Wont let me go to haven.
From the ready room, i can go anywhere but haven, if i select haven it will just black screen, no loading or anything so ive been having to log out. Ive went to the guild hall and tried going to haven from there, still wont let me. Then i tried from a mission and it still wont let me...
I can't join anything, nothing. Going to haven results in a black screen and it happened when i won the giveaway. I want to play so bad :(

I can launch missions from the ready room if/when I successfully log in, but after the mission ends, the elevator tries to send me to Haven and the black screen appears again and doesn't go away.
After the black screen appears, then other problems occur, such as being unable to log in again shortly after logging off, and other players seeing my character as logged in when my SK client isn't even running.

It cleared up for me around an hour or so ago, I can now enter Haven without having to Join a friend.
Anyone else have an update on their issue?

Thanks, tech folk! Looks like us knights can get into Haven reliably now. =)

I doubt OOO did anything to fix this. It's probably due to congestion. The holiday traffic is much higher so the server can't handle the load. They probably didn't pay for very good service since normally there's not nearly as much people playing.
I am unable to enter heaven, somebody help me !! :( :( :(
i can go to haven thats very embarasing please do someting
I'm having the same issue.
Its happening again as of this post, to me at least. Whenever I try to enter Haven from anywhere, ESC menu, Ready Room, mission end, etc.
Black screen, never loads.
I get a black screen on loading when entering areas such as my guild hall, but those areas eventually load despite the black screen.