Gods™ [] Merchanting | PvE | PvP | Events | Community []

64 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince

Gods! Recruiting New Members!
Welcome to the God’s forum recruitment page! This is the page where you can find out the requirements to join our fine guild. The Application is fast and simple, making it easier than ever to join Gods.

About Gods.
Gods is a young Guild but surely not a weak one. Gods was founded April 14, 2014, by Count and Aandy and is now run by Ragga-Prince (currently Tidysnacker) and many amazing Officers. We are building our way to the top. We might not be a big guild, but we judge our members on a vast number of things to make certain that only the best players in the game are allowed to join Gods. We believe with enough support we can make the guild into something well known throughout the SK community. Gods is loosely based on merchanting but we also host Missions, Prestige Missions, Danger Missions and Shadow Lairs to help our Guildies advance throughout the game and to create an overall more fun playing experience. All of our members are some of the best in the game and would be glad to help anyone with any problems such as gear choices, price checks, missions and much more.

What does Gods do?
Gods is a fairly old Guild but is slowly coming back to life. We are a Guild that is focused on merchanting but can conform to fit the needs of its members. We welcome newcomers that have an interest in learning the tips and tricks in becoming a successful merchant as well as anyone who is interested in meeting tons of new people who are always willing to help their friends. With our guidance and knowledge, we can teach you! Recently, Gods has been straying further from the merchanting aspect of the Guild and becoming an all-around Guild for the higher-tier players of SK. Our experienced members will be willing almost any time to help you sell items, gain Prestige, and even craft Shadow Lair Gear (Free SLs are every month!). For the ones who are experienced PvP players, PvE players, pro idlers or wealthy merchants, you're probably wondering why join Gods? Gods will not only help out newcomers but will also work its hardest to create a fun and immersive environment that will keep you coming back to SK day after day through frequent members only SL runs, Danger Missions and GvG Lockdown (and Blast Network if people are playing) matches.

Discord Server.
Gods has a Discord Server and it serves as a very big part of our Guild. It is how members connect with one another, organize runs, and sell items. It is also used to get information out about events and giveaways. If you are not keeping up with the Discord server then you won't know about any of the events and giveaways going on in Gods.

Requirements To Join Gods.

  • You must be fairly active. You must log on at least once every few days and you also must inform an Officer or a GM before any prolonged absence from SK.
  • You must be kind and respectful of all other members. If you're rude, abusive or deceptive to other members, you will be warned, then promptly demoted or kicked.

Rules of Gods.

  1. Must be active : We require members to be active and participating. This can be either helping other members on runs, contributing to the conversation, playing GvG Lockdown or Blast Network, or donating to the Guild Hall. Anyone that becomes inactive for over 1+ months will be removed from the guild, unless previous notification was given.
  2. Guild Hopping : Gods does not take guild hopping lightly regardless of what status you held previously. We do not re-invite people that decide to leave without notice. You are more than welcome to leave Gods, however, do not expect an invite back. This pertains to Guild hoppers that haven’t been in Gods either. We do not accept Guild hoppers or leavers; just say bye if you are one, it's not that hard.
  3. Etiquette : Gods is friendly, sociable group of people that like to joke around. However please be aware of others feelings. If it comes to the point where jokes are taken too far and can not be controlled, the offender(s) will be removed without hesitation. We also do not take lying and scamming lightly. Any offender(s) will be subjected to the same action and blacklisted from the guild.
  4. Contributions: While donations to the Guild Treasury are neither forced nor expected, they are certainly appreciated. We do not require donations to keep the Guild Hall afloat but donating Crowns, Furniture and Materials to benefit the Guild does heighten your chances of promotion.

Application For Gods.

  1. What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
  2. How old are you? (optional)
  3. What is your time-zone?
  4. What server do you play on?
  5. What rank are you?
  6. Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to receive updates on the goings on of the Guild?
  7. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
  8. Are you interested in merchanting? If so, what kind of experience do you have with merchanting?
  9. Why do you want to join Gods?
  10. Add a few fun facts about yourself.

Once you’re done with the application, you can post it on this thread.
(Note:) If you want your invite to be reviewed and accepted sooner, feel free to send your application to Tiddysmacker (this name is temporary). Otherwise, a GM/Officer should be in contact with you shortly!

Ranking System.

  • Recruit:
    • Ha! Sorry for you, you don't even get to be a Recruit, we promote all our new members to Member status right off the bat.
  • Member:
    • Once you join Gods you will become a Member, its that simple.
  • Veterans:
    • Veteran is a bit more challenging. To become a Veteran. You must have all your Missions completed (Rank 10-2). You must be a trusted member of the Gods community, be active and helpful to other members. You also must be able to solo FSC on Elite while accompanied be a GM or Officer.
  • Officer:
    • To become Officer you gotta put in some major effort. Being an Officer means (in addition to all the stipulations needed to be a Veteran), you must have been in the Guild for over 3 months, you must have donated over 300K CR (or the equivalent in Furniture) to the Guild Hall and you must be willing to help recruit new members and help direct Guild affairs to become eligible to become an Officer. Once you're eligible the current Officers and GMs and current Officers will decide if you are ready to become an Officer yourself.
  • Guild Master:
    • Sorry to disappoint. Even though you’ve made it this far, we are not accepting any other Guild Masters at this time.

Thanks for reading and we suggest you now consider carefully, for the choice is yours: will you become a God?

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince


Application to join Gods

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
My Knight's name is Dizzydino

2.How old are you? (optional)
I am 14, turning 15 in June

3.What is your time-zone?
UTC+02:00 (South Africa)

4.What server do you play on?
From IP

5. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
3 1/2 days

6.Are you interested in merchanting?
What's merchanting? I am open to new things

7.Why do you want to join Gods?
I am a new player and am looking for a group to show me how to play.

8. Add a few fun facts about yourself.
I go to a UWC (United World College), I am a non-religious Jew, I don't make rude comments to people, I don't judge people, I like horror movies and I love rock climbing and reading.

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Your application has been accepted :)

Your application has been accepted :)

Bild des Benutzers Sho-Marufuji

1.What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
Sho Marufuji

2.How old are you? (optional)

3.What is your time-zone?

4.What server do you play on?
Ehhh I don't know

5. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since 2013 but took a break for over a year

6.Are you interested in merchanting?

7.Why do you want to join Gods?
A guild to join back into would be nice

8. Add a few fun facts about yourself.
I was a sweaty ld player back in the day

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Your application has been accepted :)

Your application has been accepted :)

What is your Knight’s name

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?


How old are you? (optional)


What is your time-zone?


What server do you play on?

What rank are you?


How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

4 years or so, took a break for a year and a half in the middle

Are you interested in merchanting?

Of course!

Why do you want to join Gods?

To make money and join a good guild with active players!

Add a few fun facts about yourself.

No matter how hard I try, I'm always broke in SK.

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Your application has been accepted :)

Your application has been accepted :)

Bild des Benutzers Knightxon

Knightxon is the name of my knight

Rank is Vanguard

23 years old

Timezone Gmt+2

Dno how to check the server that I play on

Been playing spiral knights for over 3 years,been taking a big break for like a few months and returned a few weeks ago

I am interested in merchanting

Merchanting is the main reason id like to join the guild,plus the guild name that appeals.

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Your application has been accepted :)

Your application has been accepted :)

Bild des Benutzers Rodent-Queen

Hi there Raggy :D

Looking to join the ranks !

Application For Gods.

What is your Knight’s name - Ashmadai

How old are you? 38

What is your time-zone? Eastern

What server do you play on? USA IP checked

What rank are you? Knight Elite 6 - Just started ranking this week though - this system wasn't in game when I initially leveled out to max.
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? I played for about 6 months at release I go to the end game at that time - came back about a week ago and got reacquainted, been loving it again.

Are you interested in merchanting? Not currently, but possibly in the future (too much to catch up on ATM).

Why do you want to join Gods? I've been looking for a solid guidl that is active to play with since I've returned. I've seen u guys post more than once in the Haven and I figured I'd give it a go :)

Add a few fun facts about yourself. I've been a MMORPG player since Everquest 1 in the 90's. I have an ABD in Sociology. I've played tennis since I could hold a racket. I have stuck with Heavy metal since the 90's as well. I've lived all over NYC Brooklyn, Bronx, Stuytown Manhatten. Thanks !

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Your application has been accepted :)

Your application has been accepted :)


Gods now has a Steam Page and a Discord Server (Members Only)!

Bild des Benutzers Boneblinder
What is your Knight’s name

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
How old are you? (optional)
What is your time-zone?
GMT 5:30
What server do you play on?
I play on the USA, or IP sever, depending which one is lagging less at the moment.
What rank are you?
I am a vanguard, at rank 10-2 or 10-3 I guess
Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
Yes I have now recently started playing through steam, and I sure would like to join your steam group.
Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
Uhh, I dont think I will be using a discord...
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
5 years
Are you interested in merchanting?
Yes I sure am.
Why do you want to join Gods?
Because it seems like a friendly guild, and Im back to the game so I guess you guys will help

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince


Bild des Benutzers Glitch-Incarnate

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)? Remus-Heracles, subject to change however
How old are you? (optional) 15
What is your time-zone? EST
What server do you play on? USA
What rank are you? As of 4/16/16 I am a Knight-Elite
Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group? I do play on steam, and would love to be in the steam group :)
Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs? I can get one, but I can also talk on skype if that's an option
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? I've been playing SK since late 2012, and have had 3 Vanguards before (Mecha-Flare, Peepeechu, and Dusk-Satoshi) And have 783 hours for SK on my steam
Are you interested in merchanting? I am, I've tried getting into it before and I know a few basic things about merchanting but I've never gone big on it
Why do you want to join Gods? BECAUSE I AM A GOD...Well, besides that, I enjoy to surround myself with a community where I can both help newer players and still have veterans around which I can relate to in skill, and go on runs with. I also enjoy surrounding myself with friends because it makes SK more of a social game to me. :)
Add a few fun facts about yourself.
I love to play SSBU, and if anyone can add me that'd be great, I also play Pokemon, Elsword, and Xenoblade Chronicles X (Fav game <3)
I like Cookies :)

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince



What is your Knight’s name (IGN)
My IGN: Meercury

How old are you? (optional)
18 years old , turning 19 in august

What is your time-zone?
Gmt+2 (Europe)

What server do you play on?
From Ip

What rank are you?
Vaguard rank 10-3

Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
My acc sk steam is banned soo but i can join if i join on this guild ^^

Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since september 2011 but lost my old acc and started play again on 2013-2014

Are you interested in merchanting?
Actually did for while that work but idk if i will keep make merchating :)

Why do you want to join Gods?
1) Maybe there i will find some good moments i have lost before some years
2) For creat new friends im too much friendly if other people are friendly too :)
3) if any guild mate need help i will help him on mission or he ask me for a favor i will listen him and maybe i will accept his favor :)

Add a few fun facts about yourself.
My real name is dionis , im 18 years old , im from Albania (europe) , i make a bit hummor with friends :p , my hobbies are draw, sports (extreme mostly) , watching movies and love listen dja music + play games :p .

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince



What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?

How old are you? (optional)

What is your time-zone?

What server do you play on?

What rank are you?

Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
Yes and Yes.

Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
Ill join it but I won't talk.

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I played many years back, don't even know when. Back in 2013 2014 I think? Then I stopped playing for a couple of years.

Are you interested in merchanting?
Don't know and probably not.

Why do you want to join Gods?
Want to join a guild with many active members that can help me and I help in return.

Add a few fun facts about yourself.
Im Gold 3 in League of Legends.
Thats it. :)

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince



What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?

How old are you? (optional)

What is your time-zone?

What server do you play on?

What rank are you?

Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
Yes to both questions

Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
Sorry, but I don't like to voice-talking to a wide group of people, I'm fine with typing only

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 2 months

Are you interested in merchanting?
A bit

Why do you want to join Gods?
I don't really have anything to do on Spiral Knights besides grind to get weapons and gear, so I want to help people and make friends

Add a few fun facts about yourself.
I'm addicted to Spiral Knights and I spend most of my time on it

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince


My "Gods" Application

1. What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
Robo-Minecrafter (I made it 4 years ago, I regret it, but I'm not spending the CE to change it)
2. How old are you? (optional)
3. What is your time-zone?
4.What server do you play on?
I don't know, whatever I get low ping on (I live on the east coast of USA)
5. What rank are you?
6. Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
No, I don't play through steam sadly. I wish I could move from Kongregate to Steam but OOO doesn't care enough to implement that. I would however like to join the steam group with my steam account.
7. Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
8. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
3 years, took a break for a year, and now I want to get back into it.
9. Are you interested in merchanting?
I'd be willing to learn how to do it well, but atm I don't think I am good at it
10. Why do you want to join Gods?
I want to be a part of an active, friendly, and helpful community
11. Add a few fun facts about yourself.
I take Latin and am really good at it, I am almost an Eagle Scout and I play competitive TF2.

Add me on steam to message me, don't waste your crowns on a message through Spiral Knights. My steam is http://steamcommunity.com/id/nerfyinyang

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince


Bild des Benutzers Varriscious
Enter Gods!

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)? Akheel
2.How old are you? (optional) 18
3.What is your time-zone? 19:21 -0700 or something,
4.What server do you play on? USA
5.What rank are you? Vanguard
6.Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
7.Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs? seems cool but I don't see why I cant chat with just my keyboard.
8.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? I have been playing for 4 years
9.Are you interested in merchanting? No, I am not interested.
10.Why do you want to join Gods? I want to join "Gods" only because this guild has potential, by being not just loyal to specific people, but to each and ever member of the guild.
11.Add a few fun facts about yourself. I am a player who likes to roam around and go on my own within the Clockworks, merely to test myself and become a better swordsman. Though when it comes to teaming up, I prefer to have people that I can count on to have my back, a team who does not end up hogging one enemy to themselves or messing me up during a time of me attacking or killing me off with one wrong move of having a monster fly at me. My mottos are "No Pain, No Gain", and "I am only loyal to those who are loyal to me".

Message me if I am qualified. Thanks.

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Updated :D

Updated :D


dose your guild have a voice chat of some kind?

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
We do.

We do.

i wann to join the guild

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)
How old are you? (optional)
What is your time-zone?
What server do you play on?
- Frome-IP
What rank are you?
Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
Yes i Have a discord
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I start 2 days ago
Are you interested in merchanting?
Why do you want to join Gods?
-Well its active and Funny and its sure that you guild can be the most popular in the game i think i have make the Right choice to join your guild
Add a few fun facts about yourself.
-I like to mette new players and make friend with theme and help evryone in need to make guild grow a become More populated with good and repecfull players

i wann to join the guild

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)
How old are you? (optional)
What is your time-zone?
What server do you play on?
- Frome-IP
What rank are you?
Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
Yes i Have a discord
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I start 2 days ago
Are you interested in merchanting?
Why do you want to join Gods?
-Well its active and Funny and its sure that you guild can be the most popular in the game i think i have make the Right choice to join your guild
Add a few fun facts about yourself.
-I like to mette new players and make friend with theme and help evryone in need to make guild grow a become More populated with good and repecfull players

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Updated. Officer found :)

Updated. Officer found :)


What is your Knight’s name

How old are you?
15, 16 on Aug, 9th.

What is your time-zone?
Western time.

What server do you play on?

What rank are you?
Knight Elite.

Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?

Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
I've used discord before and I would most likely try it with Gods.

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I've known and played spiral knights before missions/ranks were a thing but i took a looong break of about 2-3 years.
Are you interested in merchanting?
I have no clue what it is but I would love to know what it is.

Why do you want to join Gods?
Because I want a reason to play Spiral Knights everyday to have fun
My previous clan died

Add a few fun facts about yourself.
Fun to play with and possible talk to if I get confortable talking to the "Gods" Guild,
Im always polite and try not to swear when its not need and will say something when someone is being rude to one another

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Updated :D

Updated :D


1. What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
2. How old are you? (optional)
3. What is your time-zone?
4. What server do you play on?
5. What rank are you?
-8-2 about to reach 8-3
6. Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
-I guess I might as well get it on steam lol
7. Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
8. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
-Started playing a couple of years back but stopped. Made a new account and got back into it at the beginning of the month.
9. Are you interested in merchanting?
-No thank you
10. Why do you want to join Gods?
-As the highest ranking member of my current guild save for one officer, you can only do so much alone.
11. Add a few fun facts about yourself.
-Rational, friendly, and admittedly curses. I can filter myself if that's preferred though :)

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince


Bild des Benutzers Skritnic
Application to join

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)
How old are you?
What is your time-zone?
What server do you play on?
What rank are you?
Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
-Sure I guess
Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
-If those runs aren't shadow lair sure . It's too laggy for me to do shadow lair
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
-about 4 years but I had a hiatus for a year or so
Are you interested in merchanting?
Why do you want to join Gods?
Add a few fun facts about yourself.

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Glad to see those fun facts

Glad to see those fun facts worked out for you lol

Bild des Benutzers Biggeoff

Come Join Us Peeps

I would like to join

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
~ Sarviro
How old are you? (optional)
~ 15
What is your time-zone?
~ USA EST (New York)
What server do you play on?
~ English (I guess I'm not sure)
What rank are you?
~ 6-2 Knight Elite
Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
~ Yes, and sure I'll join.
Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
~ Ahhhh not really, I'll need to get comfortable first.
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
~ I used to play a few years ago and quit for a while now I'm back and VERY active.
Are you interested in merchanting?
~ I've never done it before but if someone were to teach me I would be.
Why do you want to join Gods?
~ It seems like a nice guild and I have 0 friends on SK lol and a guild would be great for me. Everyone is quiet and never talks I want to socialize while playing :3
Add a few fun facts about yourself.
~ I'm in love with chocolate milk, I have a thing for retro games, I love the color red....not sure what else could be considered "fun" but maybe I'll get to tell you guys in game :)

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
Updated :D

Updated :D

Bild des Benutzers Yvelta
What is your Knight’s name

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
How old are you? (optional)
What is your time-zone?
Pacific Standerd Time
What server do you play on?
USA West
What rank are you?
Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
I do, and I would join the steam group
Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
Yes, I would
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
For about 4 Years
Are you interested in merchanting?
Why do you want to join Gods?
I am a returning player that has no friends and would like to join this fine guild :)
Add a few fun facts about yourself.
I love playing FPS games competitively like overwatch and I like Horchata.

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince


Bild des Benutzers Maruruz
Would like to join

1. What is your knight's name(IGN)?
IGN: Maruruz, dont really like that name and planning to change it soon :V

2. How old are you? (optional)

3. What is your time-zone?
Not sure how this works, but from SEA region, it says UTC 8:00

4.What server do you play on?
English1, is that how it works?
5. What rank are you?
Knight Elite

6. Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
I dont play SK through steam

7. Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
Yes, i am comfortable with using discord if needed.

8. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Played back when there was still mist energy, then quited for a while and just joined back

9. Are you interested in merchanting?
Yea, i am interested in merchanting.

10. Why do you want to join Gods?
I wanted the join gods because i just returned and my old guild is dead and all my friends are not playing anymore, lonely :(

11. Add a few fun facts about yourself.
Plays overwatch, hots competitively. Big fan of D3 and Warframe, spiral knight was actually one of my first game.

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince



-What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
-How old are you? (optional)
-What is your time-zone?
-What server do you play on?
-What rank are you?
Knight elite, but I have a vanguard
-Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
I am on Steam and I don't see why not :P
-Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
I'm a bit voice chat shy
-How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
2013 think
-Are you interested in merchanting?
I probably have done it in the past, but I don't know about now
-Why do you want to join Gods?
Who wants to play an MMO without guild mates to join you in being awesome
-Add a few fun facts about yourself
I have 1273 hours in this game and I'm still a scrub

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
I have 1273 hour in this game

I have 1273 hour in this game and I'm still a scrub I'm right with ya' on that one.

Bild des Benutzers Microbolt


Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince


Bild des Benutzers Arcaneslay
Application to become a god among them gods ahahahahahaha ^_~

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?

How old are you? (optional)

What is your time-zone?
- gmt+8

What server do you play on?
-Both eu and usa because I'm on steam and i set it to according to my ip

What rank are you?

Do you play SK through Steam and if so, would you be interested in joining Gods Steam group?
-yes i do play on steam and why not?

Would you be comfortable using a Discord server to talk to other members during runs?
- hmm would it cause lag to the game?

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
-More than 4 years though i quitted 4 years back

Are you interested in merchanting?
-yes of course please teach me senseis!

Why do you want to join Gods?
-To find a truly welcoming guild that's actually friendly and also have a stable community to have fun with and finally also learn more about merchanting

Add a few fun facts about yourself.
Love fashion
Love strawberries
Love spiral knights
Love to exercise

Cya all soon =)

Bild des Benutzers Ragga-Prince
