Celebrate the Year of the Rooster.. with Kats!

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Game Master


We here at Spiral HQ would like to wish you luck in the Year of the fire snipe… er… Rooster! We’re celebrating the new year by equipping knights with gear that would make any Rooster envious. The Rooster Prize Box is available through March 2, 2017.

These contain all new items such items as:

  • Buhgok Tails
  • Fowl Cloaks
  • Fowl Cowls
  • Wattlesnipes
  • Feathered Auras

More information on the Rooster Prize Box and its contents may be found here.

An over abundance of roosters has also spurred other creatures to descend on the Clockworks. As you may have suspected, the black kats are once again storming the Moorcroft Manor Archives and consuming the valuable tomes it stores! We need all knights of rank 4-1 and greater to gear up! Do not fear going forward slowly knights; fear only to stand still.

You can find black kats in the Kataclysmic Confrontation prestige mission and various kat levels in the Clockworks. Be sure to collect Ancient Pages and visit Montague in Moorcroft Manor, or the Mysterious Crafting Machine in Haven, to obtain event themed items. If you perform a Dark Ritual and survive the encounter, you may find yourself in possession of a Black Kat Cowl or some materials which will allow you to craft some event exclusive gear.

More information on the Kataclysmic Confrontation can be found on the wiki here. If you have participated in a previous Confrontation and still have Ancient Page tokens, they are still valid! Ancient Page tokens do not expire. The Kataclysmic Confrontation will run through February 22nd.