Knights Of Almire, Recruiting for the first time.

Hello! I'm the guild master of a new guild Knights of Almire. Us knights are vanaduke slaying citadel loving completely insane lunatics with Divine Avengers. Anyway, we're looking for new recruits to join our guild to expand our boarders. If your interested, we only really have three rules here.
One: No begging, we cant stand it, and once you beg we boot you.
Two: don't be troll'n, duh.
Three: We want you to be somewhat self sufficient so that begging doesn't become your only option. We want you to earn your money as we did ours.
Four: Have fun, as a community we help each other, we do runs together, and look out for one another.
Yes that was totally four rules to a three rule plan...
Anyway, If you're interested, Contact one of the guild masters by mail and we can send you an invite.
-Guild Masters-
Kuger (founder)