Shortcuts for seasoned explorers

4 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username

Basic problem is that even after you have progressed in terms of weapons, armor, and skills, you sometimes you want to go back to Haven to either meet a friend, greet new players, check the bazaar, etc., really, any number of reasons.

If someone who spends their time at the deeper levels wants to go to Haven they must accept that they'll have to work back down to Emberlight, 18 levels deep. The problem is that this is kind of boring and grindy. Often these are the same levels you can play when you are deeper except the monsters are neutered, as is the treasure.

This can end up creating a big problem of de facto segregation of new and veteran players, as new players will tend to be up higher, and veterans will congregate deeper, and rarely go back up higher, and the middle safe places will probably be ghost towns.

I'd like to see the disincentive to go back up the clockworks greatly reduced. For seasoned explorers (however you determine that), there should be shortcut levels available that are longer than normal levels, and much harder. So if I go back to Haven, I'd be able to take a long, hard shortcut level back to Mooncroft, then another long, hard shortcut back to Emberlight. This would hopefully be fun, instead of the time sink that traveling down 18 easy levels currently is.

Legacy Username

I'd also like to see something like this.

Also there's the energy factor of having to spend about 160 Energy if you want to go back to Emberlight.
Unless you have a friend with plenty of energy and good will to let you join him in dungeons just before reaching towns.

Imagen de Shoebox
Why not just put in an

Why not just put in an elevator that you need to buy a travel pass for from the towns below?

So you go to Emberlight, go to the vendor and buy a return ticket to Emberlight for... 50 energy or so.

You miss out on items and treasure rooms, so there's no danger of inflating the game with items that you might only be able to get from upper levels of dungeons, and it makes it easier for 'veteran' players to get back to Emberlight after going to Haven for whatever reason.

Imagen de Cake
So you go to Emberlight, go

So you go to Emberlight, go to the vendor and buy a return ticket to Emberlight for... 50 energy or so.

I like the general idea here. I'd like for it to actually be similar to the upgrade slots where you spend quite a bit more than your suggested 50 energy, but end up with an X day pass. I suppose you could also create a one time use teleport mineral that can be crafted for X energy and would allow you to zip to a specific town you've already visited. Keep in mind that it takes quite a bit of energy to travel that far on your own. I'd also like it if we could then no longer /invite people into levels that are too far beyond where they currently are unless they spend a teleport mineral along with the 10 energy to get there. It seems like such a cheesy way to get around the system and takes away part of the total world feel of it. If we're given other ways to zip around reasonably, we could then join our friends and yet keep the world feel a bit.

I'd also love if there were different trading posts in the different towns and maybe a few more things that are exclusive to a particular town.

Legacy Username
50 energy or so to get to a

50 energy or so to get to a subtown seems a bit harsh, I like Cake's idea of a day pass, or even a weekly pass.

I'd also love if there were different trading posts in the different towns and maybe a few more things that are exclusive to a particular town.

Yes, yes, yes. I agree. Like I said in a previous thread ("Why should I ever go back to Haven?"), I want a reason to have to go to Haven and other subtowns. Right now, I usually just hang out in Emberlight because I like the challenge of more difficult levels and there's nothing in Haven or Moorcroft to do.