**--==// Official Lego Inc. Shop \\==--** [Updated on: 7/23/2022]

==========Last Updated: 7/23/2022==========
You will find many items, which may come and go rather quickly, so act fast!
If you are interested in any please contact Legobuild. In-game mails have a fast response time. (typically within 24 hours) Or you can also reach me at:
Steam: Lego2build
Discord: Lego2build#8255
Not sure about prices? Check out our price check tool: www.tiny.cc/skmerchants
- All prices are negotiable, I accept offers on all items.
- Strongly prefer crowns/energy , however, trades may be considered.
- Typically do not hold or reserve items.
- I do not do loans.
__________**FEATURED SELLING ITEMS**__________
- Various Shroom Caps
- Cyber Monday 2021 items (most)
- None
- Autumn Aura
- Baleful Aura
- Diamond/Opal/Turquoise Aura
- Fiery Aura
- Flame Aura
- Hacked Aura
- FlowerTech Aura
__Armor Front__
- All Boutonniere
- Most Wicked
- Most Garnet/Amethyst/Aquamarine/Diamond/Emerald/Pearl
__Armor Back__
- Glacial/Shadow/ShadowTech Blue/Green/Orange/Pink Wings
- Most Wicked
- Most Garnet/Amethyst/Aquamarine/Diamond/Emerald/Pearl
- Standard Valkyrie Wings
- Divine Valkyrie Wings
- Divine Dragon Wings
- Wings of Frenzy/Rage
- Prismatic Ruinous Crystal
__Armor Rear__
- Most Wicked
- Celestial/Rainbow Wolver Tail
- Cool, Divine, Regal, Toasty, Volcanic Doggie Tail
- Most Garnet/Amethyst/Aquamarine/Diamond/Emerald/Pearl
- Standard Cat Tails
- Divine Cat Tail
- Divine Wolver Tail
__Armor Ankle__
- Ashtail Slippers
- Dusker Slippers
- Wolver Slippers
__Helmet Top__
- Most Wicked
- Cool, Dusky, Fancy, Heavy, Military, Regal, Toasty Toupee
- Most Garnet/Amethyst/Aquamarine/Diamond/Emerald/Pearl
- Divine/Volcanic Halo
- Bloom Halo
- Prismatic Flower
__Helmet Side__
- All Rose
- Most Wicked
- Cool, Dusky, Fancy, Heavy, Military, Regal, Toasty Com Unit
- Most Garnet/Amethyst/Aquamarine/Diamond/Emerald/Pearl
__Helmet Back__
- Glacial Gear Halo
- Most Wicked
- Prismatic, Cool, Divine, Dusky, Fancy, Heavy, Military, Regal Scarf
- Most Garnet/Amethyst/Aquamarine/Diamond/Emerald/Pearl
- Prismatic Gear Halo
- Prismatic Heavenly Halo
__Helmet Front__
- Most Wicked
- Prismatic, Cool, Dusky, Fancy, Heavy, Military, Regal, Toasty Gremlin Goggles
- Most Garnet/Amethyst/Aquamarine/Diamond/Emerald/Pearl
- All Chapeau of the Rose
- Most Shadow Costume
- Voltaic Radical Mask
- Most Wicked
- Dreamer, Lucid, Sleepy Night Cap
- Most Slumber
- Most Garnet/Amethyst/Aquamarine/Diamond/Emerald/Pearl
- Various Shroom Caps
- Various Ronin Gasa
- Standard Tailed Helms
- Standard Pith Helm
- Standard Pompom Snow Hats
- Divine/Volcanic/Shadow Pompom Snow Hat
- All Tabard of the Rose
- Most Shadow Costume
- Many Node Slime Guards
- Voltaic Radical Suit
- Wooly Pullover
- Most Wicked
- Most Slumber
- Wooly Onesie
- Most Garnet/Amethyst/Aquamarine/Diamond/Emerald/Pearl
- Most Splash Sarong
- Most Splash Trunks
- Standard Culets
- Standard Brigandine
- None
- Sweet Dreams
- Furious Fork
- Spiral Soaker
- Deadly Charcoaler
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
_____Sprite Gear_____
- Drakon Pod (Divine)
- Almost all materials available
- None
- None

Happen to have a venomous aura/prismatic halo?

So my prices on some products are bias. Current items I use are marked up a fair amount, but, if someone really wants it bad, that is the price I'm willing to let it go for. Any items that I don't currently use should be at going rates approximately.

Can I still get a discount? :P

Wow, double post. Fail.

Really? Triple post?

I swear, I hate IPads. :(

I'm so sorry, is there a way to delete these? ;-;

Kill me now plz...
Worlds first sextuple post anyone?

What price are you looking for on the Volcanic Sealed Pauldrons?
sriously ? you thniks thats a PROMO !
every thing OVERPRICED af, title = clickbait !

Lol...do you even know what a "promo" is?

= discount ... in French. Might as well be that :^)

I would like to talk to you about the Voltedge whenever you're free in game.

I would like this message me when you can :D
You mentioned bulk pricing for common materials. How many light shards also you have? And how much would it cost to buy them all?
New items listed.