Owlites have been known to have gone extinct due to the actions of the unluckiest cat Margrel.
But for an unknown reason Knights have been reporting sightings of a short, feathered creature within Candlestick Keep.
Though they didn't decide to move towards the creature, an investigation is now underway.
Foxtrot Squad, find and attempt to communicate with the strange being. If it attacks you, then do not engage and fall back.
Blah. Application. Write.
Name - Can have nicknames.
Age - I don't have a good limit for ages.
Personal Color
Armor - Can be cosmetic.
Weapons - Up to two weapons, no dual wielding.
Desc - Which includes your class(ex. Guardian, Recon, Striker, Tech...) and personality.
Age - Eh, around 200-400 years, I guess.
Feathers - How the feathers look.
Armor - Robes. You just wear robes.
Weapon - Single Weapon. Optional. Make up a magic staff or a book if you want.
Desc - Meh.