I tried to erasing the cache/temps/cookies, whatever the browser had, i erased everything and leave it CLEAN! (except bookmarks ofc) but i still have problems seen them.
I test the page a few weeks ago, i could see the images been upload again, so a few days ago i uploads the one i had, everything went fine, but now, the images seem like "error missing".... i mean... its not like it show "nameofthefile.png" in red, no, it show a transparent square with a little "broken image file" in the upper left corner, i tried to refresh (F5) because "hey, maybe is my connection" but then some others images i did see well, had the same transparent box, i keep doing it (pressing F5) and sometimes it fix some of the images but destroy the others, and sometimes, doesnt fix anything and get worst.
It is something from my computer or something because of the server :S? Oh, and another thing i just did was to rightclick the transparent box and pick to see the image in a new tab, which sometimes (like right now) show me the image, then it show in the page (after a f5) but with some others, it show the 404 not found error of spiral kngiht's page (i just did this URL just for those who never get that error >>> http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/thumb/8/8d/Icon-blah.png/30px...)
And that error makes me things is SK wiki's server, but have not seen anyone else complaing