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The Childrens Verbal Fisticuffs (Yung Argument)

17 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Its-Vash

You remember when you/others were a little kid and argued like:
I have chuck norris, he destroys you!
But I have the destruction destroyer, so your destruction is gone now!
But I have chuck norris, so that doesnt work!
But even chuck norris can die by a black hole!
But I have 2 black holes!

Ill start with a challenge.

Anyone can have the first response.

You take turns making responses to the person above you's argument in this childish fashion.

Make your responses as ridiculous as you want.

My challenge:

I have an ion cannon, so I win!

Bild des Benutzers Markelu

But I have an IOO super-blaster, so your ion cannon gets blown to pieces!

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

I have a giant plug that I put in your blaster, meaning it explodes when you fire it.

Bild des Benutzers Markelu

But I emancipate the plug using my Emancipator 4001 and destroy you with my Secondary IOO super-blaster!

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

But then I plug up your emanipator and blaster, blowing them up, before holding up a mirror, causing whatever happens next to be reflected back at the attacker!

Bild des Benutzers Markelu

But I reflect the mirror attack using my mirror, which reflects back every reflection your mirror does! And then I will attack you with my White Hole Generator, which generates a white hole, which shoots away all energy at your face!

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
Oh yeah?

Well I take that white hole and put it in a black hole which cancel out and make a huge energy explosion that explodes your face (I didn't get exploded because I have the hylian shield which everyone knows is invincible).

Bild des Benutzers Markelu

But I have the -9000 Unpowerer, which makes your shield worthless!
Then I take my Suck-N-Pull Vacuum, suck you up and then BLAST YOU AWAY INTO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE UNIVERSE!

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

I got explosives, and its a scientifically proven fact that to beat something that sucks in stuff you got to throw explosives into it while its sucking.

Bild des Benutzers Markelu

But I have a BisonEmancipator V3.0 and I blow the explosive to pieces!
Then I grab my MaterialCapacitatorEmancipatorComplexVersionRandomCoolWordsMetamorphicVersionToo, which destroys you in a fraction of a second!

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

I use Magick to swap our positions right before I'm destroyed so you are destroyed instead, then I throw you into the Found Lands.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
>insert title<

I come along and use the Perkifier to give myself 3,000,000,000 extra ATK, and then use Lemon Rage on Pi.

Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

I pray to RNGesus and all hits miss. Then I hit you 3 times and roll 3 perfect 20s, causing me to launch you into the Found Lands.

Bild des Benutzers Markelu
Remember, don't shoot Pi.

I use my interdimensional grappling hook to pull you into the Found Lands as well.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
oh yeah? well...

Well, turns out you just happened to launch me to a specific place in the Found Lands where I find a giant fire sword which I use to attack you.
Pi specifically, that is.

Bild des Benutzers Lordcalvinheins

I throw a potato.

everyone dies.


Bild des Benutzers Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

I grab the potato before it can hit me and throw it at Ze-Epik. The pure vegetableness of the potato breaks the giant fire sword in half, because we all know vegetables counter giant fire swords.

Bild des Benutzers Flash-Flire
nah m8

I catch the potato.
I eat the potato.

Then I go on a murderous rampage with my giant fire sword.