Kongregate and ArmorGames Removal and Knight Transfers

Greetings Knights,
Spiral Knights is being removed from Kongregate and ArmorGames because playing within the browser is no longer supported by most browsers. The game will be officially removed on June 2nd, 2017.
In some cases, it’s possible for us to move your knight to a standard web account that was created through our website, once you verify your ownership of the account.
If you are still able to log into the game through Kongregate, please do so and follow the directions on the prompt you see upon logging in. Once you send us your account name there, you will need to email us with the requested information.
If you cannot log into Kongregate or you use ArmorGames and would like to transfer your knights, please take the following steps:
- Download and install the client from here.
- Set up a new account.
- Create one knight on the new account to activate it.
- If you are transferring 3 knights, please delete the knight you had to create in order to activate the account. Each account can only have 3 knights.
- Email support@spiralknights.com and provide the new account name along with the names of all the knights you want moved.
- Establish your ownership of the account by providing the information you have available (see below).
Ownership can be established in the following ways:
- Note the date and time of the last purchases you made with Kreds for energy.
- Note any interactions you had with support, for example were you ever suspended or did you ever change your knight’s name?
Please be aware that this process will take time. Knight moves are done by hand and need to be reviewed individually. The deadline to request a knight move is July 5th, 2017. Please Note that certain account bound things can't be transferred over to the new account, like the expansion mission Operation Crimson Hammer and account specific achievements.