Game froze, but was still running.

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Bild des Benutzers Pery-Alaois

Basically, the game lagged and then froze(during a game of lockdown), but it was still going on(I could still hear the music and sound effects), but all I could see was a frozen screen.

P.S. Is this considered a bug? If not, where do I put this?


Bild des Benutzers Grimreaperlord
Ditto, my Dude, Ditto.

For some reason, it only appears to be a visual error. The game still runs the code, but visually, you're stuck on the same screen. You can open menus and all, but you can't actually see anything. I think it's a graphics related problem.

Bild des Benutzers Traveling-Vanguard
Same issue myself, but might be able to help.

Happens to me on two versions of Spiral Knights; Steam and normal Spiral Knights log in. They tend to happen in specific areas, such as:

>Lockdown (Upper Right area of Forest, Upper and Lower right-hand areas in Gardens, and sloped area in Ruins right as well)
>Lichenous Lair (Upper Right corners in specific spots near Treasure Boxes and even the Arsenal safe area)
>In Cold Blood 4th floor/Lizard Lounge (Right before you're able to get out of the snake-like maze to then face two gun puppies, able to grab the key and break some boxes)
>Jigsaw Valley (May update later for a more definite answer, but notably within both Axes of Evil and Beyond the Axes of Evil)

Most of the reasons tend to lead to a file error when it comes to registering 'too much' at once in a specific spot. I know two solutions to the problem at hand that could fix it, both physically going into the game files and a quick solution to try on Steam and regular SK download. I do not have the physical solution at the moment, but I will try coming back in the near future to post here. For now, these are the quick solutions that I do myself:

Spiral Knights Website Download

  • Open up another window of Spiral Knights
  • Log in again and wait for the loading screen to appear
  • Close the 'frozen' tab

That's all you need to do! Simple as that and able to have a moving screen yet again. To be warned though, for Lockdown wise, make sure you move a little more right before logging in on the other window. Otherwise, you may get kicked out of your game.

Steam Spiral Knights

  • Open up either the quick play version of Spiral Knights from the website or downloaded version to another window
  • Have both windows non-fullscreen so that you can operate fully at hand
  • Either log in a guest account, create a new one or use a normal login that you may own (Better to have one that you had already created and reached Rescue Camp with if you're frozen on Lockdown; No time hassling)
  • Use the new login to act as your 'visual', while you use the frozen screen to control your character still

This one is more of a pain to do, but best if you want to just get the job done in either Lockdown or depth exploring to relog in afterward. Just remember to be cautious about the area your screen's frozen in.

Hope that this helps out.
