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Forum Rules and Help

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Bild des Benutzers Eurydice
Community Manager

Greetings, noble knights!

Welcome to the Spiral Knights forum! Here, you can discuss all things Spiraly and Knighty with your fellow players. To help make the forums a pleasant and productive place for the Spiral Knights community, we must ask that you abide by the following guidelines:


  • Be excellent to each other. Keep your posts respectful and polite. Disagreement is fine, but scratching, biting, and hair pulling is not allowed.
  • Report violations of forum rules via our Support Email form so that staff may attend to the violation as quickly as possible. When doing so, please supply a link to the post(s) you are reporting.
  • Report in-game issues, such as Terms of Service violations by other players, via in-game complaint and support requests. This ensures that the Spiral Knights GMs will see your report as soon as possible.
  • Direct support-related issues and questions to the support staff via the Support Email form.
  • Keep the forums in the same languages that are supported in the game. Posts which cannot be read by the moderators will be removed.
  • Use the Search option (located in the upper right corner of the forums) to check for existing posts/threads on your topic.
  • Keep your posts relevant to the forum section in which you are posting. Read the description for each forum to make sure you’re posting in the right place.


  • Post personal attacks, or anything intended to insult or belittle another person (this includes both players AND staff members).
  • Use foul, abusive, or offensive language. If a swear word is filtered in-game in Spiral Knights, do not use it on the Spiral Knights forums.
  • Post spam or other nonsense that disrupts the forum's formatting, functionality, or usability, including quote pyramids or "bump" posts.
  • Re-create threads that have been Graveyarded, locked, or unpublished.
  • Post other people’s personal or private information. This includes posting screenshots of in-game mail, chat, or other private communications without the permission of the other participants.
  • Post exploits, spoilers, or other sensitive information about the game. If you find an exploit, notify us via the Support Email form.
  • Use the forum to protest a support action, such as a ban. Use the Support Email form to report disputes regarding staff actions so that your issue can be escalated quickly and appropriately.
  • Use images as signatures. This includes images manually pasted into your posts in order to look like a signature.
  • Impersonate other players, or impersonate Three Rings staff members.


  • Using a forum post to protest a support action, such as a ban, may make it necessary for us to discuss the circumstances of your case in public. We strongly recommend submitting your dispute via the Support Email form instead.
  • Repeated violations of these guidelines may result in a forum ban, as well as in-game penalties, including warnings, tempbans, or permanent bans.
  • While it is our policy not to delete threads, we reserve the right to edit or delete posts which break these rules, to move threads to the Graveyard section of the forum, or to unpublish threads where the rulebreaking is so prevalent that it would take an inordinate amount of support time to edit it to acceptability. Unpublishing a thread, as opposed to deleting it, means that Spiral Knights staff can still read it.
  • This is a guide. Exceptions and new problems will inevitably crop up which may need to be resolved outside of the stated rules. Those who abuse this guide to further their own agendas will be fed to the Snarbolax.
  • These guidelines may be changed at any time. For substantial changes, we will post a notice on the Spiral Knights forum.

Thank you!

[Edited June 2, 2011--Eurydice]