The Tomahawks Recruitment
Our recently created guild The Tomahawks is now recruiting new members
So far we have 4 members with myself (mjharrison - T3) and my friend (bobcatbob - T2) as the guildmasters and 2 others (reklaw - T2 and littlebigguy - T2) as veterans. We mostly enjoy jelly runs as ofc it makes us the most money, but we do other runs also and will have no problem going on runs with our guild members to offer help if asked for.
We play quite regularly, generally once a night at around 10pm - 1am GMT (we have very weird sleeping habits :P) but on and off at other times too and we're quite a talkative lot. we wont be one of those guilds where they get annoyed for using the guild channel, thats what its there for afterall, talking and discussing the game and how to improve so once ur a member, never worry bout asking one of us for help.
We have no restrictions on who can join, we're more than happy to help out new players and will welcome more experienced players also.
If you join, you will be a recruit until you have gone on a run with myself or one of the other three members i mentioned above and they decided you are good or atleast have potential. From there we will promote you depending on your skill, not on how long you have been with us or any other factors. If ur good, then you could find urself a veteran or even an officer rather soon (however, there will not be many officers at the same time, i dont want just random people invited in without myself or bobcatbob knowing)
If you would like to join then add myself or bobcatbob in game or post on here and let us know a little bit about yourself along with ur ign