Hello there! Long-time player, first time poster!
Due to a series of badly timed hiatuses or just plain holiday business, this is actually my first Winterfest. I've managed to (again due to holiday business, given how obsessively I play) get a bit over 500 Wishlists, but since I want the 3.5k giftbox, well, uh. I need to pick up pace.
My current strategy is to just find the gate with the most clockwork tunnels and proceed through it linearly, but that's fairly timeconsuming, plus I'm not the best at selecting gates, and I keep forgetting to check the map and ending up in Deconstruction Zones. One thing I've tried is finding a gate with a clockwork tunnel at Depth 1 (since as far as I can see it gives the same amount of boxes and thus tokens and is easier than my native T3) and just doing the Winterfest room if it exists and then starting back from the surface. Is this the best way to do it? Or are there others? I'd love to hear.
((I hope this is posted in the right place! If not feel free to redirect me))
Try Dark Sun gate T2, the first depth is always a clockwork tunnel and it's still relatively easy.
The easier way is to get a few friends searching and invite each other when you find a room.
But that might be harder nowadays since playing seems to have dropped off since the first week.
There's also the cheesy way which has been posted before for other events, you could bring alts and when you find a room, have them all go solo. Then finish your room, join the first alt's party, finish it again, etc.
(Or finish the room first if you can carry all the alts without lag)