Hi guys, I have played this game for like 3 years or somerhing like that but stopped back in 2014 (my account is 6 years and a few weaks old) because of many reasons but principaly because i got bored by the lack of new content. Has the game changed enough to start again? Is the french community really dead :,( im from quebec). Depending on your answers i might start playing again. Is the as a whole still alive? Answer honestly plz :) sry for my bad english btw
Be honest plz
Prepare to be disappointed cuz nothing has changed.
Gunner Update
To put it simply, OOO gave you all the gunner gears you will ever need. Making pick and choose gears to balance out the resistances completely redundant. Just pick the [Insert the name of the generic gunner gear name here] set you want and craft it. Obliterating SK's intricacy.
Catalyzer got reworked, it is a lot better than before, but nothing that will make you competitive in PvP. Magnus arguably got the longer end of the stick by having a good charge attack. But Pulsar guns got nerfed, which is the first good balancing done by OOO. the whole LD community praised them for less than 13 seconds before drone on about AT.
New Missions
Admittedly, the new missions are a breath of (albeit too challenging for the reward offered, except for the rad bonus for completing some of them) fresh air. But nothing that will rival the FSC grind in terms of gain vs. time. Except for the last mission.
Dreams and nightmare. OOO cheerleaders' primary argument that SK's current meta is not as grindy as people are making it out to be. Which is pretty much a lie as the mission doesn't yield much in the way of crowns. The things you need to buy recipe and stuff.
And as a spoiler, agent Kora actually had the audacity to justify 7 years worth of murdering the clockwork denizens with that fact that the knights may be able to stop the evil that lurks in the heart of the clockwork (which if the swarm was a threat, why hasn't it wiped out cradle already?) thus validating our unwanted stay on the clockwork. Of course, the only two knights who actually did any hard work are Euclid and Parma. But that is a debate for another day.
Grey Havens
Saying that GH took over SK is a bit exaggerated, considering GH Ltd. is a company (?) formed by the remnant of the original OOO crew, they love their games and kudos to them that they cared enough for this game (as SEGA certainly didn't, yes, they laid off SK) to spend money out of their own wallet (with some generous 'donation' from the whales to boot) to keep this game alive.
Other games like puzzle pirates are kept alive as well, but I know you are here for SK.
Sleep Update
You can't really put something that already exist in the game file back into a game as an update. Sleep got reworked to be a 'balanced' status effect. The two good things to come out of this update are arguably the pierce resist bomber set (now we just need a shadow bomber set that we don't have to do virgin sacrifice to the RNG god to obtain).
And the second one been the sleep haze bomb, very situational and can be a great asset in danger missions and SL. But keep in mind shivermist is better over all for crowd control and constructs are immune to sleep. And yet they can be poisoned, wait, what?
We've had a rather large number of updates, but actual PvE clockworks content hasn't changed all too much. We have better farming grounds for certain things (Dreams and Nightmares), a handful of new levels (Starlight Cradle), a "new" status (Revamped Sleep), but that's about it.
A handful of other updates have come through over time, such as Hazardous Hardcore mode for lockdown (no AT and control point hazards), the slime casino (it's what it sounds like it is, but it has some nice things in it), and a whole lot of cosmetics. If you're only playing the game to experience something new I'd recommend coming on back and giving the new stuff a go - perhaps you'll get a spark in you that keeps you around. If you constantly need new things you won't be here forever, but hey you may make some new friends and memories, and that's equally as important. :)
All right i guess i'll make a return for a little time but i doubt my friends are still around hahahha :/ doesnt matter i guess ill make new ones:).
However, nobody knows what happened to french comunity?
Oh and now that i think about it i remember the reason that made me ragequit for good: i bought a very rare winter coat and hat (dont remember the name) for like 3,5 million in game money (at the Time it was a loooooott idk now) and one or two years after they made a event and you could but it for like five bucks :,(
That was a dck move and it was the thing that made me give up. Is that skin still coming back every year? ._.
Thx all you guys for answering so quickly!
Ps: Fangel you've been around for a while havent y'a? I think i remember seeing you a few time, maybe im wrong tho.
All right i guess i'll make a return for a little time but i doubt my friends are still around hahahha :/ doesnt matter i guess ill make new ones:).
However, nobody knows what happened to french comunity?
Oh and now that i think about it i remember the reason that made me ragequit for good: i bought a very rare winter coat and hat (dont remember the name) for like 3,5 million in game money (at the Time it was a loooooott idk now) and one or two years after they made a event and you could but it for like five bucks :,(
That was a dck move and it was the thing that made me give up. Is that skin still coming back every year? ._.
Thx all you guys for answering so quickly!
Ps: Fangel you've been around for a while havent y'a? I think i remember seeing you a few time, maybe im wrong tho.
Yeah, your situation is unfortunate, buying something for such a high price, only to have flash sales kill the value. Ah well, deal with it, guess we gotta learn somehow eh?
if you mean the Winterfest Coat, it was in the supply depot the next year, but not any time since.
They have it as a rare box prize in an event every year now, but that takes a lot of grinding just to get enough tokens for one box.
Yeah it was the winterfest coat and hat. I dont get why they do that. They could at least change the name or modify the skin a little because my skin litteraly lost all its value. They should do like in card games: when you rerelease something theres got to be a way to deferenciate the original from the new edition.
It pisses me off si much, but i guess i cant do anything about it...
Winterfest Coat is worth something now I believe... Could be wrong, I haven't played for a few months. I don't know for certain (I don't speak German, French, or Spanish), but I'd wager some serious money that the French community is dead. :/ The English community is still sort of alive. There's usually one Haven instance with red capacity, and during dead hours yellow, but it's nothing like it used to be.
I have also played for over 5 years now, I do not want to let the game die I hope that there is going to be a new clockwork update. :CCC
They still are working on this game but who knows how long it will take.
You might want to read Release/all, although it's not being updated anymore. Here are the high points:
2014-12-03 we got the "gunner update", with new guns (mostly variations on old guns) and gunner armors (all variations on one idea).
2015-02-18 we got some new rank missions.
2015-05-13 we got some more new rank missions. Dreams and Nightmares is a good place to farm Radiant Fire Crystals.
2016-04 Grey Havens took control of the game from Sega/Three Rings. This is when Release/all stopped being updated.
2017-05-12 we got the "sleep update", with some new equipment, levels, monsters, etc.
So you can see that we've had some new content --- not a ton, but not nothing. You might as well come back, play what there is, then take another break.