Seraphynx Sprite skill jamming/ not working when pressing assigned button

4 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Arcaneslay

I'm not too sure if it due to a lag or bug but once I a while I am not able to use the skills even though they have already cooled down and when I just pressed the assigned buttons for the skills nothing happen. My knight just points in the direction and seraphynx just stones and do nothing. As though my pet is disobedient or something. It happens quite persistently resulting in much trouble in doing my runs smoothly. Hope you guys can bring some light to this issue and hopefully fix it!

Bild des Benutzers Vohtarak-Forum
its not a bug

Its just lag, sprites are server-side so if the request doesnt go through it wont attack

Bild des Benutzers Ultimaximus

My friend says that he's sometimes able to see me point and not perform the sprite ability. If he can see me point, then that must mean the server did receive the request, yes? If so, why not act on it, even if it'll be late?

Battle Sprite does not attack

My battle sprite(Maskeraith) won't attack when pressing the button
I have rebind the key, restart the game, unequip and re-equiping the sprite it wont work
My friend say that i do the gesture but it won't attack/use skill

Bild des Benutzers Hexzyle

I think the sprite abilities are based on some hacked in two-message netcode. The server receives the message of you pointing, but the command times out before it's bounced back to you and to the server again, or some bollocks. That's why anyone with a ping greater than like 300ms (Australians mostly) can't use sprite abilities reliably.