picture

    What's your in-game name?

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    I started playing.. Since elevators costed mist, at least. I didn't get too far due to playing mostly by myself. I've returned after a good while with an interest in playing with others this time.

    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    I've been playing it fairly frequently for the past few days.

    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    I used to be kind of a loner, but these days I've become much more of a people person. I really enjoy talking with other people in chat, whether we're idling around or going through missions.

    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    I'm from the United States.

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    Mainly, I'm interested in joining an active and fun guild with a lot of people to talk to. I'd be kind of sad to be invited to one of the other guilds only for a few people to show up every day and almost no one to play with.

    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    A friendly, talkative person who is willing to go on missions with anyone who needs help.

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    Read and absolutely agreed.

    sorry if this is really late.

    Sorry im late, but i just saw this and it seems like an active guild for once! You accept knight elites right?
    Q2-Somewhere inbetween 2011-2012
    Q3-I always play it! Exept if i have school, im in 10th grade if age matters.
    Q4-Well im a human and im kinda akward..
    Q5-Lithuania.. its somewhere in europe.
    Q6-It seems like a very strict but nice guild! :) and i really looked hard for one like this a long time.
    Q7-I can totally donate and help smaller ranks/tiers.
    Q8-Yes i did.

    Like i said im really sorry for the late reply! :(


    -What's your in-game name?
    1) Sim-Kos

    -When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
    2) 2012 - It was my second game on steam, I was 12 at the time and I had a lot of fun playing it and as a child. I Took a big hiatus however when the Alchemy update came along and I was heavily discouraged to play the game, but I came back after a year to my long lost love :P

    -How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
    3) I play everyday, my daily routine is to check AH, do a recipe run, 2 VANA runs and then screw around doing something else, maybe a gate run.

    -Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
    4) I am a calm-ish person who played video games since childhood. I am currently in Year 11 (idk what Grade or Form that is) and I enjoy Math and Physics as core subjects. I am striving to become Senior IT Manager in a Reputable company.

    -Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
    5) I live in Auckland, New Zealand

    -Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
    6) Whenever I do Vana runs, I create a public lobby and most of the time someone joins in. I've gotten 6 people from The Retribution Council joining me up to this day (Through party finder or some other way) and all of them were some of the best people I have ever played with. Such nice joyful people to be around and very kind as well, I was short on mats to Feed my pet (Shadow Stars) and i shouted it out in haven. None other than a Retribution Council member replied and gave me a strikingly good deal of 13 Stars for about 10k CR. Another reason is that I am looking for a semi-active LD guild since I'm getting to the point where Vana is getting really boring and playing with Randoms isn't the best thing on the planet. My guild got our asses kicked by you guys that i wanted to join so badly.

    -We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
    7) As my daily routine is to do recipe runs everyday, I want to help fellow Retribution Councilors to get those Boss recipes without the need for doing a recipe run, I usually bring a close friend with me on the runs and if there is anything good that Basil has to offer, i will usually buy two of them (The other coming from my friend). I can also donate to the guild treasury, Maybe 3k a Day since its about a third of what I would get from a Vana run, and I am not a big guy on Cosmetics so I have crowns to spare.

    -Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
    8) I agree to the Terms and Conditions of Joining The Retribution Council.

    Daim-Kage's picture
    Applications Notifications Confirmations

    Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

    For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.


    My IGN is Nocturnard
    I started playing Spiral knights around 2013 but took a long break and got back into in around the end of 2015
    I only have time to play on the weekends and occasionally take breaks from the game for a few weeks
    I am a casual gamer that is looking for a friendly guild
    I am from the U.S
    The reason I want to join The Retribution Council is because I have a good amount of friends in the guild and feel this guild would be a good on the join
    I can provide a few crowns and someone who is always willing to help out
    I have read the rules and completely agree to them(though I might take a really long break from spiral knights and need to be invited back


    no foul language please

    Gradiosive-Cate's picture
    Hi i am

    My in-game name is

    I start playing Spiral Knight
    around when Battle Sprites goes live. It's like when we are free from Mist-Era and enslaved from Forge.

    I can play daily up to 1.5 hours, mainly doing the prestige endless race, checking AH, and sometimes doing random arcade/boss run.
    I got more time on Saturday to hang out. Now that there is college, i might miss some week-days.

    Hello, I'm a guy who likes drawing and suffers some social awkward. (sometimes i forget how to react and turn silent). I can be wild sometimes when topic interests me. So hey, i can communiCate. I'm currently 19 with a part-time jobs. Also I got terrible sleeping disorder.zzz

    It's Retribution Council and not others? well other guilds on top of my mind are Circle of Magic, and Tinkering Gremlin. (I found them three and compare them). You guys have a pretty solid structure as well as flashy achievements. Not sure about tidal-wavy history but what matters is present state. Your guild members seem very active enough to be seen anywhere, except Ready Room.

    I am from Viet Nam. But currently studying in U.S. No not citizens.

    I'm not Vanguard yet, so possibly cannot assist those high-end danger runs. But totally a "cake-walk" helping all post-champion mission/levels. (hopefully). I can provide some price check for low-mid accessories (75% correct). I can use my random experience-data on various things: orbs rate drop, crown pay out, heat required. I can be online to make the only other online one not lonely sometimes.

    The rules seem mature and understandable for me. Yay!


    Ign: Scarletz-Rose

    2010, but deleted my profile then starting a new one in the same day.

    I try to be active but on sundays (U.S) you won't see much.

    I am a calm person. I try logical approaches (in game and real life) but when logic doesn't work I turn into a jokester.

    Live in U.S.

    You have a quality of helpfulness that guilds don't show.

    I can help people with advice or just to help them do a mission.

    Yes and yes.

    Jenovasforumchar's picture

    Hello Retribution Council,

    after reading the full intro I got still two questions left:

    1. How much playing Counts as 'much'? By what is introduced here, it seems that it is impossible to have a Job and be able to stay in this guild, given that you can only Play a few hours each day at max.

    2. There seems to be a paradox between the perk 'get 1-5 star crafting materials' and the begging-rule. How can one use that perk without asking by himselfe? My assumption is that begging will Count only for hight quantities, but this isn't written in the introduction.

    After all it seems to be an interesting guild though.

    Seditions's picture

    What's your in-game name? Phytase

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? 2-3 Months After SK Released. The old times, when everything was better. More players. Cheaper CE.

    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I try everyday to log on. I am on almost every weekend for long hard hours.

    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. I am a fun, loving, and caring person. I like to see guilds grow, and that's why I came to yours. Just improving everyday. From an early age I have been fascinated by video games. The screen is a remarkable machine with many diverse components producing a picture that could never be forgotten. My love of video games is just one of my reasons for choosing your guild. Fascinates me even more, everyday.

    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? United States of America ^.^

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? The atmosphere of the guild, at least the atmosphere I sense. My perception of guilds has changed when I saw your wonderful guild. I began to see Spiral knights as not a grind, grind, and grind but a universal society where every member plays a part. Vana Runners, Lockdown Players, Merchants.

    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? For sure, I log on everyday and help when I can. I contribute to the guild's success. And make a positive reputation to others. Having spent the last four years in unsteady guilds, I have come to realization that my passion lies in helping people. Helping everyone reach their potential.

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes, I agree. (:

    I would like to join

    I like to play the game every now and then, approximately 1 a week atleast and I was hoping to find a guild that I could play missions or lockdown with, I'm currently a Knight Elite and wouldn't mind contributing to the guild for donations or helping others.

    1: Knight Name

    2: When did you begin to play?
    About April, 2014 and I still think it's one of the best MMO's to date

    3: How often do you play?
    At least once a week

    4: About Myself
    I'm a Pc gamer, currently in secondary school

    5: Where are you from?
    Currently I'm in the UK, England

    6: Why this guild?
    Well, all I'm looking for is a guild that can be freely joined and can help players while there's many others to just explore the clockworks

    7: What can you offer?
    I like to replay missions for the sake of helping others, I know the feeling of nobody helping me and I want to fix that for others, Plus I don't mind donating some crowns or items to assist other people without any reward or exchange

    8: Do you Agree With Our Rules?
    Yes, I won't beg for people's stuff or insult them for any reason (including swears and the like) and Will promise to stay with the guild until the end, aswell as not doing anything to hinder the reputation of said guild.

    Daim-Kage's picture
    Applications Notifications Confirmations

    @Jenovasforumchar - Hi. The introduction states Retribution Council doubles as a place for both casual and hardcore audiences. Casual by definition of gameplay meaning people who play irregularly, while hardcore means people who play frequently. We provide an active environment for both parties.

    Any perk mentioned is available to anyone within the guild. If a player requests any basic 1*-5* materials from us for crafting, we simply provide such to them. It is established as a benefit that is free to ask for, no matter the frequency of use.

    Please direct further questions in-game.


    Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

    For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.


    What's your in-game name? -Elite-Tempest

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? -4 months after SK had released. I quit for a year or two and am back into SK again now.

    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! -I am online almost everyday and always on on the weekends.

    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. -I am an energetic, nice, and friendly person. Since childhood, I've always been interested in video games and the concept of communities within. I enjoy socializing and having a good time with others, which seems precisely what occurs in your guild.

    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? United States Of America :)

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I chose this guild because of the incredible sense of friendly, hard-working people and the atmosphere they create. Seeing a guild like this rekindles my love for Spiral Knights and its community all the more, which is why I'd love to play a part in the guild as well.

    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? Because of my daily activity, I can always look to help others in need and create a sense of positivity. Having played many different games in the past, I know well that the atmosphere revolving around a community plays a major factor in one's enjoyment to the game, which is something I would like to aid in.

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes, I do agree :D

    i would like to join the council!

    My IGN name is Sik-Sensei
    I started today
    I will play everyday from 6-9 pm pacific time.
    well id say i am pretty honest and a nice guy and i will be as helpful as i can to the council.
    I am from Mexico but i currently live in California.
    well i read, through ur comments and it really looks like u guys are a fun and really good guild and u are like a big giant family and that appealed to me.
    I can offer help to who ever needs and when i can do it and i can also offer some laughter and good times

    Trymal's picture

    What's your in-game name? ---- Vile Person

    When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? ---- 3 years ago

    How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! ---- Just started after a long break

    Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. ---- I am an extrovert and I do not pay money for the game

    Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? ---- Australia (Brisbane)

    Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? ---- You are a guild consisting mainly of Vanguards plus I want to join a popular guild, because that makes active players.

    We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? ---- I may not give an OVERLY large sum of money, but I am willing to help members in missions!

    Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? ---- Yes