Hey knights and thank for giving the time to click on this thread. We are a friendly guild made up of players from the beginning of Spiral Knights launch. We started this guild not to long ago and want to expand its community. There isn't really a big requirement for joining the guild. You must at least Defender Rank.
This guild's name is based towards the Anime "Sword Art Online." Many of the members know what the anime is. You don't need to know what it is but, it be good to learn about if we start talking about stuff you've never heard of.
Joining the guild is easy. All you need to do is walk up to one of our Officers or Guild Masters and ask to join.
They Include:
Kirito-Yusuna (Guild Master)
Hatsumomo (Guild Master)
Magfuse (Officer)
Oromis-Glaedr (Officer)
SoroKenshi (Officer)
Reply below with the following information:
1) Knight Name
2) Player Rank
3) Why you are interested?
4) When you started playing SK?
5) Are you active in chat? (not shy)