Enjoy this random youtube video from that clickbait:
Alright, so on to the information. I was bored, and decided to test out what determines if your capitalized phrase gets through the chat filter or not. We all know that the filter will mysteriously make your chat all lowercase depending on the phase of the moon....or not?
Through some testing, I have found two rules for the SK CAPS chat.
1) If your word/phrase is <= 7 characters (including spaces), your outcome will contain the same CAPS characters that you put in, regardless of orientation in the phrase.
2) If your word/phrase is > 7 characters, then the ratio of CAPS to other characters must be <= 1. Otherwise, you get an outcome of all lowercase.
Example phrases (input -> output):
Proving point 1:
T -> T
TE -> TE
TESTABCD -> testabcd
T E -> T E
T E S -> T E S
T E S T -> T E S T
T E S T A -> t e s t a (5 caps, 4 other characters -> 5/4 > 1, outcome is lowercase)
Proving point 2:
TESTABCDabcdefgh -> TESTABCDabcdefgh ( 8 caps, 8 other characters, 8/8 <= 1 -> output is CAPS)
TESTABCDabcdefg -> testabcdefg (8 caps, 7 other characters, 8/7 > 1 -> output is lowercase)
TESTABCDabcdef g -> TESTABCDabcdef g (8 caps, 8 other chars (space included there) -> 8/8 <= 1, output is CAPS)
Yeah.....now you know. Feel free to comment any exceptions you find to these rules, I am curious if they would hold up. Or just roast me, either works. Peace
TL;DR Stay in school kids.