Race for Bugs (Short Llist)

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Lord-Quisers's picture

■ Assault on Machine Shop 13 (Prestige) Depth 24 - Image

The key enters in the material of the iron block.

■ Assault on Machine Shop 13 (Prestige) Depth 25 - Image

In this image you can observe how the blast tentacles of the machine doesnt's damage the rock blocks.

■ Bechamel Accessorizor (Guild Hall/Haven) - Image

If you repeatedly press on this ticket you will see that in the bottom part the type of the ticket is not showing. You cannot see the button "buy item", but you will see the Troika sword.

■ Random Depth - Image

As, you can see, there is a bug at grasping aura because of the snowy environment.

■ Random Depth 2 - Image

When I'm getting too close to the fire, I should get dmg. (or catch fire)