Spiral knights launching fixes

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Kats-Is-Trash's picture

Ok ok i have made a few post about this and i finnaly found the fix for the game not opening there a few things you wana do before you can play again
1.You first wana click play if it says you are ingame but never opens then this is the fix for you to close this open taks manager then process then close Java*32 (For me) then youre status will be online again

2.Open up you're steam games now right click on the game then properties then local files then browse local files in the top right corner there is a search bar type in projectx.log and click it now you wana read through this if you see this messege 2016/05/23 17:25:40:283 INFO K$a.b: Couldn't create display; switching fullscreen mode. [fullscreen=false]
2016/05/23 17:25:40:293 WARNING K$a.b: Couldn't find valid pixel format. than you can continu this this means you're drivers need to be updated check this at step 3

3.Ok now we know the problem of this we wana check our driver to do this open control panel again at the left corner there is a search bar type in System then click on it then on the left there will be device manager click that now click display adapters then double click you're driver go to details and then choose hardware ids now choose the first one and type it into google mine is intel so try and download that one after downloading the driver restart you're pc and enjoy playing spiral knights

NOTE: if it still doesnt work it means you downloaded the wrong driver!!
CREDITS: Go to Dali And Combatmedic for helping me out
NOTE: if this isnt the right fix check out my video here this will be showing you a fix if youre game opens then closes: https://youtu.be/kkil1SVYa0U
Il be uploading a fix for this one in a a day or two so if u didnt understand i will be showing you step for step how to do this