Entering Haven

6 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Kamidasher

After yesterday's update I cannot join Haven through the ready room, I have to join a friend always, anyone having this problem too ?

Same problem

It seems we both have the same problem. I am from the EU and ever since the latest update it will not let me either go to Heaven or to do missions or go to the arcade.

Imagen de Aphrodite
Community Manager
This should be fixed now!

This should be fixed now!

Imagen de Derecho
Same problem

Its happening again as of this post, to me at least. Whenever I try to enter Haven from anywhere, ESC menu, Ready Room, mission end, etc.

Black screen, never loads.

I get a black screen on loading when entering areas such as my guild hall, but those areas eventually load despite the black screen.

Imagen de Vohtarak-Forum
its not fixed

most of my guildmates can still only enter haven through joining someone

Heelp :(

I am unable to enter heaven, somebody help me :(

help me

i have the same problem but i just cant go to haven and i can do mission