The user above you died! Loot their body!

om ded

I cut off the tongue of Iamnoone's mask, then remove his eyes and turn them into a Dot Eyes usable.
Then, I suddenly die for no apparent reason

I loot vanas gear and his penis

I bet Kian doesn't even know what that is.
I leave Kian's body be because everything they have is worthless.

I get it.
No, I don't get it.
I loot more greaver wings.

Then I die because I forgot to kill that devilite over there.

I loot the capital text.

pre Kataclysm of course.
I loot his eyes and Mad Bomber suit.

I'm surprised I'm the only one who would partake in good, old-fashioned cannibalism. Plus crowns.

I loot the rose. I wonder who I can give it...

Matik, I need that rose for the bowler hat I'm haggling for in Abnormal Cake Simulator. As such I shoot you with this Magnus and loot it.

I take the bowler hat and sit in it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Rodent-Queen rocked on the bowler hat as if it were a mechanical bull. However, the force of the rocking eventually caused her steed to roll too far backwards, resulting in Rodent-Queen cracking the back of her skull against the floor!
Tellingly, Rodent-Queen died swiftly of a brain hemorrhage.
Long live the queen!
I loot:

While Delecated sleeps, Rodent-Queen's minions attack. He is swiftly nibbled to death. With her incisors and crown returned, the queen rises as a ghost...! ...who nicks the bowler hat and runs off with it.
It was fuzzy inside.

I plasma Rodent-Queen.
I take rodent fur and mechanolord arm.

That sweet arm, now how to attach it to my body...*looks at right arm* I don't need you too bad...
(As i'm a N00b, i'm expecting the trap to do to you what i can't without several hours of work.)

I hit Sheeplusdog with H.A.H. (Hot as hell) lasers, then reclaim the mechanolord arm, along with an animal that is a connection of sheep and a dog.

I take Matik's feet and tickle him all night.

I take Iamnoone's feather, tickle him out and launch the body into space.
I loot: Chroma Suit, Chromalisk Mask

I loot nanotech nanites and a second mechanolord arm.
I need 4 more parts to upgrade into the Mechanolord. They can't fall in enemy hands.

They can't fall into enemy hands, eh?
I walk up to Matikclocker from behind and use Back Slash to defeat him. I take the Mechanolord parts and run off with them.
I decide they look nice as a decoration on the wall.

You died to radiation emitting from the Mechanolord Arms.
I loot Mechanolord legs and a Mechanolord helmet. Now I need a torso and get ready to rofl.

Uses H.A.T.S. (Hot As The Sun) Lasers on Matik.
I loot:
2 Mechanolord Arms
1000000000 Crowns
1 Sprite Device: Roarmulus Twin Tank
Evolves to Mechominus Rex, leaving my past form's body behind in a trail of carnage with no discernable destruction source.

I kill the Mechominus Rex, and I decide to take:
5 Mil in Crowns
500k in Energy
Pill Eyes ( Usable )
A Seraphynx Reskin Pod ( Black Kat )
Gorgomega Shield
Fancy Glasses Accessory
Mustache Accessory
Dusky Pipe Accessory
Fancy Valkyrie Wings
Cloak of the Moonstone Rose
Cloak of the Amethyst Rose
Sentenza Gun
A Drakon Reskin pod ( Spiraltail )
Vog Cub Coat
Shadow Scarf
Shadow Vertical Vents
Shadow Glasses
Shadow Valkyrie Wings
Triglav Sword
Shivermist Buster Bomb
& A Maskerwraith Reskin Pod ( Freeze )
Soon after walking a few yards with all of the loot I collapse and die of Dehydration

I loot those fancy and dark Valkyrie wings and some parts for The Mech (name to be determined).
I evolve into the Mech, while keeping my own body, Then, some malfunction caused me to die, while the Mech lives on.

I was resurrected, and take everything back, but once again I die of dehydration.
I loot the mech parts, a 3Uv Firecracker bomb, and whatever Radiants I can find (5 1/2).
I then get impaled on a shiny Luminite deposit and die.

I loot Zarzav's pants and all the cookies he has in them.
Then I died because Cookiemonster mugged me.
I loot his armor.
But then i realized i was on fire and died.

I get nothing. Yay!
Time to add it to the collection!
I loot the penis.