I am wondering what people would prefer and what would be more beneficial for the game and the company, promos or New content accompanied with
As we know promo give some money to the company,breath to continue working-developing.Recently I find the new themed promos more intersting than the usuall recolouring stuff..the question is,if its better for the company to have promo only or make content and accompany it with the promos.
Making only promo is a faster procedure and gives money to make things run,on the other hand the lack of content make players lose interest and force em to play less or even quit the game.
The second option is new content along with the promo theme.The pirate or the viking theme was very good and if you combine it with pirate stages for example,i believe that with one stone you ll hit 2 birds.New content>bigger interest-->more players-->increase of promo sales.Of course the time and the money to produce something like that will be more demanding from simply creating a promo alone..
What do you think?Is it better to publish promos alone or with new content?What will help the development more?(of course not all promos can be accompanied with,we cant expect every promo to give new content too).
I am wondering what people would prefer and what would be more beneficial for the game and the company
Try to understand small indie developers, their issues and difficulties. Game development is not full of clean skies. Of course content+promo is better, but Grey Havens know best how to work this thing.