F2 bug report not working

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I encounter lots of bugs in this game, having played for many years the game itself is a little buggy, more or so very. Anyway, by pressing f2, bug reports are made possible. So we thought. My friends gathered on and tested the bug reports, they always failed whenever we tried to use them. Now we gathered over 16 people, and all of them, every single one failed to send. This was not a "wifi" issue, we all lived in different places and well, it seems a little odd.
Either the devs are being clever and sneaky to avoid bug problems, or it's just another bug for the bug report. Now, there could be reasons why the devs may not want bug reports, but let's not jump to conclusions as grey havens is still moving in.
Well, my question is why don't the bug reports seem to work? Anyone else experience this problem? Also this has not been working for a while now. Cheers, happy clockworking!