Before I start, I just want to say that this is an idea. I never said the word "realistic"
I recently played Firewatch, and the feels were too much for me.
Anyway, the only part that I didn't like was the part where I wasn't full absorbed into the game. Almost as if I didn't have the opportunity to actually be there...
Two great video game innovations that have come about recently are the Oculus Rift and the Virtuix Omni. The Omni allows you to walk around in-game and in real life, while the Oculus is headger that allows your face to believe that everything it sees (in the game) is real.
In Firewatch, you play as a guy named Henry who talks to someone through a radio, but you never actually ever see the other person. However, my main problem with this was that when talking, you were given a list of options of things to say. It was usually satisfied with the list, but other times I just wanted to say other things. Then I had this idea.
What if not only were you physically absorbed into the game with the Oculus Rift and the Virtuix Omni, but you were also able to talk, and have other characters logically respond? What if we made virtual reality a true reality?
Basically, I'm trying to say that if there was a way to be almost inside the game, and have it be ultra-realistic, I would empty my wallet in a heartbeat.