Fellowship: a Guild for New Players and Role Players
Hello there! I'm Hirus from the world of Spiral Knights and my newly-formed guild is now recruiting. In Fellowship, we hope to emphasize the importance of pro-social relationships and "getting into character" so to speak. This means that in everything from running through the clockworks to customizing your appearance, you're adopting a specific persona within the context of the game realm for the fun of it. But hey, that doesn't mean we can't still play Spiral Knights for what it is: an action-oriented brawler. In all, enjoying ourselves and being there for each other like a family is what's important. Also, don't be shy if you've just picked the game up and are learning how to play! I love helping people get familiar with the basics and supplying them with some starter gear if needed. ^^
Here's just a few basic guild rules:
1. Be courteous to others
Since we're all about friendliness here, please be sure to respect other guildmates and people in general. If at all possible, refrain from calling others "noob" and acting like an elitist. Try to remember, behind the robot is a person with feelings, as cliche as that sounds.
2. Feel free to ask for resources, to a point
I have no problem sharing materials, gear, ce, and crowns with others as I acquire them. However, please know that as the guild expands I'll only be able to help out several members at a time. I'm not discouraging asking, just that you do so with the welfare of other guildmates in mind. Also, please be willing to help others in the same way once you're on your feet financially. =)
3. Use your imagination
Go nuts with your character's backstory, existential motives, etc. Adventuring will be all the more fun when we've got a guild full of guys and gals with developed histories.
I guess that's about it. Just respond to this topic or send a tell/personal message ingame if you'd like a guild invite. I'll be sure to respond as soon as possible. Again, my IGN is Hirus. Take care!