The rising cost for CE is really about "Free players vs Paying players."
If you need to play as a free player, you will need CE for everything.
If you are a paying player, you will need Crowns for crafting.
Here's my idea to bring the cost of Crystal Energy down.
Supply and Demand.
Flood the market with more CE and reduce Crowns.
1. STOP using CE for lifts, instead use 100 mist energy. (this will save you energy)
2. STOP crafting items if you already have 5* gears. (this will save you energy)
4. SELL items for Crowns, do not accept CE. (the buyer has a lot of CE, this will make them sell their CE for crowns to craft items.)
5. You must buy CE even at the current price BUT do not sell them. (you will now have more CE and the seller who has a lot of CE now has less).
So the theory, take away CE from the rich (paying customers) and make them buy more crowns.
The goal is to have the free players have more Energy and the paying players having less.
Of course, they will buy more with cash but it will come to the point where they will get ridiculously too expensive to worth the trouble.
There will be exceptions, the super rich will still try to raise the cost but if we "the free players" can form a big barrier against them .. they will become ineffective.
In the end, this will work if there's more free players vs paying players.
Good luck!