Pi is bored 3.0

Pi is bored so he throws you through a portal that leads to an open field. There's a sign in front of you that says "Just post saying what you want to do and maybe I won't get bored of this before the second page. An ocean is to the north, mountains are to the east, a desert is to the south, and a forest is to the west. There are no horses to admire anywhere."

You're taking some sand when a Wonderful Architecture Cactus appears!
What do?
Sand (x5)

I'm just making up stuff as we go if you couldn't tell.
10/10 HP
2 Attack
0 Defense
10/10 HP
2 Attack
0 Defense
Wonderful Architecture Cactus
5/5 Wonderful HP
2 Wonderful Attack
0 Wonderful Defense
A wonderful cactus that builds wonderful buildings to drop on you. Not safe for touching.
The Wonderful Architecture Cactus builds a wonderful sandcastle while waiting for Markelu to make his turn.
Sand (x5)

I break the "wonderful" sandcastle in order to make the "Wonderful" Architecture Cactus break to sadness. Because we are all like that.

I use some sand from my INVENTOROROR to build a better sandcastle.

You unwonderfully kick the wonderful sandcastle like the unwonderful bully you are, causing the Wonderful Architecture Cactus to unwonderfully die a little inside for a unwonderful 2 damage.
The Wonderful Architecture Cactus is, naturally, wonderfully pissed about Markelu unwonderfully kicking the wonderful sandcastle, and wonderfully builds a wonderful sand skyscraper before wonderfully shoving it over towards Markelu. It's only sand, so Markelu only takes a wonderful 2 damage.
Matik attempts to build a sandcastle, only to realize that 5 sand means 5 grains of sand. The Wonderful Architecture Cactus feels bad for Matik and gives him a wonderful pat on the back (that somehow doesn't hurt) and a wonderful "You Tried" award.
Sand (x5)
Wonderful pat on the back (x1)
Wonderful "You Tried" award (x1)

I just wait for Markelu to act like the unwonderful bully again.
During the battle I collect more sand and then make a pun out of sand.
Oh, and equip the Wonderful "You Tried" Award if possible.
I wonder if I can learn the Wonderful pat on a back or equip it. If possible, do either one of it.

Pi gets bored of waiting and pretends Markelu ran off or something.
Matik wears his Wonderful "You Tried" Award proudly and boasts about how hard he tried. Nothing happens aside from making the Wonderful Architecture Cactus continue to feel bad for Matik.
You can't learn or equip the Wonderful Pat On The Back, but you can give it away.
Matik makes a pun out of sand that's so bad that anybody who sees it spontaniously combusts. Luckily, nobody is looking aside from a few thousand Cuddly Banjo Vultures who all happen to look at the pun at the same time. They all spontaniously combust and it begins to rain dead Cuddly Banjo Vultures.
Matik is hit by a banjo and takes 1 damage.
The sand pun is hit by a dead Cuddly Banjo Vulture and collapses.
The Wonderful Architecture Cactus is hit by a dead Cuddly Banjo Vulture and takes 1 damage.
The Wonderful Architecture Cactus panics and builds a wonderful 1 health wall.
It is raining Cuddly Banjo Vultures for 2 more turns.
9/10 Health
Wonderful Wall
1/1 Health
Wonderful Architecture Cactus
2/5 Health
Object Shield: Wonderful Wall

a rendom thingy apperd!!!1!!
Teddy: 1/1 HP
Ability: jk not here: I can't do anything really, I just kinda watch. Because I'm lazy.
1 one
i punchh teh sheild. zuro dmg

Let's start a pacifist rout- NO.
Since it is sand, i can break the shield, can't i? Can't i?

Markelu runs back in but takes 1 damage from a dead Cuddly Banjo Vulture as he runs in.
Ze-Epik walks in and is hit by a banjo, but takes 0 damage due to his 1 defense.
Ze-Epik punches the Wonderful Wall and it collapses, but Pi realizes that Ze-Epik is only watching and puts an Almost As Wonderful Wall in it's place before anybody notices it's gone.
Pi also realizes he forgot to give the Almost As Wonderful Wall random properties, so he makes it a Spiky Bell Wall. The Wonderful Architecture Cactus has no idea how it suddenly turned into that.
You can punch the wall, which would probably hurt, but it would allow other people to attack the Wonderful Architecture Cactus this turn if they want to, or you can wait until a Cuddly Banjo Vulture breaks the wall.

As the subject said.
Plan WfaCBVtbtw (Wait for a Cuddly Banjo Vulture to break the wall).

Pi pretends that Matik is asleep or something.
Everybody else sits around doing nothing.
The Wonderful Architecture Cactus wonderfully prepares to wonderfully flee...
The Wonderful Architecture Cactus wonderfully tells everyone that if they don't unwonderfully attack them or someone wonderfully protects them from anyone unwonderfully attacking them, they'll make it worth your while.
Matikclocker is hit by a brick and takes 1 damage.
Markelu gets hit by a lamppost and takes 1 damage.
Ze-Epik gets hit by an elephant and takes 0 damage.
The Almost As Wonderful Spiky Bell Wall is hit by a pair of mittens and collapsed. The fact that it is not a Cuddly Banjo Vulture that hit the wall combined with the fact that Markelu got hit when he said he won't deeply saddens Markelu and causes him to start crying for some reason.
The Wonderful Architecture Cactus is hit by a Cuddly Banjo Vulture.

The brick wakes me up immediately and I 'accidentally' attack the Wonderful Architecture Cactus.

Matik punches the Wonderful Architecture Cactus and takes 1 contact damage.
The Wonderful Architecture Cactus can't believe they thought Matik was kind of wonderful before "passing out".
The Cuddly Banjo Vulture rain suddenly stops.
You got 10 exp!
The wonderful trait gave you an extra 5 exp.
85 exp to next level.
You got 5 boredom bucks!
You got 1 Wonderful Small House Blueprint!
You got 1 Wonderful Wallet!
There's a sign in front of you that says "Welcome to Lying Barbecue Desert, where none of the signs lie. To the east is a volcano and to the west is a rainforest for some reason. There is absolutely nothing up north and to the south is where your journey will end."
Health: 8/10
Wonderful "You Tried" Award (Chest)
Health: 6/10
15 exp
5 boredom bucks
Wonderful Pat On The Back (x1)
Wonderful Small House Blueprint (x1)
Wonderful Wallet (x1)

I go to the volcano. I don't wanna end this just yet!

((I just realized I meant to make the sign lie and everything would be in the opposite direction of what it says, but I goofed up while writing the sign because the volcano really is to the east. I'll just go with it and say the sign wasn't lying, except maybe the rainforest will be something else.
Also, going to the place your journey ends doesn't end the game, it just ends your journey.))
You begin walking towards the Volcano when two Outgoing Exam Slimes appear!
They excitedly ask you to answer some questions for this exam that they just made up.
What do?

Answer the questions. After all...
I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,
About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news...
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.
I'm very good at integral and differential calculus;
I know the scientific names of beings animalculous:
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of a modern Major-General.
From now on I'm a Modern Major-General.

The Outgoing Exam Slimes tell you that using Google would be cheating.
They start off with a simple one.
1. What is 2 + 2
A. 5
B. 22
C. Bacon
D. None of the above
E. All of the above

Markelu secretly takes out his phone and goes to the calculator, but then realizes he has no phone.

They take Ze-Epik's answer since he was first. It is correct, as it is a well known fact that 2 + 2 = Bacon.
They reward him by giving him the correct answer.
(Gained x1 Bacon)
They ask Matik what he thinks it is if it's none of the above before moving on to the next question.
2. What are ducks?
A. They have three heads, green feathers, breath fire, and, worst of all, wear monocles and twirl their mustaches.
B. They are small, yellow, squishy, squeaky, and the most terrifying thing you'll ever see.
C. They are like that weird thing that answered D on the last question, but actually horrifying.
D. They are balls of fur that walk around, run up trees, and constantly meow like the awful maniacs they are until you feed them.
E. Duck is the common name for a large number of species in the waterfowl family Anatidae, which also includes swans and geese. The ducks are divided among several subfamilies in the family Anatidae; they do not represent a monophyletic group (the group of all descendants of a single common ancestral species) but a form taxon, since swans and geese are not considered ducks. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water. Just kidding, they don't actually exist, this was just copied from Wikipedia and we all know everything Wikipedia talks about doesn't exist, just like my happiness.

You are technically correct. They didn't know, so they were asking you.
The two thank you for your time before preparing to flee.

Pi gets bored and pretends they successfully flee.
You got 10 exp!
75 exp till next level.
You got 6 boredom bucks!
You got 1 A+!
You walk into the Creepy Cookie Volcano. All the cookies are on fire, but do not burn.
You see a questionable mall up ahead. Do you go to it?
Crazee Pi jumps out from behind a cookie and begins poking you out of boredom.
Crazee Pi eventually gets so bored that he shoves you inside the questionable mall before you get a chance to choose if you want to go in or not. How rude!
Inside, there are several places you can go to, including...
A cookie store
A clothes store
A matress store
A bar
A restroom
An awakeroom
A potted plant
A small hole in the floor
A mechanical tangerine
A strange, demonic looking portal shrouded in darkness and emitting never ending creams. Labeled "Candyland".
An exit
Health: 8/10
Wonderful "You Tried" Award (Chest)
Health: 6/10
25 exp
11 boredom bucks
Wonderful Pat On The Back (x1)
Wonderful Small House Blueprint (x1)
Wonderful Wallet (x1)
Bacon (x1)
A+ (x1)


You decide to ignore all of that other stuff and make a beeline towards the first hole you see. The mechanical tangerine is judging you. It is disappointed.
You somehow fit inside the tiny hole despite the fact that you shouldn't be able to. Inside the hole, you find a dirty danish calling you over. There's also a bed in the corner you can use to heal yourself if you like.
There's a hole leading off to the side labeled "PRISON", another leading off to the other side labeled "BAR", and another hole leading further downwards labeled "NOT SURE WHAT'S DOWN HERE, BUT PROBABLY NOT SAFE".

I'ma dive into the hole that is redundantly at the bottom of this hole. I hope there is coffee down there.

You decide to jump down another hole without even considering healing in the bed first. You hear a voice from above asking you why you thought that jumping down was a good idea.
Down at the bottom, there's a creepy looking door over to the right and a path leading off to the left that's guarded by two demons, one of them holding a cup of coffee. There's also a path forwards labeled "SECRET PATH TO VOLCANO (DON'T TELL ANYONE)", a staircase behind you, and another hole that leads literally nowhere.

I use my flirting skills to charm the demon with the coffee, who I then (romantically) lock arms with. I lead the demon near the hole to nowhere, using sweet talk to distract him/her from being aware of where we are heading.
With suddenness, I leap into the hole, pulling the coffee demon along with me. I break out into a fit of maniacal laughter as we fall into the void together.

Figuring that since other people are reviving their threads, Crazee Pi decides to make a half-assed attempt to revive this thread.
Dee tells the demon "hey baby, are you a baby? Because otherwise this conversation would be awkward," before bringing both of them into the hole.
Down and down you go, into the infinite abyss below.
No end in sight, with a demon of might.
What will you find, what will you see?
Though it never mattered, they're flattered.
We'll just skip to the end, for poems are hard.
You and the demon, after what felt like a really bad poem, manage to fall back through the hole you fell through in the first place and are now on the ceiling.
Both you and the demon take 9 damage.
The demon falls unconscious...
An Aromatic Brown Bear walks out of the Secret Path and walks up the staircase.
I come in seeing the demon and other knight on the ceiling.
"what the...?"
"uhhh... catch!"
I throw a rock and they catch it.
then a random jelly cube runs into me and flings me toward the ceiling which has the opposite gravity as the floor.
I take 15 damage.

Some random guy comes around and randomly throws a rock at Dee.
Dee took -7 damage for some reason.
Suddenly, a Random Jelly Cube runs on it's long, beautiful legs into Robo-Zero-Zx.
Random Miniboss Encounter!
The Random Jelly Cube rolls two D6s to decide its health...
They roll 5 and 5.
They don't actually hit you for 15 damage, because that would instantly kill you and that would be unfair, but the Random Jelly Cube does get the first attack on you.
The Random Jelly Cube rolls a D4 with their feet...
They roll a 3!
The Random Jelly Cube throws 2 bowls of gelatin at Robo-Zero-Zx...
Robo-Zero-Zx took 2 bowls of gelatin worth of damage!
(Gained 2x Gelatin Bowl Worth Of Damage, Which Is Nothing When You Use It For Some Reason)
6/10 HP
2 Attack
0 Defense
Background Character (infinite)
8/10 HP
2 Attack
0 Defense
Wonderful "You Tried" Award (Chest)
Background Character (infinite)
8/10 HP
2 Attack
0 Defense
Upside Down (infinite)
8/10 HP
2 Attack
0 Defense
Continues to Exist (infinite)
Coffee Demon
26/35 HP
5 Attack
2 Defense
Upside Down (infinite)
Unconscious (5)
Other Demon
35/35 HP
5 Attack
2 Defense
Doesn't Care (infinite)
Random Jelly Cube (Miniboss)
10/10 HP
0-3 Attack
0-1 Defense
Long-Legged (infinite)
See above for Statues.
25 exp
11 boredom bucks
Wonderful Pat On The Back (x1)
Wonderful Small House Blueprint (x1)
Wonderful Wallet (x1)
Bacon (x1)
A+ (x1)
Gelatin Bowl Worth Of Damage, Which Is Nothing When You Use It For Some Reason (x2)
I charge my weapon (spur)
at full charge I slash at the jelly's legs, removing the feet, (2 damage)
but then I fall into floor gravity for no reason. (1 bit of damage)
I prop myself up with a box that gets stuck to my left hand.
" A little help "
Dee tries taking the box of my hand, but their hand gets stuck to.

Robo-Zero jumps onto the Random Jelly Cube and attempts to kick their spurs into their legs, but they can only reach the sides of the Random Jelly Cube.
Random Jelly Cube took 2 damage!
Random Jelly Cube threw Robo-Zero off...
Robo-Zero attempts to randomly fall onto the ceiling like Dee, but fails due to the fact that gravity-flipping is not a property of the ceiling, but rather a side effect of falling through the hole.
Robo-Zero instead attempts to grab a box but it looks like somebody put glue on it, causing the box to get stuck to their hand!
(Adjectives for the box and glue coming next turn.)
Random Jelly Cube shows off its legs!
Robo-Zero looks down at their own legs and feels saddened...
Robo-Zero was inflicted with Defense Down (1) [3]
Dee was inflicted with Background Character (infinite)
8/10 HP
2 Attack
-1 Defense
Box (Left Hand)
Cowboy Boot (Left Foot)
Cowboy Boot (Right Foot)
Defense Down (1) [3]
Coffee Demon
26/35 HP
5 Attack
2 Defense
Upside Down [infinite]
Unconscious [4]
Random Jelly Cube (Miniboss)
8/10 HP
0-3 Attack
0 Defense
Long-Legged [infinite]
i realize that i have cowboy boots for no reason and decides to take them off
i then see that my feet are for some reason valve source errors and decides to put them back on
i then slice the box in half (for no reason) reveling a health capsule.
i take the capsule giving me 1 in a half health
i realize i cut the capsule in half.
" i am still confused"

Robo-Zero shows off their feet!
Robo-Zero eats a health capsule.
Robo-Zero gained .5 health!
The Random Jelly Cube looks between your feet and your half health...
The Random Jelly Cube sits there trying to conteplate this!
The Random Jelly Cube calls for help...
SCIENTIST appeared!
SCIENTIST took off your boots...
SCIENTIST takes one good look at your health and feet...
SCIENTIST's head exploded!
The ghost of SCIENTIST goes through the way the Other Demon is guarding.
The Random Jelly Cube panics and curls into a ball...
8.5/10 HP
2 Attack
-1 Defense
Defense Down (1) [2]
Coffee Demon
26/35 HP
5 Attack
2 Defense
Upside Down [infinite]
Unconscious [3]
Other Demon
35/35 HP
5 Attack
2 Defense
Might Care Slightly Now [infinite]
0/5 HP
2 Attack
1 Defense
Dead [infinite]
Random Jelly Sphere (Miniboss)
8/10 HP
0-3 Attack
0 Defense
Scared [1]
A new game huh?
Definitely gonna join.
Take some sand from da desert.