Join the Arete Squad today. The Arete Squad at the moment consists of about 20 devoted members who will help any other devoted Knights. I have informed my officers to play in the Clockworks with knights who wish to join to see if you are worthy. We won't judge your rank, but skill, devotion, and generosity.
Arete has three Guild Master, me, Utainium, the original, Toiongo, and Necrophyliac. We now have two officers, Trazaki and Triovantes. We are a small guild but we are all friends and will do almost anything for eachother, you can be part of that. We go into the Clockwork together all the time, and when we don't have enough energy, we trade materials, stories, weapons, armor, and helmets with each other.
Here are some rule of the clan:
1) only officers can stand on my podium.
2) our official costume is the magic cloak and hood (it's a new rule, so we are working on it)
3) All Knights in the guild must be 150% devoted to the game and the guild.
4) we all must give a little and take a little.
5) when a fellow Arete Squad Knight is in need help him.
6) Take orders, don't give orders.
Follow these and you may be worthy to join the Arete Squad.
ARETE! (pronounced Ar-tay)
Steps to becoming a Arete Recruit:
1) find an Arete Squad member
2) ask them to get into the guild and to go into the clockwork with you.
3) play one level with them, play it the best you can.
4) Let the member decide whether or no you're worthy: no=go away, yes=ask them to add you into the guild.
5) IF YES: come meet three officers or the guild master.
Different ways to be promoted in Arete:
1) you can be a great fighter and asset to Arete
2) be generose
3) show respect
4) help all the guild members
Some of these ways are more important than others, so aim to be all of the above.
The ways to be promoted are also the ways to not be kicked out of Arete. Once kicked out you will not be acceped back in.
(possible exceptions)