When you walk into a casino, you know what to expect. Bright lights, happy pictures, all the advertisement to lighten to the mood.
And just like a casino, Spiral Knight manages to play all the same cards: every two weeks it's "THE NEXT NEW THING". That's the name of the game, and for the past 4 promos it should be clear now. Recolors is all they have to do to sell the game now. All that money you spend goes into devs slaving in silence to make new content that gets put into 15% prize box walls that only favor the lucky, and not the many. "But Paintool it supports the game Dev's gotta make money somehow!" If that's what you think, then you cast moral reason aside for business and the only new updates to the wind.
Need I remind this same incidence occurred just only a year ago with the promo that introduced the Mixmaster. A totally new weapon no one had seen or tested before. If you were lucky enough to buy boxes and unbox one, you had unlasting fame and fortune. However there was never enough to go around, and over time you could buy and sell them for around 20KE. That's a profit that sneaks into OOO's pockets easy peasy. IT MAKES MORE SENSE TO THEM TO MAKE NEW GEAR ARTIFICIALLY RARE AT YOUR EXPENSE. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. P2W players could relish in this farce digital content thinking they were better than everyone else because OOO made it artificially rare. This could have been new content that drew players back. It could have been new content like when Apocrea was new. It could come and go like any other event. But they choose not to, because what you want isn't profitable.
And it's been 1 year since, and mixmaster has not returned period. How long do us unfortunate but equally respectful pay to players have to wait to get content we were unlucky enough to miss? How long do we have to wait for the content that's being sold right now to afford an equal chance to play with?
I opened 14 boxes at 50 dollars, and got nothing I wanted; I was a fool to think I'd be lucky. Do they expect me to buy more boxes or energy to get what I want? Don't bet on being lucky. Every dollar wasted in the legal wording "no redeemable cash value - items cannot be replaced - OOO is not responsible" allows them to continue to abuse you.
Show them the power of your money and don't let them waste your time. I spent 8 months resisting buying promos, and I'm further convinced to quit on them until 4500 hours of play time and 584$ means something to somebody. Resist the business advertising and quit the daily grind.
Quit Spiral Knights.
Uninstall the game.
Write a story. Program a new game. Make new art. Exercise. Meet some local friends.
If it's user generated content with an active player base you want with a cute puzzle like element, I leave recommending to you: http://www.transformice.com/index.php
Apparently they have a more active user base than Spiral Knights even, according to Steam.
Feel free to argue with me, and tell me OOO is doing the right thing for the future of this game. Tell me with a straight face you would defend new content as 15% prize box items.
I won't argue with you, you make valid points. I personally have a gripe with punch since getting poison low 3x in a row is pretty BS. (Actually, rolling 4.5mil crowns and getting garbage is pretty bs too).
To be fair, when you deal with chances you know what you are getting into. If the chance to get some item is 10%, and you try it 9 times, the 10th time will still be 10%, it will not have climbed to 100%. But you are smart, you know this already. Thank you for the post by the way, I ALMOST bought boxes to try to get that new weapon, but I realized $20 dollars for 5 boxes is pure silliness, and I could get 2 Chipotle burritos instead.
Sorry to hear your frustration man, but hopefully you, like me, learned that spending money on chances is a terrible idea :/