Since I started the game in 2012 to the end of 2017, I may not be playing so frequent, mostly stalking the forums, i still see you guys active and kicking.
So a shoutout to you dudes for being with us in the community guiding the new players at every step! Sorry if I missed someone i should've called out.
The silent guardians who have watched upon us since year of SK.
Call out to Bopp, Fangel, Fehzors and Midnight-Dj

I mean, thanks? I don't really guide players nowadays, but thanks.

I also join in thanking the tireless forum guardians
(´。• ᵕ •。`) <3

I would like to thank the multiple Fehzors too.

Ayyy thanks! It means a lot to me. I pretty much only get criticism and bans as feedback for posting here, so it's really good to know that someone out there even vaguely values anything I do or say. I'll probably be going on a long, never-ending vacation that lacks wifi and any form of communication sooner or later, so the GMs and haters don't have to worry too much about me.
The reason I'm now Fehzor's-forum-alt is because of Steam verification requiring me to check my phone every single time I logged in, which was garbage. So I just made an account on my alt and started using that. At one point I think I mihgt have confused the GMs or something so I made it clear who I was and that I'm not trying to evade anything. Also the Fehzor brand is slightly known probably in a bad way? /shrug

I guess all that's left is for Fangel to show up, huh?
I will say that I always get confused between Fangel and Midnight-Dj at first because they have the same profile pic.

But I disappear for months at a time. You're constant, ever-present, like a force of nature or The Joker.

That's funny because Fangel and Midnight are like polar opposites.

I hope one day I can see my name there too
though I don't go on the forums much, but expect to see more of my "posts" on the sub-reddit

Have any Purple Spirals been handed out since...gosh idk...Tevokkia?

I'm pretty sure they only give those out to people they're friends with and that have worked on the game... so... Fangel? Since Fangel is chums with the GMs or something? But I don't think Fangel has actually contributed content in a meaningful way to the game so.... I mean I certainly haven't helped either, I've offered but been turned down several times.. which is sad considering they let people make advertising videos for Puzzle Pirates? If anything I've been detrimental. I was too hard on them early on. I was just a kid back then and I didn't know what I was doing. It would be nice to give back beyond buying into a cosmetics fueled gambling addiction, but I honestly don't think they're going to continue with us unless maybe Puzzle Pirate's new thing fails but even then, it's rather bleak like I do want them to succeed on that but at the same time...
If there's a player that actually deserves one it's Novaster but I don't think they got one. Novaster should have gotten one like hands down, he basically wrote every other article on the wiki. I know TF2 has an item called the wiki cap for people like Novaster, which would be about the same.

I er, thanks? I'm less active here now due to being on the job search instead of checking in whenever I had downtime at work (which was often, sadly).
Glad to know I'm somewhat of a help around here. I've been more active on our Discord channel and subreddit, but I try to drop in on my usual subforums when I find time. :)
And to be fair, sometimes I confuse Midnight-Dj's posts with my own. I'm like "since when did I becom- ohh that's not me."

I sorta crushed Midnight-Dj's ability to help on the forums with logic, so you can take him off the list. Bopp, Fangel, and Fehzor are excellent though, they give well thought out advice.

You have logic? You have about as much logic as an actual piece of bacon.
The opposite sides of a same coin doesn't look too different now do they?

You know, the number of times I've had people describe themselves as "the opposite version of me" is rather high. You're your own person, I'm my own person, and we simply disagree on a lot of things. There's no reason you need to latch onto me to define yourself when there's are so many ways to describe yourself that are much more true to yourself. :)

the number of times I've had people describe themselves as "the opposite version of me" is rather high. You're your own person, I'm my own person, and we simply disagree on a lot of things.
For every reaction there is an opposite and equal reaction Fangel. And every human living on this planet are puppeted by force beyond their understanding, you did not arrive to this version of you out of your own sheer determination, I know you want to believe otherwise, but really, can you say that all those money you invested into SK didn't make you even the slightly bias towards this game? Or that you will be just as positive as you would be without someone like me around?
I didn't come to this version of myself out of my own sheer determination either, I know, much to my own regret (and give Thinslayer some ammunition) that my decision weren't made entirely on my own. Not that I am saying there is a God out there, but simply there are many simultaneous coincidences that guided me to this point. And you are one of those many coincidences. Along with others: Draycos, Arknightdelta, Thinslayer, Mawashimono, Fehzor, Pi, Skepticraven, Feline-grenadier, Doctorspacebar and so on.
This forum has subtlety shaped my mentality up to this point. And you played a part in my transformation and vice versa, I know you would disagree because you simply cannot entertain even the slightest possibility that I or this game have influenced you in any way. But I for once say: I will remember what happened here, on this game forum, for a long time to come.

In spite of being almost completely inactive, we are the most dramatic forum of all time.

In spite of being almost completely inactive, we are the most dramatic forum of all time.
I think 4 chan would disagree.

Is "Fangel" pronounced "fang (silent g) el", "fan gel" or "fan jel"?
Sorry to break up everything but I want to know.

I share data such that others can make informed decisions.
If that happens to align with the interests of new players or disagreeing with incumbent ideas, so be it. But that's where my forum involvement ends. I have a long list of ingame players that are deserving of the same thanks for helping other players.
There are many subpopulations within this game that fill niches for the players that enjoy playing.
While the aforementioned list may seem incomplete or sometimes even wrong to most of the readers, it is the community that the original poster interacted with.
I can only hope that all kind acts of assistance do not go unnoticed.

Agreed. I hardly ever comment but I pop into the forums occasionally and it's actually really nice to see you guys still around.

Isn't it pronounced "Fane-gel", like angel but with a 'f' in front? You know, like a fake angel. Fake + angel = Fangel.

I leave for New York for four days and people start talking about me.
But yes, it is "angel" with a soft "F" tagged on front of it. It stands for "Fanelisan Angel".

Heh, I got it right. That has always been how I pronounced it whenever I thought about how to write my closing speech.
That's nice. Thanks. You forgot at least Skepticraven and Zeddy.