I can honestly say that since Steam is hosting Spiral Knights, plenty in-game inconveniences have totally disappeared, the game is really getting into great days and it looks like its only beginning!
Congratulations, can't wait for more content updates!
Congratulations OOO!!

The game pretty much exploded in one day, and the Energy prices finally down-rocketed enough for me to profit a bit in crown as well as get back the energy I used to craft my Shivermist Buster and -then some-, and I even got it from Lv1 to 10 today.
Good times.

"Now only servers for instances located in Europe and that would be high life."
Yeah I've been asking for that; Steam is good on this point, there are plenty european Steam users. I really hope OOO and SEGA will realize european players need their own server to enjoy fully the Spiral Knights experience! I had already posted twice about this, but failed to receive any interesting answer so far :p

Silly double post. I don't even know how this happened!

I have a feeling this is why OOO raised the CE crafting prices. They knew once Spiral Knights was on Steam, they'd get way more players who were willing to pay for CE. As of the Steam launch, the prices actually make sense now, imo.
No, the prices were raised for balance.
When the prices were lower, yes it was easier, but it also meant players were reaching ''end-game'' far too quickly and easily. The game is still new and there isn't a ton of content available yet so they have to try and limit us a bit so we don't just burn through the game too quickly. I think it took me a while to realize this.
@Loki: It probably helped that on the very next day, they explained that this is exactly the reason it was done.
The old costs were too low (allowing a F2Per to get the best stuff in the game in under a week!), but I still feel the new costs are a bit too far in the opposite direction... Maybe it'll "feel" like less with the lower CE market costs.
Now only servers for instances located in Europe and that would be high life.