Now, through observation of the Lab's secondary Tearium generator, I have come to determine several things:
1) The energy emitted by the Generator is roughly the same coloration as CE.
2) Its size is minimal compared to what I assume to be a spaceship of immense proportions--like a D-cell battery to an aircraft carrier.
So, due to these observations, I have several questions:
1) Was the secondary generator useful after the first one was torn through? To what extent? Was the secondary Generator just meant to provide a few extra seconds of landing-prep?
2) How powerful is Tearium? How much less powerful is Crystal Energy than Tearium?
3) How big was the primary generator? How big is/was the Skylark?
4) Were there multiple backup generators throughout the Skylark?
5) Could a community-wide campaign to "fix" the Skylark using Crystal Energy, Crowns, Materials, etc. be plausible?
But if you look at the prologue, the lights along the side of the skylark might be windows
that could be used as a size reference