Why not bring back the Jelly Green Giant?

In case you don't know, Jelly Green Giants were huge green Jelly Cubes that, a REALLY long time ago, showed up in the now-closed off Danger Rooms in the Jelly Farm map. According to what the old Three Rings staff said back in 2011 when someone asked about it, they sealed off the Danger Room because they thought they would maul the new knights.
Thing is, that was a while ago. Back then, there were no randomized Arcade gates, Rank Missions, or much of the other stuff we've come to get used to. There were just a few gates with different difficulty levels, and the Jelly Farm happened to be on the easiest two gates, so back then, getting rid of the Danger Rooms in there was a good idea.
That was years ago. The game's changed majorly since then, so the old reasoning for taking out the Giant doesn't apply as much now. Couldn't they just bring it back now?
I mean, even if it's that difficult that new players won't be able to fight it, they can always just tweak it a little bit, and make those Danger Rooms only spawn in the second half of Tier 2 and all of Tier 3. It would definitely make the Jelly Farm level more fun, and the Jelly Green Giant being exclusive to that room would give people more reason to play it.
If it gets received well enough, it might inspire Grey Havens to add exclusive Danger Rooms and minibosses like that to other levels, which I think is an update we seriously need in the Arcade.
Just a little rambling I wanted to get off my chest.
(NOTE: This is written by someone who didn't play the beta. Everything I said about beta content is just what I've heard in the past and in my five-minute fact check for this post.)

This is probably possible, as all new Knights get tutorials on a bunch of stuff. (Well, I mean everyone that reads them.) And as the Jelly green giant appears in the danger room people should know what trouble they're getting into.
I would like to find that Jelly Green Giant and maul it with my Acheron.

Jelly Green Giant Danger Rooms would have been awesome in the game when random gates were introduced! And they do not need to be tweaked. Every Jelly Farm needs some awesome jelly danger. And the tutorial things are true. Maybe make a Danger Room for Wolver Den: Ashes To Ash Tails with Vog Cubs in it? And a Danger Room in Aurora Isles, Jigsaw Valley, and Treasure Vault with 2 non-corrupted Tortodrones to fight! Graveyard Danger Rooms would have Dreadnaughts of every non-Almirian type in it.

I'd love to finally fight Vog Cubs and Tortodrones outside the event, and this would make Deadnaughts not be a waste of an enemy. It'd be pointless to make this mechanic exclusive for one level, when adding it in other places would make the Arcade way more fun and worthwhile to play.
I'd love for Ironwood Sentinels to show up in this capacity, in some of the Aurora Isles and Jigsaw Valleys. Also, they could add a few more variants of the Vog Cubs to go in the other Wolver Dens — the obvious choices are Skolvers (Freeze) and potentially Duskers (Normal). Maybe the Toxilargos and fabled Oil Barons can go in Lichenous Lairs, too. Heck, why not put Gremlin Incinerator DRs in Deconstruction Zones, or retextured Black Kats in Scarlet Fortresses and Candlestick Keeps that do different statuses... really, the sky is the limit when it comes to this.
And the sky should be the limit for the Arcade as a whole; sadly, that's not quite the case right now. This would be a good first step in upgrading the Arcade, something we were promised around the time Battle Sprites came out.

Bring 'em back GH, balance, rebalance but bring them back in, I really want to see or fight 1 of the removed mobs :/

-Wolver Den
--Dusker (normal) (///)
--Vog Cub (fire) (///)(/|/\|\)
--Skolver (freeze) (///)(/\)
--Rabid Dusker (poison) (///)(/365)
--Veloci-Wolver (shock) (///)(\)
-Sky Islands
--Ironwood Sentinel ([])(/|/\|\)
--Green Jelly Giant ([0])
--Tortodrone (uncorrupted) ([])
--Saber-Toothed Spookat ({})
--Giant Wasp (///)
--T-Rex (///)
-Lichenous Lair
-Sloombargo (normal, with Slooms) ([0])(ZZZ)
--Quickplatinum (shock) ([0])(\)
--Toxilargo (poison) ([0])(/365)
--Oil Baron (fire) ([0])(/|/\|\)
--Dreadnought series ({})(/|/\|\)(/\)(\)(/365)
--T-Rex Fossil ({})(///)
--Trojan (/-\)
-Deconstruction Zone
--Thwackules (normal) (/C)
--Thwackzan (normal/poison) (/C)(///)(/365)
--Thwackzilla (fire/poison/shock) (/C)(///)(/|/\|\)(/365)(\)
--Gremlin Incinerator (fire) (/C)(/|/\|\)
--Gremlin Flash-Freezer (freeze) (/C)(/\)
--The Thwack (shock) (/C)(\)
--Dashrat the Thwacker (shock) (/C)(///)(\)

The Jelly Green Giant would get destroyed by some of the weapons (i.e. Grim Repeater, Iron Slug, Winter Grave) and would become another Royal Jelly or Ice Queen

Thwackules is inspired by the famous strongman of Greek mythology, Hercules.
Thwackzan is inspired by the man raised by gorillas, Tarzan.
Thwackzilla is inspired by the mutated reptile that appears in his own movie series, Godzilla.
The Thwack is inspired by the superhero that can run very fast, The Flash.
Dashrat the Thwacker is inspired by the Sega character, Sonic The Hedgehog.
Monsterbrine to the rescue!


we need to bring back the jelly green giant again

It drives me crazy to see the Green Jelly King just sitting there and me not being able to fight it. This seems to me like an incredibly easy fix. It is already in the game, and accessible. All the GM's have to do is redo the level ever so slightly to allow access to the boss. It mean, it seems to me like something that could take like an hour at most if you were motivated.
As for the other monster ideas, these are also great and seem to be easy enough to put in the game again. From what I understand the GMs have the code for these monsters still, so putting them back in is also something that could be done quite easily.
To the GMs: At least allow access to the Jelly King again, it is content that is literally in the game and ready to be played, and would give the community something for a seemingly easy fix. 2016 this post is, but I give it a definite +1.
Sounds fun! ^^