Hey guys! The sequel shall be started soon, so I decided to make a thread.
Differences between original Cradle and my Cradle:
*1* There are no health capsules, but revives are possible. To be revived when dead, you must be hooked up to a machine similar to the type of machine used to jumpstart one's heart during a heart attack, but this must be done within twenty-four hours of death, unless they are cryogenically frozen. If the knight died from the loss of blood, lost limbs, or other gruesome deaths, this option will not be available, and the only way to save them is by use of magic, which only the great Owlites had.
*2* Haven is a sprawling metropolis on the light side of Cradle. The Auction House, Town Square, Arcade, and Garrison area will all be part of the industrial section, which is were the knights work and operate out of. There will be a full-scale armory in the Garrison, so all knights shall have free Spiral gear (Cobalt lines, including weapons). Other gear (Acherons, mist bombs, Chaos gear, Wolver gear, etc.) will be bought from special smiths in the Bazaar, where blacksmith knights make and sell weapons and armor. Lockdown and Blast Network will take place in a large arena similar to the Roman Coliseum. The maps will change by a giant robot that moves them from underground. The rest of Haven will be for the homes of both Stangers and civilian Spiral Knights.
*3* The Clockworks are a system of caves with a series of elevators going through them. The upper levels (Depth 3-13) will be inhabited by Gremlins and their Construct minions. The lower levels, (Depth 14-28) will be inhabited by the deadliest of undead and fiends. Many call it the Underworld, because of the devilish and dead inhabitants. Depth 1 and 2, the Surface Levels, and the surface of the planet itself, are inhabited by beasts, including Wolvers, Chromalisks, and Snarbolaxes. Rabies DOES spread through the packs, so some will be rabid, and there are certain shots carried by medics to cure the disease. Slimes will be found near volcanic vents on the surface.
*4* Another difference is that gear will work differently. Damage types will not affect different monsters differently. Weapons can be set to stun mode for Lockdown and Blast Network, and for capturing Gremlins or enemy Knights. Also, there will be NO costumes, because costumes like Chapeaus, Storm gear, and other things will count as armor, and I shall determine the strengths of various armors/costumes as the story goes on. Wings do not exist, but tails do!
*5* Guilds will work differently. There will be a few guilds, and war will be waged between them.
*6* Finally, I have one more difference. Spiral Knights will be humans, with normal hair, eyes (although glow eyes will still apply), and skin.
Alrighty! Time to explain my rolecasting. I want both "good-guy" Knights, "bad-guy" Knights, and the same for Gremlins. This is the format I expect.
Age (optional, I might just set it if you don't want to):
Look (includes facial look, hair, eyes, which can be every personal color, armor, accessories, shield, and weapons):
And lastly... Anything else! (I will make no promises to keep them alive. Anyone may die at any time, and I'm more than willing to kill off a few characters, especially if I end up not liking them in the story :P):
All characters that survived the original will be present, and I will be accepting a few more for the sequel. Not too many though!
Name : Sophia "The Big Sis" Clemente
Species : Isoran
Age : 27
Gender : Female
Appearance : Took a few tries to get her to an acceptable level.
Personality :
A woman hardened by years of rough experiences of all kinds, she turns out to be quite the gutsy optimist for her kind of lifestyle. When she isn't looking out for herself (because self is first on her list), she's supporting her rookies to the best of her ability. For being Guildmaster, her abilities could go quite far with just a dash of luck and a lot of work. While she does hold familial-types of relationships with those in her guild, outside she's seen to be a promiscuous predator ready to pounce on her nearest prize, be it a night with a little'un, some quick cash, or even an intentional fight with the nearest law officer.
Just like an alpha in a pack, she doesn't take potential threats too well. Anyone acting out of their position gets her suspicion; anyone who thinks they can do her job better get instant tryouts with her iron arm. Both of these kind of people end up the same : broken limbs, shattered dreams, and a notecard with her lipstick mark on it. For most, that isn't a bad substitute.
Bio :
Sophia was born a daughter of a somewhat well to-do aristocrat, and lived nicely alongside nobles and middle-class men and women until she was 8. Even predating the civil strife concerning the Warriors of Old, Sophia's family had lived separated from most of the world within the streets of wealth. The money was abundant all over the area.
It was no surprise bandits would settle down here. At first, they presented themselves as gypsies, and then later, brigands. By the time anyone had noticed, they had already replaced most of the policing positions in there.
Anyhow, this Dona of the crime family decided to move into the town around the time Sophia was 8. They didn't mean harm at all, but given their reputation, it was probable that a group of young men, mostly consisting of a rag-tag team of young men leading older boys, would initiate a fight on one of the family's associates. They broke both his legs. The Dona was not pleased with that.
Within the hour of receiving the news, every major household was held hostage and had to pay about half of their life savings to him. Sophia's household, however, was a legislative one; they didn't have a family craft to rely upon, and so Sophia's father's income was much, much lower than the others'.
Consequently, Sophia was dragged out the door, but not before cutting off her own arm (she was being dragged away by the Dona's armored guards, so she did what she had to : a reckless judgment) with an axe. The sacrifice was meaningless as she was still captured, and within the day, had her nub of an arm fully treated.
While she was recovering in a sort of half-coma, the bandits cleared out of the town, with their cover lifted, and off into the Clockworks they went.
She would return later, though a changed young lady. Until she was 13, she was used as a sort of sick concept of a child-dancer, and then until 16 years of age, as a cat burglar, and then until 18, a part of the bandito guard.
From 18 onwards, she had changed from "Little Lass" to "Little Sister" to "Sister", promotions in rank for her service in the family. It was when she was turning 19, another Commission meeting, did she flip the power table. You see, the initial Dona had grown old, and he was planning an heir. She knew that among her peers, there were more than a few eager to just shoot him and take the title for themselves.
In fact, she was planning to do that at first, but seeing the competition, she decided to pull off a trick a month past her birthday.
They had settled, after traveling a circuit course across many other Fiendish and Almirian cities, back at Haven, and she decided to hold a feast there. All of the Commission went, and it was on that day did she show off her new arm; she had spent most of her money making it, though she picked up most of the metal herself. With a group of amazing blacksmiths (that knew of her identity), she had it built within that month.
And so, she put it to use. No one had brought their weapons with them, but that metal arm was all she needed. In fact, she had grown this ability in secret, resetting watches and disrupting clockworks with just a touch. Without even lifting a finger on that arm, she crushed her competition's lives as though they were statues against a hammer.
She had also tipped off the guard of the crime group's presence, so she'd have an alibi as to why the Commission had all been killed so. Using this, she eliminated the more ambitious, more obviously threatening of her family.
And so, within that month, she had taken control of perhaps the second or third-most threatening guilds in the Spiral Order. And it's been seven years since then. She only gets better and better with age...
Extras :
- Cook, clean, darn, knit... <---All those, she can do. In fact, she's been doing these things as a kid!
- Eyes <---Before her mother retired, she's one of the few that was involved in Vog hunts. Her possession of a Fang of Vog threw a wrench in the works of genetics, but besides the annoyingly visible eyes and the white hair, there isn't much else.
- Swordswoman - Using both fleshy or metal arm doesn't matter; a sword is a sword, and it must be used like a sword! Besides being ambidextrous in swordplay, heavier swords don't look as nearly as heavy on her as they do others. I mean, who the heck can swing a Gran Faust 3 times?!
- Mater ex Machina - Something her subordinates like to call it, Sophia can move machines with great dexterity so long as her nub (and any other machinery connected to it) is in contact with it. Complex and heavier machines, though, warrant her a nosebleed. After all, trying to control something the size of a planet is near-impossible; it's only through a bit of guesswork and labor with her heavy arm that she's able to even slow an elevator...if not bring it to a stop entirely. Don't even mention the ensuing headaches...
- Weapons :
Furious Flamberge
Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Gilded Griffin
Kamacite Arm