☼≈≈≈☼ Suggestions You Cannot Believe Grey Havens Did Not Consider! ☼≈≈≈☼

I already have a few ideas for Weaponry to be added into the game. Although it is probably bad manners to repost ideas, but I felt that I received no response to my ideas whatsoever.
I have ideas regarding Weapons and slight tweaks to the Clockworks. I hope there is someone willing to read what I have to offer.
- New Alchemy Lines for Catalyzers: The Disruptor/Sticky Grenade Launcher!
- Appearance.
- Visual Function.
- First Variant:
GREY COLOR SCHEME (Design and Projectiles/Effects); Standard Shots' Damage are pre-Neutralizer-line damage; Charge Damage is current Supernova-line Charge Damage; NORMAL DAMAGE
(3*): Chaotic Disruptor
(4*): Calamitous Disruptor
(5*): Ultimatum - Second Variant:
RED/MAGENTA COLOR SCHEME (Design and Projectiles/Effects); Normal Shots' Damage are pre-Biohazard-line damage; Charge Damage is current Wildfire-line damage; ELEMENTAL DAMAGE, FAIR CHANCE OF MODERATE FIRE
(3*): Singeing Disruptor
(4*): Scorching Disruptor
(5*): Saboteur - Flavor Text for the Disruptor:
Field Disruptor
This sidearm, fitted with a timed explosive, is carried by Recon Knights to stage ambushes and execute sabotages. Disruptor bullets cling onto any foe or surface, detonating shortly after impact.
Gravity Disruptor
A specialized instrument brandished by the Spiral Order’s elite operatives. It is designed to cripple massive enemy installations deep in hostile territory. Disruptor bullets cling onto any foe or surface, detonating shortly after impact.
Saboteur and Ultimatum
(Saboteur) With this ultimate tool of destruction, nothing will ever stand in your way ever again. Not for long, anyway. Saboteur bullets cling onto any foe or surface, detonating shortly after impact.
(Ultimatum) There's nothing more delightful than to watch enemies run in terror from their comrades who’ve been shot by this sadistic sidearm. Ultimatum bullets cling onto any foe or surface, detonating shortly after impact.
Disruptors are Spiral Knights’ grenade launchers!.
Disruptors will function similarly to the pre-Gunner Update Catalyzers. Their Alchemy Lines will branch off the current 2-Star Catalyzer.
Its Standard Attacks look like a Catalyzer’s and will stick on to any object that causes a collision with projectiles for 3 seconds before the projectile despawns and deals damage. It will have a small radius of splash damage.
Its Charged Attacks look like a Catalyzer’s Charged Attack and will similarly stick on to any object that causes a collision with the projectile. Upon its “detonation” 3 seconds later, it will explode similarly to the 2-Star Blast Bomb with the same explosion radius.
This Handgun’s niche is to attack enemies that can nullify projectile damage or have temporary invincibility. Since its damage is delayed before actually causing damage, this allows Knights to still attack enemies without the attacks being in vain. Additionally, this can also be used to damage larger crowds of enemies as they begin swarming up into a packed mob (this is where the Charged Attack is most effective).
- New Alchemy Lines for Catalyzers: The Seeker/Homing Catalyzer!
Seekers will function similarly to the pre-Gunner Update Catalyzers. Their Alchemy Lines will branch off the current 2-Star Catalyzer.
It’s an odd combination: Homing Catalyzer bullets? Based on enemy mechanics, it’s more useful than it first appears: Devilites strafe as the projectile is in front of them, allowing time for the projectile to re-coordinate and hit them. Gremlins are similar to that defense (with more emphasis on Gremlin Demos). Enemies around corners can be hit as the projectiles seek and turn corners.
Seeker Standard Attacks are nothing special. They have a Catalyzer’s range, fly straight, and disappear upon reaching this range. However, they have the old Catalyzer’s Standard Attack’s damage. Where does the “homing” part come in?
The Seeker’s Charge Attack is where this Handgun’s gimmick comes into effect. Similar to how a Rocket Puppy shoots homing rockets, the Charge Attack picks the nearest enemy and goes after them until it has travelled the equivalence of its maximum range. Once the target has been hit, this Handgun applies a debuff that causes the target to get the “Locked On” visual on it and have Standard Attacks automatically home in on it. Basically, the Charge Attack tags enemies for the Standard Attacks to seek and destroy.
- First Variant:
YELLOW COLOR SCHEME (Design and Projectiles/Effects); Standard Shots' Damage are pre-Neutralizer-line damage; Charge Damage is current Supernova-line Charge Damage; NORMAL DAMAGE
(3*): Subsonic Seeker
(4*): Inertial Seeker
(5*): Troublershooter OR Maverick - Flavor Text for the Seeker:
Subsonic Seeker
A clever handgun used by scouts to mark targets for fire, using a targeting feature that allows bullets to steer into their targets. Seeker bullets are capable of homing in on marked targets.
Inertial Seeker
This handgun is brought into service by Desna’s Recon Rangers to help eliminate high-profile targets that prove too evasive for normal engagements. Seeker bullets are capable of homing in on marked targets.
A sensible approach to dealing with difficult annoyances can summed up in three easy steps: identifying, tracking, and eliminating the problem. Troubleshooter bullets are capable of homing in on marked targets.
When you are fighting to save your skin, there's no need for fair rules. Your opponents will see new meaning to “what goes around comes around”. Maverick bullets are capable of homing in on marked targets.
- New Alchemy Lines for Winmillion (Grey Havens have since added the Turbillion!)
- Continuing the Cautery Sword Line (Grey Havens have since added the Amputator!)
- A Recursion Bomb…
Remember the Mission Breaking in the Recruits? Remember the first Battlepod? It launches Bombs that apparently detonate twice. Why not let Knights utilize this, as another asset for Bombers?
It could have a longer charge than a Blast Bomb, explode twice with the same Bomb delay as a Blast Bomb, and each explosion would deal 65% of a Blast Bomb, a total of 130% more damage than a Blast Bomb. Have the effects of screen-shaking removed and change the explosion animation to that similar to the explosion of a Four Star Pulsar (except… larger).
Branches off of a traditional Blast Bomb or could be special recipe (Boss Rewards or Shadow Lair…):
- (3*): Recursion Bomb
- (4*): Blastwave Charge
- (5*): Devastator
- Some Clockworks levels feature a Room with three Turrets and Spikes leading to their platform. Perhaps at least allow those Spikes to be timed and retractable on its own, allowing Swords and Bombs to deal damage to the Turrets
- Remove Royal Jelly Cubes’ ability to ‘block’ Brandish charges’ explosions and Magnus charges
- Lower some costs for Elevator Merchants’ wares — Vials and Vitapods could be cheaper.
- Do we still have Rare Monsters? If we do, could we have the Soul Jelly drop something?
- June 8, 2016 11:10pm EST; Added Cautery Sword Suggestion
- June 8, 2016 11:13pm EST; Tweaked Disruptor Charge Damage to Fangel's Suggestion
- June 9, 2016 4:55pm EST; Edited Magnetar Line and Added Suggestion for Spurs on par with Voktarak's Suggestion
- June 10, 2016 3:30pm EST; Visuals for the Disruptors
- June 12, 2016 2:10pm EST; Remade First Post to be More Concise
- June 12, 2016 3:10pm EST; Added Dagunner's Photoshop-Colored Catalyzers
- July 7, 2019 2:40pm EST; Updated and Added Seekers
Now, if I could list a list of generation suggestions:
Edit History:
And sorry for the click bait.

I could specify that it's Knockback should be considerably weaker, then. Stronger than a Dark Briar Barrage, definitely, but weaker than Nitronome.
I think with a Double-Up Bomb, it opens up opportunity to use another Weapon within the cover of another explosion, even better like another Bomb. I've only recently delved into Bombing, but I do felt like a Simple Blast Bomb had some difficulty in maintaining consistent hits on enemies; you have to perfectly and continuously time Bomb placements for maximum "Bomb Attack Speed".
You have a nice point about lowering damage of the new Catalyzer branch. I was hoping, however, that having a strong charge keeps its appeal compared to the traditional Catalyzer branch, along with adhering to the ideal of, like, a Sticky Grenade.
How about the Shock Variant to the Spur line? I recall sometime that players wanted another Shock Sword, for Voltedge is the only option currently (unless Shocking Edge...).

With the new catalyzer branch, having a strong charge means it obsoletes standard catalyzer entirely. The sticky bombs are desirable as they as slow moving bullets with a delayed explosion, sort of like a 100% fire hit that only hits once, however it can be negated (shields and whatnot).
Slower bullets that do something makes the activator good while catalyzer remains as a sort of prepare and execute weapon, with its charge attack being a thing.
When it comes to bombs, the reason people like the DBB so much is the tiny knockback. You can hit enemies so many times with bombs that way. Blast bombs do a thing where all enemies go flying off the screen, making the bomb less likely to hurt enemies. Less knockback is useful for damage bombs, else you have to chase the enemies down with your bombs - something that gunners should do.
Shock spur line is okay. Personally I want a pierce and shadow spur line, so throwing shock on either one of those would be nice. Normal spur at 5* dealing shock might be awkward, but perhaps if only the charge projectile inflicts status, at a super high rate? I can see that working.

You have a good argument on the Catalyzer vs. Activator Charge, Fangel. As for the Recursion Bombs, I think it is safe to say it could be a great area-denial bomb. We could continue to suggest for knockback to be weakened on it.
I do want to ask why you would want damage variations with the Spur line.

For the shock winmillion, only shocking on the charge at a high chance would be better than low chance with a massive damage nerf (see flourishes, no one uses the status ones because it doesnt make up for the damage drop), maybe lower the charge damage, and leave the regular hits the same as the non-status variant

Okay, after looking at your suggestion, Vohtarak, I see you bring up a valid point: there's no need for another Branch if the chances of inflicting a Status is too low to compensate for lower damage.
I'm adjusting the first post at this time. At the meantime, perhaps we could buff the Status Flourishes a bit?

I do want to ask why you would want damage variations with the Spur line.
There's a severe lack of sword variation. This is most easily seen on flourishes because only one piercing sword, and shadow only has 2 attack styles going for it. Spur works for both those damage types, as monsters weak to them will also benefit from the faster attack speed and more fluid movement of the blade. The projectile is just icing on the cake.

Okay, I am convinced: we need more Sticks (er, Swords).
Going to make this a brief response, but what themes would you suggest with your Piercing/Shadow Spur?

I think it would be fair to buff flourishes to where (if applied) status can make up for and surpass damage, meaning the flambergs would get a buff to be very close to the flourish, and invasions even closer, its such a low chance there's no new for that big of a difference
The spur lines could change color and effects to the same as the blaster bayonets
the pierce one would be that orange-looking metal, maybe giving the blade more spikes (as opposed to grooves on the winmillion)
shadow would have the darker one from phantamos, with purple particle effects
and the normal one could be a whiter winmillion I suppose
not sure which could have shock, but a shock one would be darker blue than the winmillion with particles like the mercurial mail

I'd probably give piercing variant hunting blade color schemes and shadow one nightblade color schemes. Different patterns obviously, but that's that.
Piercing variant could be the shock one. Despite shock's damage not being super helpful for beasts, the sporadic crowd control shock offers would make it easier to land consecutive hits with the spur. Dodgy smarshbuckets can't dodge while spasming.
Shadow variant could just be a pure damage variant, else have bonus damage VS gremlins. I see the projectile it fires being super useful for gremlins because they dodge out of sword range just to be hit by the disk.
Blanket change to spurs would be faster charge attacks, or at least having the pierce variant have faster charge attacks.
One other thing I realized after looking at your changes to the main post (I rarely re-read them but saw your changelog at the end) is the pure normal brandish. As it stands that's sort of the point of caliburs. While medical tool advancement would be nice brandishes are used for their status and split damage - neither of which a pure normal slime high brandish would have. If it went down a more unique style I might be more for it but it'll remain as a gimmick weapon even if expanded to 5*.

I made a stupid drawing on what I wish Activators would look like.
I made a little stupid drawing to demonstrate how Activators work.
Both were taken on my iPhone. Sorry if Potato Quality.
Additionally, I plan to rework the first post because I think it would be better organized. For now, though, I'll add links for the Activators.
I used to play another game that featured beautiful-looking Swords similar-looking to the Spurs we have. Perhaps these could put your ideas into an image?
Scimitar. Could maybe work for my Shock Variant Winmillion.
A "Talsar Sword".
A Khopesh.
A "Bone Sabre".
Bonus Picture:
Maybe a Piercing Heavy Sword? (Talon Scythe)
(They're all small pictures since they come from direct game files. Sorry.)

I mean I would just reskin current spurs rather than giving them a new model. Any model works for me in the long run.
Heavy piercing sword being a pickaxe is interesting. Granted you have the visual problem of "i hit them with the stick of the pickaxe". I'd much prefer a lance or spear as a heavy pierce sword - that could be more precision with AoE at the end of the combo instead of wide swings the whole way through.
Also those concept art pieces for the activator are adorable.

I spent a good hour being frustrated and wondering if I wasted an hour of life. Good to hear it amused someone at the very least.
I tried chibi anime but I can't draw chibi.

Updated Post's Looks. Hopefully it will not be an intimidating wall of text now and will look more structured.

I made icons for the mangeta and yellow catalyzers lines, made 5*s too

Now saturate the Arc Razors!
Make one with a White Blade or something similar to what Fangel and I suggested!

Grey Havens have that 5* Cautery Sword and Winmillion now.
Clickbait schmickwait.
Anyways, catalyzer branch would be alright with me. I would recommend them having no knockback (replace it with knockdown). This will make activator become party friendly pulsars.
I would scale down the damage on the charge projectile to not be current catalyzer bullet damage. That charge bullet is easily the most powerful attack that exists in the game, close if not higher than an acheron charge. It could be pulsar charge in damage, or slightly more.
For spur change I would say 2* has no projectile, but 3* and up should. I want the charge attack to be a mixmaster charge attack as that's inherently useful and not as buggy as the spur charge projectile. The first swing should also move the user forwards half a tile - it used to do that and it makes the weapon feel more like it should, a dancing, agile weapon.
Double-up bombs could be neat, but has the problem of "why double charge when i can single charge twice". If there's a way to make the bomb hit twice for sure, or to at least make it hit twice frequently, then it would be worthwhile and a great asset beyond messing with players in PvP.
--- general change thingies ---
Compound room change is something lots of us have asked for since their release. Still think it's a great solution.
Spike turret changes are eh, they are supposed to punish people without a way to kill them. Sword-only players can use charge attacks from certain swords, throw vials, hope for a teammate to kill them, walk over spikes to kill them, else ignore them. 3 turrets aren't a huge deal loot-wise.
Having all rare monsters drop something would be nice. On top of that more rare enemies might be fun to throw into the mix.