im sorry if this isnt the right forum for this but idk

why arent slooms ingame
they arent op being asleep heals you
so why did they remove them?
the idea of slooms sounds cool

Imagine this:
You're fighting Slooms and they inflict Sleep on you.
A not-so-conspicuous Lumber decides to show up.
But you don't wake up. It's not like Freeze where you're broken out, oh no. You're staying there.
Rinse and repeat.
You're overestimating how much the Sleep actually heals you; realistically it's quite a small amount relative to the huge damage output of Tier 3 and even Tier 2 monsters. If you were put to sleep, it most likely spells death in all cases.

When the slooms were back for a few days, I went against them in both a plate set, and in royal jelly + 2 purrfect katnips, the sleep time was the same.
Although that is more likely due that it was only in t1, so not the strongest version of sleep.

How can they nerf it?
Duration? Sloombargos can still trap you in place forever until you die. Same with several Slooms attacking at once.
Healing? Reducing/removing it will fix the "Use Ironmight Plate, get healed forever" problem, but it will increase the problem of "you are now a training bag for the enemies". Increasing it will make the Ironmight problem worse.
Making attacks break you free? That basically makes it a freeze reskin, except it heals you and doesn't deal damage to you if you break out witout being attacked.
So how do you think sleep should be nerfed?
Video of the Sloombargo (and the rest of Starlight Cradle):
Now skip to 5:06. That's where the Sloombargo comes in, and you can see just how it's a problem. Watch the Sloombargo, and now think - What if you were soloing? Another teammate won't get its aggro if you get trapped in the mist, so it won't leave your area and keep attacking you. There'll be nobody to kill it and save you. It'll just kill you, maybe with a minute or so of doing nothing, waiting for it just kill you already.

but what if you become immune to sleep for 10 seconds after you wake up
also immediately when you're damaged you wake up

The first doesn't help with the Sloombargo problem, the Sloombargo can keep you under the status without the status being lifted until you die. See video in previous post, the players got trapped until the Sloombargo lost their aggro/got killed.
The second - As I mentioned in my previous post, that would basically make it a weaker form of freeze.

it just sounds like such a good idea ):
i guess it really is too op

Waking up:
What Dibsville wrote is actually inaccurate. You may have a closer look to the video that Vanaduke-destroyer did link:
In that scene from 2:10~2:15 we can see a sloom inflicting sleep and just after we see a lumber smashing on thae recording player while had 6 seconds of sleep status left. As result the sleep instantly disappeared and stun was inflicted because of the lumer's attack.
Too much damage does already break the sleep status.
Sleep vs frost:
Well, there are two main differences between sleep and frost which act as one pro and one contra to both statuses:
1. Frost makes you immobile, but you can still attack and *exspecially* you can use your shield.
2. Sleep makes it impossible for you to use your shield or weapons, but in exchange, you are gaining that healing effect.
So if you ask me, the sleep status is far away from beeing the 'weak status' here. Actually frost is the weak version of sleep.
Resistance bonus and malus of sleep (aka: Plate mail and Jelly Mail):
One unconfirmed source said, that the power that is required to wake you up is directly connected to the amount of sleep resistance you have. While a high sleep resistance would let you sleep shorter and even weak attacks wake you up, a negative sleep resistance makes you sleep longer and stronger attacks will not wake you up. Unfortunally I had not the amor around for testing this myselfe when the slooms glitched back...
Healing does not start directly. It starts after a few seconds after you fell asleep. So a longer sleep will allow you to heal more while a shorter sleep will allow you to move around earlier again.
That problem with Sloombargo's permasleep:
I see here two possibilities:
1. Use high sleep resistance to probably wake up with each hit sloombargo deals to you - allowing you to get distance and prepare a counter-attack.
2. decrease the dureation time that his mist is leasting /increase his cool down for that skill.
-Sleep is a status that is meant to give monsters one garantueed hit to the player that falls asleep.
-After one hard hit you usually wake up.
-A weak hit that does not wake you up gets counter-acted by the healing over time to reduce the damage a little.
So here my personal suggestion how to fix sleep:
-While sleeping, sleep status can not be re-inflicted -> a crowd of slooms around you can no longer keep you sleeping forever while attacking you
-After sleep ended, you may get a brief moment in which you can not gain sleep status again. The duration will be the same as an invincibility after any damage did hit you (I think this is around 1-3 seconds, someone who knows for sure, please add how long this least) - Enough time to dash out of sloombargo's mist
-Remove hadbanging (actually only an aestetic issue)
-If really necessary, remove duration of Sloombargo's sleeping mist and/or increase the cool down when he can use that mist again.
Nerfing it too much is something I would not like. After all it is a harming status that needs to get serious. Why else would you bring some *fire* defense into the Firestorm Citadel? The answer is: because you see fire as a threat! So when you encounter a sleep themed level, you need to take this serious, too and get proper defense aswell.
You may rename the topic, so people know instantly what your topic is about.
I suggest something like 'Why are slooms not coming back into the game?'
That's what I've always heard - Sleep is broken.
Not really "broken", it works how it's supposed to, but the status itself is just bad.
For example, you can just let them hit you while using an Ironmight Plate set and the Slooms will deal little damage, but actually heal you with the status.
And Sloombargos could just keep you in place forever if you're soloing and end up in their mist. They'll just keep re-inflicting the sleep status over and over until you die.
It's just broken. I know many people (including me) would like to see them back in the Clockworks, but first a fix has to be made.