At my old PC (Intel Core 2 duo) whenever I play spiral knights it launches it like normal and I have free access to play it but I got a new PC (Core 2 quad)
and for some reason it doesn't launch the game. I updated my java to the latest version (java being jre 8u102) but it still doesn't work :( . I tried the official version too (not steam) but that doesn't work either. I even reinstalled the whole game. If you guys have a solution to this please tell me it because spiral knights is one of my favorite MMO games yet.
And also these are my specs.
Windows: Windows 10 Pro
Processor: intel core 2 quad Q8200 @ 2.33GHz 2.33GHz, 32-bit, x64 based processor
Graphics driver: intel G31 express chipset version (latest) Feature level: 9.1
driver model: WDDM 1.0
RAM: 8 GB, 3.24 GB usable
directX: 9Ex
directX extras: DirectDraw Acceleration Enabled, Direct3D Acceleration enabled, AGP Texture Acceleration Enabled.