TOMC(not the full name) is a new guild I will be starting soon, to bring together a group of spiral musketeers, ready and willing to bring all they got to the game. In this guild we follow the code of the O.R.C.H.I.D(O,order R,respect C,commitment H,honor I,ingenuity D,dynamics). Order, don't be sloppy always try bring a certain level of order to every trip into the clockworks even if your alone. Respect, self explaining always respect your senors. Commitment, always finish what you start, always fight to the death. Honor, always retain your honor don't sink to the level of beggars, rude newbies, or stalkers. Ingenuity, if your in a tight spot try to think your way out be creative. And finally Dynamics, defeat your enemies in a big and dynamic way. If you want join send me an in game mail, respond on this forum, or try to find me in game. the guild isn't up yet but i will still accept audition requests and will add you to my friends list to invite you to the guild. Sorry about the long post but if you stayed with this long I thank you.
My IGN is halisi