Okay, so that's a bit of a mind trip.
From 'I like Kora' To "I HAVE A SOOOOON!"
Do I have to go all Darth Vadar mode now?
Condemned RP

Liminori, explain what your talking about? I am completely lost with what you are talking about.))

Ash shifted slightly, although he didn't show it, his mind was racing. The alchemy attempt was a no go, but the kid's yelling seemed to be distracting so!e of the guards. While the ex-sniper listened to the screams of the kid and the sound of the guards dragging him away, he narrowed his eyes, focusing on the sniper. He saw the gun go up, take aim, and rest on his head, before lowering just the slightest. It seemed the sniper would be aiming for his chest, or maybe the neck. His eyes went back to normal, and he shrugged his shoulders before flexing his fingers.
There'd be a signal, then they'd all be dead. In their own special ways. He gazed at the sniper, knowing that through the scope, the knight probably couldn't see his eyes.
Vog, Skolver, spirit of the scrapping tortodrone, gods of Isora, anyone, please... save us

OOC: Yes, Leeroy has a son. I have not yet stated who the mother is. There may not even be on in this timeline.
@Darkwatck: In some of my posts, I wrote of a young man who was crying out to Leeroy as 'father.'
IC: Kako had not, in fact, botched his alchemy; rather, he had forgotten that soul transfers don't work on the living. The alchemy circle was in standby, awaiting his death, everyone's death.
The sniper stared down the scope at Ash's neck. Slowly he exhaled and pulled the trigger. In a moment, Ash realized that he was falling, and felt nothing when he hit ground. Then, his soul was ripped from his body and thrown into utter darkness.
Saboteur exploded in a blaze of fiery glory; it seemed the guard cared little for his own life after all. In a flash, Saboteur's soul was ripped from him and thrown into the pit of darkness.
The firing squad lined up Kako and Leeroy and opened fire. Both men died before they struck the pavement, their souls ripped from their bodies and thrown into the pit of darkness with the others.
At that moment, Kako's alchemy circle activated. Their four souls were lifted out of the pit by a mysterious hand and placed into new bodies. But when they awoke, they found themselves sitting in the middle of another alchemy circle situated...well...
...in the Underworld.
"NOOOO!! FATHER!!" cried the young man in rage, still unable to wrest himself free of the guards' grips. But by now, he had grown too weak with grief to fight them. They set him on the ground and allowed him space to cry.
Liminori, he's your character now. Customize him as you wish. His allowed age can be between 16-24. Colray, Darkwatck, Midnight-Dj, the three of you now need to make new characters. Your old characters may return at a later date, but for now, you are not permitted to use them.

((What are the restrictions in the new creatures. After all it was clear in Kako's chat what he wanted or does that count anymore? I suppose where I am going is that half-breed still reasonible to have or would it be tanted by the type of transmutation he preformed, considering this was his first time doing something like this. even if not by meaning too.))

((You can pretty much do whatever you want, within reason. Thus far, I've allowed a sentient robot; a little variety won't hurt much.))

((Ah thank you for that, now I won't feel completely out in the cold xD))
Darkness, it was all Kako saw as he came to. Perhaps it was a momentary memory laps in his transmutation, but either way his mind knew he was dead. Yet he still felt alive, in fact he felt great aside from the pain ripping through his body where he was shot.
What happened, I shouldn't be able to feel this pain in my chest.
Reaching up Kako felt the not the ripped open flesh of a wound but rather the smooth tone of flesh covered in some kinda rough hide. Opening his eyes, he felt a pain the kinda pain that one would feel as light entered their world after being in the dark for a rather long time. All around him he saw the markings of the one place he knew wasn't what he asked.
No, no no no!
Ignoring the pains of his body Kako jumped to life, only to fall face first on the ground. Feeling pain from a part of his body he didn't feel before. Recoiling he clutched what ever the extremity was giving a snarling growl in pain. It was only then he realized, he had a tail! Not only that but it was covered in the same kinda rough hide which he could only describe as scales.
"By Amartía, did the Transmutation backfire."
Standing up he looked over his body, only now realizing the maw he had now. To his eyes he saw he still held a humanoid shape, but what should have been a human shell was a mix of Dragon's body on a human frame. What stuck out the most that he could see where the legs and the tail. A hing joint leg and the tail which seemed to be the same length as his torso.
"This can't be real, was this because of the Transmutation. It had to be, but we all died by the execution squad."
Slowly a moment of horror stuck him, did he lose his body. The Temple he worked so hard to sculpt into a shrine to his alchemist prowls. Feeling around he found his hair was gone, but in it's stood two sets of, for lack of a better word, decorative horns. By the way they felt the outer set was at least a good twelve inch's long, going out and around curving to points rather sharp, being at least a good four inch's thick at the base. The second set was half the first but came from the forehead sweeping back as it to compliment the main set.
To his maw he felt the vestige of the noble creatures his dark body was imitating. Teeth designed for ripping meat off the bone, a tongue that was rather long and felt rough light sand paper. Yet his body felt weak, like his human body did.
"This, this isn't my body...Not this isn't even close to what I should look like. Something went horribly wrong I should still look human, not this."
Turning around Kako the inhabitants of the underworld, yet there wasn't much shock going on in them, rather just the look of people observing some one having a mental break down.
Did the others come with me? If they did I need to find them, but if this happened to me then there is no telling what the others look like at this point.
Calming himself as best as possible Kako looked around, hopefully the signs of others having the same reaction he did would be a clue in the direction if the others came, that's assuming his Transmutation effected them as well. After all it seemed as if the Transmutation kicked in when he died, so the reasoning in his head was all those who died at the time it fully activated must have followed.
Why where they in the underworld.
((Bah that was a longwinded moment, sorry for the massive post man :L))

You are finally dead... but dead you are not... welcome to hell...
Saboteur was sure that his ear drums were eviscerated by the explosion, instead, his eyes opened again, not to see white light, but the endless nights cape of the underworld . His face was well concealed by the darkness and thus he discarded the nail bag, he perceived his damnation, he knew this was going to happen. With a bitter chuckle, he wondered about while slipping by a strange humanoid beast without getting noticed. For a second there he was almost sure that the beast of his former alchemist cellmate, but there was no point worrying about that now.
Pythonne walked down a series of narrow satires and soon found a unnatural, ever lasting fire pit, it was there he sat down to get used to his new surroundings. Many souls passed by, complaining that their gods abandoned them or that their prayers were in vain, they did not pay attention to Saboteur and the bomber returned the favor. He sat there, waiting, waiting for the end of time.
Saboteur stared into the flickering fire pit, the ever pulsating sparks that symbolized the flow of time. He only had one person behind the back of his lingering consciousness, Mono the cyborg, the man who imprisoned him in the first place. The bomber grinned at the vivid imagination of drilling into the robot's metal skull and cram in as many explosive as he could possibly find. If he could he would have invaded the normal world as a vengeful daemon and tear that miserable cyborg into a million pieces.
On the peak of his anger, Saboteur screamed into the dark night, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

((Guys, I need you to make characters for the Overworld so we can move on with the story. No character sheets required; just start writing.))

(It was about trains and weaving. I'll talk about this now while I still remember it. The story started off rather lighthearted- told in a sort of third person perspective, First listing the traders and their weaving styles (As over the top they may have been) Hei Sung Crashing Waterfalls, for example. The first third of the book was more about knowing more about eachother, until things started going downhill. Then, it was a question as to whom was making money by contracts- i.e. murder of prominent npcs. The town was rather isolated; Merely 200 people and no police station. Then the third portion of the book was more of betrayal and oh shit the cops are coming from another town.)
(Placeholder for character stuff, @Thin: Are our new characters also on death row?)

((@Liminori: Yes, your new characters are also on death row, but unlike last time, I have no intention of killing you guys off. Leeroy's son is going to be executed because he's the son of a traitor.))
((To everyone still stuck in the Underworld: I do not recommend attempting to play in there. There is only one way in or out, and it's not accessible from the inside. Every single resident of the Underworld is unfriendly to you, and even the weakest of them are at least as strong as you are, and many are way out of your league. And while you could, in theory, live forever down there, in practice, you won't live longer than a day or two. Your characters will survive best if you play with someone in the Overworld.))

((To be frank, I rather keep Kako going. Sure surviviblity is on the table but at this rate I kinda invested a little bit much in the explanation post. I mean from what I understood the way in and out is death, which means the bodies that Kako made the others take because of his Transmutation could be returned, but from the sight of it, that would mean that some one on the otherside would need to make a circle and summon them back by giving up a rather large amount of energy. Other wise the body or the soul wouldn't make it. On that same note lets make an account of something really quick, this is not extending here because of how I understand things but, Devlites could make a 'gate way' letting people back and forth. They could bring the ones who went to the underworld back if they don't know that they are souls in bodies of citizens in the underworld.
In that same though pattern it wouldn't be impossible to say bring them back, an acomplist Alchemist could do it, but it would require some one on the otherside to stare the process...Again theory I suppose))

At the very end of the block, closest to the isolated cells, sits a man in his 20s. He has his night-black hair pressed against the wall, and his lime-emerald eyes glimmer inhumanely in the dimness of it all. In his hand a simple pocketwatch sits, checked for dozens of times by the latest X-ray technology and tinkerers there were in Haven.
He was figured to be unable to render any permanent damage without its chain, so he was allowed to hold it.
In fact, he had been allowed to hold it so long as the year he spent here in the death row, watching many people come and go, waiting his turn, waiting for a good reason to die.
He hoped today was that day; he had left them, the Spiral Order, a trail of clues to follow and connect his involvement to a string of shortcomings that happened on various workshop and factory raids. To interfere with such sensitive, decisive operations was suicide, but he had already explained his justification for a cause.
He was waiting for when they'd finish the puzzle, as to why over a hundred of the best operatives died over the years from his hands. Why only he, the very best of them all, could be responsible.

@Darkwatck: It's good that you're invested in the character. The story needs that. I'm not asking you to de-invest in him. On the contrary; that investment is necessary for the players to make an important, game-changing decision later on in the game. Without it, the choice would be an easy one. Use new characters to free your old ones.
@Feline-Grenadier: I like that you have a game-wide mystery built into your character. I could use that, if you'll allow me some creative liberties on the importance of his targets. ;)

Listening to the sound of rust and win, the cold air in the cell seemed to sing with a the life of a new. Everynow and again the feeling of a soft breeze came through the cell, followed by the fresh smell of the outside world.
Held in a stray jacket, mostly for the protection of the guards sat a man with midnight black hair, a light complection and a sign on the door. Behind those crimson eyes held the soul of a monster, something that should have been put down years ago when it was born. Guised as a Knight and hidden in the light. Having not taken well to his fate the Crazy, yet sane, mad-man yelled till his voical cords had exsoted themselves, all the while the expression of glee came across his face.
Name: Fos (Last name not found)
Reason for death: Treason; killing of high-ranking intel officers.
Notes: A alchemist of luminite, this man has carved into his hands and arms symbles of alchemy. At no point are his arm to be unbound, no scrap of liminite with in fifty yards, nor anything outside of the basic's of food and water. Do to insidences in the past with a guard losing fingers via bitting, all guards are to have full body armor, plate if possible.
Sitting in the middle of the cell the man mummbled aloud a formula which was used by his brother...
"...The souls live on...Τρεις Δράκος κλίμακες, τρεις Σκοτεινής Ύλης θραύσματα, και ο κύκλος των πρόσδεσης πέδησης, Τέλος του αίματος για να σφραγίσει τη συμφωνία..."

A nearby guard dropped his key outside the cell. The rattling, screeching teasing sound of the key as it bounced off of the prison floor resounded through the prison with it's cruel 'Clink Tink tink'.
Flynn growled, as he punched the rough gritty cell wall- Dust fell from the wall due to the neglect from the ages bygone. What could have possibly been so dangerous about his father that he had to be executed? Something was wrong about all this- Why kill one of the leading officers of Isora off? Flynn wasn;t an idiot, He heard how the people on the street talked about him. Morai weren't welcome on Isora, and it was bad enough trying to keep his own reputation from reaching rock bottom. But, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that for being "Absolute Scum" there were a lot of people grateful for his help. Flynn stopped thinking about the irony of the Spiral Order's sense of control- (It just kept spiraling down and down. . .) To see faded letters in the spot he'd punched. Flynn then started cleaning the walls off with his hands- Uncovering the message 'Follow the Shadows'. Flynn rested for a moment, and wondered what the message meant- But of course this was only thought about for a moment- As where one message is left, many tend to be. And so, he started to seach his cell.
((Edit: Will there be last requests like last time? And, added to that, Will they be fullfilled before or after death depending on the request?))

Name: Christian Langley
Gender: male with several cybernetic enhancements, Mono-lite essentially
Reason for Death: once a cruel guard of the firing line, Christian took pride in his 'an eye for an eye' philosophy and gunned down hundreds in the name of 'justice', that all changed one day when he accidentally killed an innocent woman right after the court appealed her of death sentence. Now 'Justice' comes for him.
"I always looked up to you Christian... " one of the guards mumbled as he stared into that tragic figure that he once called captain, "But justice is blind, you and I both know that, bullet is the best judge of them all... regardless of who you are, man, woman or child, no one is spared, innocent, guilty, strong and weak, the bullet goes through their brain. I will try aim for your head, Christian, just because I respect you..."
"Sometimes I wondered," said the former guard captain now in the cold death cell, "What would have happened if I delayed my finger on the gun for one more second? Would that woman lived till this day?"
"And why would you want to know that?" Christian's former friend laughed, "We are no time travelers... what is done... is done, here," the man slipped a envelope into Christian's cell, "this is the letter of the woman's family, they wanted you dead, but we won't let their need for petty revenge get in the way of your quick death, may the judge in heaven account for both your greatness and follies... have a nice trip, and see you in hell."
"I will kick your butt if I see you any where near heaven..." Christian waved goodbye to his former friend and sat back into his cell, he saw many scribbling on the wall, many belonged to the deranged bomber that died hours ago while taking a guard down with him.
The entire wall was covered by Saboteur's scribbles, now it is even more ironic that Christian now sat in the same room as that man who he thought was 'only deserve death'. Now death comes for him as well, meanwhile, deep in the clockwork, a man stood near a patch of green grass erected a stone grave for the fallen bomber.
"So this is the price of freedom huh?" Affraiel laughed as he etched the name 'Pythonne Silensky' into the stone epitaph, "Never knew that boy had it in him... you are a real man now Sabo, those Spiral Knights think they know something about courage, but what is their deeds compared to a single man against an entire corrupted system with only his body strapped in bombs? That is true courage... and a little bit madness, but mainly courage."

((I'm not a big fan of a virulently non-Christian player playing as a Christian character. I'm sure you can imagine why.))

Sona Morgana
Prison ID : (Death Row) DR-1865
Crime : Attempted murder of Captain Oslo, Treason
Notes : Oslo's tactician and advisor. Odd that she would have ended up rebelling against Oslo, after leading him to victory in many battles. Has long, red hair. Has odd eyes which seem to change color based on emotion. Keep nothing sharp, or objects that can be sharpened, in her cell. Keep away from other prisoners to prevent uprisings. Use force as necessary for execution.
Dry, red blood stuck to the wall.
"Oslo you bastard!". She shouted before throwing a heavy punch at the same red spot again with her bleeding red knuckles. "You almost kill me, and throw me in jail for not dying!?". She shouted again, hate dripping from each word. She punched the wall one last time, before her body sunk to the floor, sitting down with a thump. She sat down in momentary defeat, barely containing her now silent hatred, and waited for a guard.

-Just because his name is Christian, doesn't mean that he is a Christian, and that isn't even possible considering that Spiral Knights have no records of encountering humanity in their history.
-I already dodged the mentioning of any bible names like Yahweh or Jesus for your convenience, if you really want to get offended, just look at KV-103 in machinauts, this robot worship a machine god and he pretty much use the same reasoning to defend his god as you.
-Heaven and Hell (or underworld if you call it) have already defined by you to exist in this RP universe judging by the fact that you have already personally altered hell's property (why is Saboteur not burning yet?), so why is Heaven not altered as well?
-Is there a part of anyone's speech that you don't like? Or just the character's circumstance? Or just the plain irony? I will throw you a bone on this one and change it, is that fair?

Fos lifted his head for a moment to listen to the yelling woman before giving a twisted chuckle.
"Blood is a terrible thing to waste dear. Perhaps you should stop bleeding here and save it for the execution stage?"
The bonded man stood without the support of his hands, on account they where bound by a straitjacket. Across his face a wide, toothless smile spread as he spoke, getting close to the wall.
"Στο όνομα του φώτα από το αίμα στο αίμα και τέφρα σε τέφρα. Είμαστε όλοι αλλά μαριονέτες σε μια σειρά για να μετακινήσετε μια μεγαλύτερη επιθυμία , η μοίρα. Now stop hurting yourself, all your doing is making me hungry."
Leaning his face into the split between the bars, his midnight black hair obscuring from the tip of his nose and up.
"Or do you have a spare ounce for a hungry alchemist to use?"
Another sick chuckle came from the man as his hair shuck with his laughing. The hair in question had to reach down to his shoulder blades, and untamed from the looks of it.

She sarcastically responded to the alchemist, "I'd only give my blood to you in return for Oslo's head, witch.". She looked away from the man.

OOC @Midnight-DJ: A name change would be preferable, if you wouldn't mind.
It's been three years since Flynn's father Leeroy was executed for treason. He tried fleeing the Spiral Order, and we all know how well that turned out. As he searched his cell for hidden messages, the executioner stepped into the room and stood in the middle of the block. He pulled out a notepad and asked, "All right fellas, how would you all like to die? I'm taking orders today 'cuz I'm feeling generous. Gimme your names while you're at it."

Fos chuckled at the responce of the woman then looked at the executioner.
"Oh! Fos wants his arms free and three quorts of blood, fresh would be the best. After all why not do something interesting right? Who needs firing squads when ya can just turn your own blood into energy. Ah I like that thought."
The man looked at the woman in the far cell with the same twisted smile before tossing his head back showing he had a blind fold on the whole time.
"Seems they don't want my hands free or give be the ability to see. I wonder why? Could it be, because they know my work doesn't need much but blood."
On last twisted chuckle came from the man, he was sane enough to know what was going on, and if they didn't want people who where watching to die then this request wouldn't be granted, but if it was, and he got fresh blood he had an escape.
"Come on doc, what do ya say." He made his voice sound like a deprived addict. "All I need is an ounce, that woman over yonder seems ta have enough!"

"Beheadment.", she replied, not even turning her head to see the executioner. "Just make my death swift so I won't have to deal in the Idiot Order anymore. Oslo tries to kill ME and it is MY fault for protecting myself. I suppose my last meal can't be that bastard Oslo's head?". The executioner could hear hatred and malice in her words. "My name is Sona Morgana."

OOC : You'll have to PM me on CYS for your plans; I was thinking big things for this one.
"Teach," the man says, flashing a smile at the executioner.

Flynn, alas, could not find any other writing on the wall. He started to think of other ways to escape. The way the prison was made seemed to be simple enough- A large building with an elevator and several halls- A cell each wall and corner per floor. There didn't really seem to be ventilation shafts that could be reached with normal means- Unless levitation was normal. And then, Flynn overheard the conversation of the alchemist. Flynn took note of this, and the fact that the executioner could hear all of the people in the cell. The cell windows that looked over into each prisoner's room from the other was acessible enough, A slot with bars far apart enough you could reach your hand through. And so, Flynn grinned a grim smile, as he mulled over his plan.
Flynn got up, and went to the door to his cell- Trying to get the attention of the Executioner.
"Err, Sir?" Flynn said, attempting his best awkward/scared teenager voice, "Do you have a bottle that I could piss in? I can't help but notice there's nothing in the cell."
(@Thin: Is my description of the prison acceptable? Or have I just powerplayed a little bit too much? PS: I shall PM Flynn's sort of plan so that you may act accordingly to the situation and perhaps change some variables- If everything so far is acceptable.)

"Alrighty. Most of your orders will be filled. 'Cept that one guy's. Fos was it? No blood for you! It's the firing squad if you can't think of any other way you wanna die. I'll be back in an hour." The executioner flipped closed his notepad, turned on his heels and marched out the door.
In his place came not one, not two, but three guards dressed in Skelly gear. Yes, the cheap 2* kind you can get at dollar stores. Skelly must be the uniform around here. At any rate, they each took up positions around the cell block and stood there like stone statues. The first one was the tallest and bulkiest, with a large troika-like sword with fiery lines traversing the blade. The second one, a slimmer guard with a good bit of muscle on him, bore a slender blade resembling an unsealed sword. The third one, the tallest and skinniest of the three, bore an Arcana slung on his back and a strange-looking power fist in his right hand.
They didn't look very eager to chat.
The fourth individual who came in, however, seemed to be of a different sort. His flowing crimson robe flapped and fluttered as he moved, and in his left hand was a mystical book of alchemy, one of the seven legendary Tomes of Rage belonging to the seven great Nobles of the Spiral Council. Why a man of his standing should visit them was beyond comprehension; perhaps someone high up had an interest in one of the prisoners?
His deceptively tender lips parted and breathed the following words to the condemned:
"Who do you think you are?" came his velvet voice. "Who among you is not a traitor to the Order? Who among you would feign innocence in the holy jury? The very earth cries out against you. Fie, fie for shame upon you all! Even if you would recant and swear again your allegiance to His Grace Ozlo, he would not show mercy to such worms as you. We would not pollute the dirt with your wicked bodies were it not a graver evil that you breathe this holy air. What do you have to say for yourselves?"

"What say the prism, stained with the dust of pomp and circumstance of pride, that splits what is true and holy into a spectrum of conflagrance? What say the bearer of light rejected by the Beholder? What say he?!"
The man lunges towards him, but stops short a step before retreating back.
"What say he indeed. Was it not the way of olde to say 'love thy neighbor as thyself, for the love of the Beholder'? Was not it said in those days : 'Blessed be the peacemakers, for they shall receive peace'? If one should do just that...how much more would the Beholder repay those who do the opposite?"

@Thin, New name: Boan Langley (keep naming after snakes... Pythonne and now Boan), I love how it is completely okay for Vinny (I will never forget your old name feline...) to act all holy, but I get scolded at just mentioning Christianity, don't you think maybe you aren't the only person who is getting offended here? Edit: You know what, screw it, just go ahead and write, I want to see just how much you can piss me off with your writing.
Boan stared blankly into the wall after hearing some girly mindless gibberish followed by some ancient mumbles. Three years seemed flashed by and all was about to come to an end, no appeal came for him, many times, he saw the family of the girl he killed came to visit him from the distance, their cruel frowns darted at him as if Boan was never a living Isoran, but rather, a beast waiting to be slaughtered.
More prisoners came in and out, more gun shots and bodies fallen, yet nothing progressed, the society was still bigoted, everyone was hostile towards each other as Boan witnessed his old guard colleagues all fell into madness: some went to asylum others committed suicide after carrying the tremendous guilt for too long. Boan was almost glad that he was about to meet his destiny in about an hour, this is finally his chance to be liberated from the system.
I know what happened...
Yes, Boan was not to blame for the death of that girl...
There is no such a thing as innocent on cradle, only the degree of sins and you are guilty of wasting my time...
You know Boan has to go, do you know how many people out there wanted to see prison guards like him dead? This is only a public stunt of course, Boan is in the dark, we just need to keep executing guards once every few years to keep the brainless masses thinking that this is justice. But we all know how that feels now don't we? Ozlo?
Yes, controlling them with fear and firing squads sure is easy on paper, we are getting some pesky Alchemists in the recent years thinking they are the hot stuff... the last one nearly broke out, but thankfully his little trick failed. I will keep an eye out for the next guard to execute, Justice is blind, as you are so fond of saying...

"My betrayal is justified! The bastard Oslo tried to kill me, so I defended myself and tried to counterattack. Is that not what we would do if a gremlin attacked us? Would we stand idly while they killed us? Don't act high and stuck up, preaching your 'justice'! Oslo is no grace, and he has none either!". She shouted at the robed man. She quickly scanned over him, noticing a tome. She too wondered why a noble was in here.
@MidnightDj and Thinslayer
You guys' bickering is getting real annoying real fast. Could you guys please find some common ground for rules to agree on, rather than arguing in every thread please?

[[I semi-agree with Archemiday. "Bickering" distracts from the story, and ruins the flow of posts; to me the bickering isn't completely justified, either. If this is going to remain a problem, just having a set of rules regarding religion-affiliated things in this RP's universe would be greatly appreciated.
With the original post from Midnight, I sort of know why Thin didn't want him to have his character have the name "Christian", but at the same time, I know more than one person named Christian who are die hard Atheists.
The Red-Robe dude sounds religious, but most of what he was saying was: "You worms are so filthy, even the revered captain Ozlo wouldn't be your salvation." I think that was to make him seem like some sort of corrupt priest of sorts, which fits with my current image of him. It's character development, not religion. Furthermore, if we take into consideration the topic for the post containing said Red-Robed-priest, he's a "Dark Alchemist", furthering my point on the fact that he's not as pure as his words make him out to be.
As for Vinny's post, although it is poetic and coincides with Christian beliefs, it may not be directly relative to the topic of Christianity. It could be possible that the Order itself had ideals like "treat your neighbor as yourself" before it fell to (supposed) corruption. I suppose that would depend on the situation in which the Order was founded, and the morals its leaders supported in the beginning; which brings me back to the "bring in a set of rules" thing, which could be introduced as a mock-history lesson of the Spiral Order for this RP.
On an unrelated note... @Darkwatck
Could you post the translations of your Greek to direct English? Not just the pronunciation? I've tried translating it, but most online translators end up making things a bit... Weird.
I probably should have asked for this sooner. Meh. Better late than never.
Anyways. Back to the RP... Robots don't die.]]
'How long have I been in here now...'
Too bad the crazy whack-job that made her shell didn't install a Timer or Calender into her HUD.
Tifa leaned her head against the still-intact metal cube that held her with a small "tac" and closed her eyes. This metallic sound and her own voice were some of the only things she had been able to hear for a while. A long while. After what she assumed to be about a year, she was brought back up while she slept, and a heat-resistant speaker-panel was installed within her cube, meaning she could relay whatever she said outside of her own secluded cell.
After it was installed, she was also able to hear the murmurings of other cell-dwellers... To hear them come and go, and never return. She was envious.
Occasionally, Guards had filtered into her cell and walked around since then... But nothing of note really happened. Maybe the Order just wanted her to run out of power, as some equivalent of burying her alive. It would eventually happen, but Tifa's power reserves still maintained a 64% after all this time...
'At least the professor knew how to make conservative machines.'
Before going into any more thought about her own secluded demise in a couple years, someone on the outside started some sort of grand speach about how everyone in here was guilty and such...
She tapper her head on the metal again, then pressed her smooth, grey finger against a button on the speaker to relay her words to the outside.
"Just for your information... Not all of us breathe the "holy air" you speak of. Some of us don't breathe at all."
With that, she lifted her finger off the button and tapped her head against the wall in front of her once again.

"I say: Σκάσε και να μου δώσει φαγητό! But for some one like you who looks like they learned there craft from the safety of home let me explain."
The blindfolded man looked in the direction the more preaching voice with a smile. Even with the blind fold on it was like the Luminite alchemist could see right there the people in the prison block where.
"You sound like some one who would fit in perfect here, come on we need a bed buddy in here. I am big spoon you be little spoon. Ah yes while we are at it could you mind stuffing something in that gob of yours? Its really driving me crazy!"
He fell backworks laughing rather harshly to himself as he thought of something to say despite his want to escape he knew at this point it was impossible unless some one willingly put a hand or exposed body part by his mouth.
"Tell ya what, why don't ya come over here, take this blind fold off and we do something fun en?"
The warped man made a kissing action before rolling around on the floor, mad like a march hair.

Flynn jumped up to the bars, which shook as he clinged to them to prevent a nasty headache.
"Worms? TRAITORS? WICKED?" Flynn snarled. "WELL THEN. How would you like to be put into a prison cell, to be killed the next morning, ALL MERELY because you were ADOPTED? I am FLYNN, SON OF LEEROY- Ozlo can ROT in the underworld!" Flynn flipped off the priest, and cackled as he walked into the part of the cell where none could see.

((Alright, look, I didn't mean to start a fight over the issue. I wasn't actually offended; in fact, I appreciated that your character was more noble-minded than I'm used to seeing from you. I wouldn't have argued or pressed the matter if you didn't want to change the name. It wasn't a big deal for me; it was just a nagging concern that I wanted to take care of if possible.))
The red-robed scholar took a step back and stared blankly ahead. He hadn't expected this level of eloquence from the prisoners, particularly from the one called 'Teach'. He pursed his lips and grimaced. "Well then. Any fool can bandy glib words with his betters. Let your conduct henceforth have at least the appearance of nobility, as much as you savages are able. I shall be glad to take my leave of you."
He didn't even bow, as is traditional before leaving the presence of another. He simply turned heel and marched out.

"Bye Honey, see you at the honeymoon!"
The Alchemist said as he stayed laying on the floor, belly rumbling for a bite to eat. Looking around all he could smell was the aruma the dried blood left on the wall. Rolling into a sitting position the man calmed himself before looking around his blacked out world.
"Anyone go a bite to eat? I mean really arn't they suppose to feed us in this put they call a hell hole? I haven't even so much as had a crumb since I have been here. Wait, could it be because I feed off there blood, naw they are just crazy."
The bound man layed down looking directly up at his cell contemplating something to do before he died, his mistakes that led to his capture.
"If only I hadn't left behind that damned body, they might not have found me to day..."

((Come on guys, chat a little! Don't waste your last hour in silence.))

Getting to his feet the blind Alchemist walked to the door and looked around, despite having a blindfold on.
"So anyone want to share any stories as to why you where put in here? I am sure it will do me some good, after all I can't see a thing."
He would have waved his hand infront of his face, if not for the fact they where restrained by the jacket he had on.
"Also any of the guards want to donate some blood? I am starving over here!"
He said, sounding rather staved, if not for the fact he was rather starved, the only thing this place has given the man since his inseption was a drink of water and some stale bread. Sure if he was in a camp he could survive on that, but with no functioning arms and no sight he was kinda relying on the guards to feed him, not that any would really really want to considering he would bite down on the closest exposed flesh he could.
"Well this is a bust for food, still waiting on those stories...fine I will go first."
Sitting down with his head on the door he chuckled a little as he remembered what he had done, the visions so clear in his head, bright and fresh like the sight of crimson pools as they hit the ground. The smells just as clear as the iron taste in one blood.
"I was locked up here because I decided to try a little something in Alchemy known as Bio-Alchemy. Using blood as a catalist for reactions, and ya know what, it works! Speeds up the reactions and even gives me a little more if I have fresh blood, however the unexpected thing is that it leaves behind trails. Trails that can be followed if ya know what to look for."
Leaning back and looking at where he thought the roof was he give a giggling sigh.
"That rush, ah the feeling of the crimson liquid going down and the sudden burst of energy followed after is simply exquisite. A moment of pure bliss as the reaction happens and your body is filled with energy followed by the desire to complete your task at hand. To say I enjoyed what I did would be a lie, I didn't enjoy it, it was pure ecstasy!"
His words flushed with a deep dark joy and excitement as he got the last part of his little speech.
"However," his voice started to die down in cadence, "my mistake was I let a child escape with her life, only bleeding slightly. Ah I did enjoy the chase she made be give her, nothing gets the blood pumping like fear and exercise."
Fos' voice seemed to gain a bit of malice as he spoke now.
"Then the Order had to get involved. They supported my research into this matter, but when the hunger hit and they decided enough was enough, they pulled the plug and left me with this ever growing hunger for the substance of life. It seemed no matter what I ate now, my body just rejected it and because of that, I am here rotting...bah the Order, who needs it. Am I right?"
He said looking around his dark room, as if looking at the others in the cell block.

"THAT BASTARD OF A SAVAGE OSLO BETRAYED ME AND HE KNOWS IT!", she yelled as the noble walked out. Her? A savage for defending herself from a traitor? She was insulted, and nearly started punching the wall again before she calmed herself slightly. Her eyes glowed in a vicious red as hatred still lingered in her.
"Anyone want to share their story of why they're in here?", the vampiric man said.
"You should know why I'M here, but I suppose you might've been locked in here for ages with the bloodlust you have. I was Oslo's tactician, advisor, and friend. I helped him, and he succeeded. HE took credit for being a 'mastermind genius', while I sat in the back and won his battles. Then, one night, he sends assassins after me! So, I slowly started to raise my men behind the scenes, so I could rebel before he tried to assassinate me again. And so, I succeeded in striking first, but the rebellion ultimately failed, and they threw me in the pit of dogs I'm in now." She replied, quickly followed by a shout of, "If I could see one last thing in my life, it would be the idiots head separated from his body!". After finishing, she turned away from the others and mumbled angrily to herself about Oslo and how much she hated him.

"Hate is a poison there girly. Ya got to let it go before it turns you into one of the crazies I hear lives here."
He chuckled a little to himself, as he fell back into the cold cell floor.
"Besides, ya started a rebellion, and you lost. As a leader of said rebel force, how did ya expect things to end? With you coming back into favor with open arms. N-O-P-E!" Fos excalmed with a loud voice. "If anything you are lucky enough to not be shot dead on the spot, just another D.o.A if ya know what I mean. Anyway, anyone else want to share? After all we have what forty-ish minutes left till death, well I might be staying longer but still you all should speak your peace."

Changed to flow better. Also added in other information.]]
'They sure are talkative today...'
While talking did drain Tifa's battery-life more than simply standing there, 64% was enough to talk away her time for at least a year more, so Tifa decided to join in on the conversation.
"While I can't exactly relate to your hate of this "Ozlo" person... Considering the fact that you're on Death Row, chances are you won't be able to exact your revenge."
She then paused, but not for effect.
A spark popped from her "mouth", cutting off her speaking functionality for a moment -- the mouth itself was really just a separate portion of her LED-face's frame, so it wouldn't be surprising if her constant head-tapping against the wall of her prison had started to take its toll. Or perhaps it was just a side affect of not being tuned up in a long time... Regardless, she continued once the sparks stopped.
"As for my story, I was really only looking for something within the Order's archives. A document made by a scientist named Edward G. Reaver based off of Underworld communications. Boring stuff, supposedly had a lot of diagrams of heavily-modified transportation runes -- a kind that would only transport sounds and the like. He was making great progress... But... Then he detected some lingering energy used for the runes in Haven.
Once he filed a report, he soon found himself being hunted down by members of the Order he had formerly served."
A single spark flew once again, but Tifa continued regardless.
"He managed to escape to [Error 404: Information regarding Location not found]
. His research was stolen and hidden away once he left... Dr. Reaver made my shell-form for the purpose of retrieving his information, but my curiosity over certain items hidden within the Order's database resulted in... Complications.
I've failed my Mission and, chances are, I will power down and be taken apart within the next 3-4 years. Unless a proper method of execution has been decided for me, of course."

"I never expected to come back to open arms. I'd never turn into one of these mindless 'crazies' you teach about. My hatred is towards Oslo and those who found him innocent of his crime. The only regret I have is not being able to kill Oslo.", she finished, showing some anger dying down in her as she came to a calm state, and her eyes turned a tranquil blue. "I'm going to spend my last minutes meditating. Mention Oslo's name to me if you need me to be angry and talk again."

"You know...you, bot. Yes, you..." the man called out, "...I could help out with that. Well, if you don't mind being reverse-engineered, and as long as you didn't have something as selfishly stupid like a self-destruct function...I probably could tie a few wires, lubricate a few joints...maybe tighten a few screws, if it really came down to it.
But...be as it may, I've been here for about a year. I know nothing of the outside world. I trust you could supply me with some information...or anyone, for that matter.
I'll pull off a favor, if the opportunity presents itself. All I need is a bit of word here and there of what's been happening, besides...Ozlo."
The pair of startlingly bright absinthe eyes panned back and forth between the other prisoners. Funny...his cell had no light, and neither did the one across.

"HEY, BE QUIET OUT THERE WILL YA?" Boan yelled back at Sona's tantrum, he wanted moments of peace and final reconciliation before his death, not to hear the whining of some woman, "Sona is it? I heard about you... there is no such a thing as innocent, and your ranting is apparently guilty of hurting my ears! If you were here three years ago and I was the guard here I would have broke every bone in your body! Killing Ozlo won't solve anything and you know it, he is only one head of the hydra that is running this 'who dies next?' show, the masses, the brainless masses are the ones who run this show, they are too bigoted to ever figure out what truth or justice really is for themselves, instead, they were content with feeding off government propaganda, the same government you served under."

"Οι ψυχές ζουν σε!"
Fos screamed rather loudly, kicking and screaming like a raving loon in his cell.
"Three years, two years, one year. Does it matter that I am here or there? I could be anywhere if I wanted to be but all I need is a drink. Why do you think they bound my arms and eyes. If I could see and have a nice bite, I would have been gone and your lovely blood would be in my belly girly. Outside of that it really doesn't matter what happens. I have been here long enough to know one major thing, YOUR ALL GOING TO DIE!"
He chuckled softly as he remembered what happened but year before.
"Hay do any of you remember that Dark Matter alchemist who was killed here after a failed Transmutation?"

After the Alchemist's outburst, Tifa considered telling the odd fellow that she wasn't a mortal, and could therefor not provide any blood for him. After an instant of calculating the possible reactions, she decided against it, and decided to take up the other man's conversational advance instead.
"My name is not "bot" " replied Tifa, with a small amount of artificial anger in her voice.
"It is T.I.F.A. version 3.14. Tifa for short.
Regarding self-destruction mechanisms..."
Tifa paused. Not for sparks, but rather so that she could consider the possibility. She hadn't exactly looked at herself in the mirror before leaving for her mission... In fact, beyond the passing reflections of windows on the Order's HQ, she barely knew what she looked like at all.
"I am not sure whether any are present. However, seeing as I am still here, and have not been dismantled before powering down due to battery loss, it could be assumed that that is a very real possibility.
To address your final question... I'm afraid you probably have more information regarding the outside than I do. If you've been locked up for a year... Then I must have been locked here for more than two."
She released the speach-button once she finished answering the man's queries, but only after another spark flew from her mouth.

[After reading and realizing an endless cycle of death is likely to just ensue, I've withdrawn my app. Maybe next time...]

Sona was at peace, free from the world for a small time. No problems, no fools, no...
"Oslo". The very word infuriated her, and broke through the walls of her meditation.
"What? What do you want?". She said, turning around again, looking at Teach with eyes, slowly turning red.
"Έτσι, για να δείτε μου ως ανάξια."
("Étsi, gia na deíte mou o̱s anáxia.")
Kako lowered his head, at sight. Perhaps his will was not strong enough at this point, haven spent so many years locked in that cell. Or perhaps when he tossed his note pad he forgot to draw a rune correctly. Either way, unless this was suppose to happen, Kako's plan to execute himself and do something good for another had failed.
Looking up he no longer cared about the guns trained on him, rather in his head something told him to look in the direction of the yelling man. Kid, we are the damned, to cry, or even speak up for us is a noble thing. Yet in the end we are still damned and forced to take a one way trip to our eternal rewards...
Looking back down, he had hoped to see of the supplies where used or not. After all, even if he completed his task, and his body was changed yet his mind remained, at least he could die knowing that his last work had some sort of successful out come.
All that time, wasted. There was no way I botched something like this, was there?
((Where the meterails in the transmutation taken or a backfire.))