How is so much new unbound 5* gear showing up? Have people really been sitting on UV Divine Avengers and UV Gran Fausts for a couple months? And then i've noticed it seems like some people have bunches of unbound 5* UV gear all at once. It's crazy when one person is offering 4-5 pieces of 5* uv unbounds. Where are people finding these?
Anyone have any thoughts?
Unbound 5* gear
Obviously i mean have people been setting on them since the patch that bound them. Yep. That's what i mean. Obviously.
Obviously i mean have people been setting on them since the patch that bound them.
Well, obviously. That's the only explanation.
No. They're hacking. D'ooooohh
With the energy market hitting it's current numbers, and the new influx of players, I wouldn't be surprised to see many accounts of players who "quit" returning, at least to check out the scene. Of course their unbound gear (many of the players who did quit did so because they were high tier crafters who felt dumped on by the bound gear patch) would fetch a grand price on the market, highly sought after for any player racing the game.
I hope they patch in the unbinding vendor soon. I know it's gonna cost a lot, but it's something that would let me gift a sealed sword my friend :\ Until then I'ma just keep diving and hope I can beat jk with her noob ass lol ^_^
I think the new unbinding feature would be for crafted bound items; token items will still be bound most likely.
afaik - you can simply unbind any item. If you cannot unbind sealed sword, I'm sure you could still unbind fausts and avengers :\
There is no unbindinding service in the game _yet_.
Yes, fausts and avenges fall under crafted bound items.
Have people really been sitting on UV Divine Avengers and UV Gran Fausts for a couple months?
You mean a month ago when the patch came out and a bunch of people left and are now probably coming back to sell the unbound items in their inventory?